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The rare Jew$/ of.ChriJJjan Contemmenr. 3 ~ children or fervi~u,and there is nothing b'ut brabli~gar~d difcontent among them, now they many times are burdened wit~ their ovvn difcontent, and perhaps will fay one to another, This life is vc:,ry uncomfortable for us to ~in~· thus difcontented fo as vve cJo; but have y0u ever tryed this way,the hufband and the wife ? have you ever got alone and faid,Come,O let os go, and humble our fdves before God together, let Ui go into our chamber and hu~ble our fouls before God for our fin, whereby we have abufed thofe mercies that God hatb ta.ken away from us,and we hne provok•d God againfl ns, 0 let us charge our felves with our fi n, and be humbled before the Lo~d toge- · ther, hne you tried fach a way as this is? Ob you would find the cloud would b.e taken away,and tbe Sun ~vould 1bine in upon you, and you would have a great deal more Contentment tban eve( yet y.ou bad : If ~. mans e(bre be broken, either by plunderers, or any other way; ooiV how ili~U this man haYe Contentment? how? By the breaking of his heart; God hat! · broken thy efiate, Oh feek to him for cbe breaking of thy heart likevvife; ·Indeed a broken efiate, .and a ~vhole hearr, a bard heart, will not joyn together, tilere will f:Je no contentment; but a broken eCtate, and a broken heart, will fo fuit together, as there will be more Contentment than ther_e was before; add therefore to the breaking of thy eHate, the breaking of thy heart _ what thou canft, and_ that is the way to be cemented in aClmftian ma1~ner, which is the Third Myftery in Chriftian Contentation. · Tbe fourth thing is this; It is not [o r»Hch the um.ev!ng.of the ttjfliili914 that is upon us, AJtht changing rJf tbt izjflitlio(l-, the Met4mCJrpbo(ingof the ajfb[iion, -wh~n it is ql$i!' turned a':d cb:mged into •mother thjng: I mean m regard ot the ufe of H, though for the matter the affiichon abide Hill. The w~y of contentment to a carnal heart it's only the removing oftb~ ·affi : tti. on,Oh t,hat it may be gone; no but faith a gracious,.!J<?tr, God hath _caught !ne a ·way for(onte.nt:nent though the a fflt~ion· thall continue Hill for the matter of tt,bqt there is a vertue of grace to turn this affii&ion into good ; it takes away but only the fling and poyfon of it ~ As now, Suppofe poverry, A man~ eftate is loft ; well~ is there no way to be contented till yoa.I'elhte be G m~e