Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

.The Contents. Pag. Pag. teffons whereby Chrill teach- "''' ts "'"""l.' 84 . eth Contentment.. 7 Leffon , To ~,ow tht burtbe~t of" Jr.()JP.eroMs ejlAtt Ss · I Stlf-Jeni~tl 68 Which is fourfol<;l wher~by If c l:riflian ~nO 'liS I The blft<thln of trQNb!e ib-. I ThAt he is nothin,g 69 l. Tht l1•rdtn o{d~tnger 86 ~ ThAt lu Jeferves nothtng ib. 3 Tht b~trdtn of D:>~ty ~" 3 Th~~t h~ c11n do nothing 70 4 Tht bNrdm of 11Cco~nt 1~ . 4 Th~tt he cAn receive 110 go.•d . 8 Leffon, A gn"t evtl·to be gz• rJf hit»[tlf Jb, fltn "}to INr ow~t btarts de5 .If God •irhJr~tr~ hitnftlf he · ftrt . , 91 cAn ma~t H[t of nothi11~ it, --·-----,- 6 That he is '!lorfe thA,n nothing SE RM0 N V I. ·- . ' 71 ------- 7 ThAt therr is •• /ofs of hiw if 9 Lellhn, Tlu ri!ht ~r~mledg of /, ;rrifh . io. Gods PrfWiilenu 9-i- ·s ThAt be co•n tQ rtjoyct in Wherein four thin~$ God's w•ys 71. I The !tniver[Aiity •f Jt ib. ~ Leffon, To~,.,., the 'IIA,ity 2. Tht Effie~tcy of it ~'5 . ~f tht CreAtN.rt · 7 3 3 The Varitty of it 1b. 3 Lc:ffon, To ~no• th~t (me 4 61d1 p1rticN/t1r J.t~tling with 'thing Ntctj[ArJ 74 hiJ ptop/t. · · 97 ---·---·---- In three ~hings S iE R M0 N V. I Thty Are ordinArily;,. 11j]li• ~------- ftitm 98 4 Lelfon, To · ~no•.:hiJ .,.·elAtion l. Wht• ht intm~s tbt• gre4tin this world 76 t/J rmrgJu hr brings the'!' 5 Leffon, whtrein the .:o64 •f lo'llltjJ 1b · tbt CrtlfiNrt is 79 3 Ht 'III Qr~J by C ullt'rAritt 99 6 Leffon, The k.,nowltit of his The Excel1encie of Con- . own ilt11rt Sz tc:ntment. I· Whichhelpr to C9nttnt·mmt · t Excc:Ilencie, By it .,,/give ! by difcovtrinl 11btrt difc~n- . (;'oJ his iNt ''lf.Orjhip I CH ' · t~nt /iel ibid. z Excel. in it thlrt is ,Mch ex- ~ Bj ~n•wi~g_ 'llbAt is [NtAble to I ercife ofgr11c.e I 01 ottr cOJ_Jili'U·Pn 83 I Thert u rntJcli f/rtngt~ . of J. BJ thu we ~,.o., """( ""'Art gr~trl 1bid, l 2. ~ Thtre