Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

· · Mofes ·his Selfe - deni~.ll. 73 dence of God, that bee might live' to 'root·out tsther4nifme, which bee pre-:. fenrlybe'gan to doe: this evill ufe he~ made of his g~eat deliverance : So~~ of you have b~en ~elivered from grt-af dangers) but for a better purpofe, ~hat 1 you might now beeof ufe, torootout profontntjfe, Athei{me ~ and fuptrflitio»; and happy are you, and happy 1lnll we, be in you)ifit may apptare that you ar~ referved for this worke of the Lord. . Th~d!y' kta!l_g_o~,rather t~en~ee 3, brcu..g ..J.. to £,Q!!l_I!Jlt~(l_y unne t ~e li~g better have all the ;world (aft lhame in ou_r f3&es; an(fupbratlus,.then chat -o~~ confcicnces fuould caft dirt in them: It is better fo endure all chefrowns and an.. . . er 0 te... reaten'oftneearth~trien io 1ave an a~E.tY-£2nf~~~ w1~~~~~, . ~re!f! : 1t 1s better towant arrthe plea.:. · 1'i.ires that earth can' afford, then to lofe the delights that a good confcience wiil bring in. 9 h 'let the bird in the breaft al~ai e s bt kept flnging;whatfoever we fuffer for it; it is better to lofe all wee I have; then to make' fl_lip-wracke of a ,~ goo~ c.onfcience. In this ~afe you mufl: ' be ~!llmg to l?fe all, · ?r dfe you 1~ft \.