Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. !.Sett. i. Di(eafes ofthe Minde. Memb.r.Subf+ 10 !Jec . met. lib. 3 r.c. 122. Pierim, B(Jdine, Zteingtr, Zeiglcr, Petecer, WicrtJ.s~ ----Spra"ger, &c, This malady, faith Avicenna, troubleth men mofr in Februa. p C•P· de M <Ill. rie, and is now adaies frequent in Bohemia and Hungary ,according top Heur- ;,.;:~:;,;~:~pfir nitu, Schernitziu; will ~aveit common in Livonia. They lye hidmofr part adcflimmod"a, all day, and goeabroad mthemght, barkmg,howhng, at graves and deferts; P"" 'di,lingua *they have ttjiMfly hollow eyes,[Cabbed legs and thighes, very dry andpale, faith {'~~p.9. art. q Altomarm; he gives a reafon there ofall thefymptomes, and fets downe a HJd'"fbohia. briefe cure ofthem. Hydrophobia, is a kinde ofmadnelfe, well knowne in every village, which , Lih·l·"P-9· com€Sby the biting of amad dogge, or fcratchmg, f:1ith' AtmlianuJ; roufLih·7.del'e- ching, or fmelling alone fomerimes, asr Sckwlm<J proves, and is incident to nenir. many other creatures as well as men: fo called, becaufe the parties a!feeted cannot endure the fight ofwater,or any liquor,fuppofing frill they fee amad dogge in it.And which is more wonderfull, though they be very dry, (as in tLib.J·"P·, l this malady they arc) they w!ll ratherdJC then dnnkG: 'C&~luu Atmliamu, de morbi. acu· an ancient wmer, makes a doubt whetherthisHydrophob~a be a pallionof tiJ. the body or the minde.The part affected is the Braine: thecaufe poyfonthat comes from the mad dogge, which is fo hot and dry, that it confumes all the "spie<l.,, moifrure in the body. "Htldefheim relates offome that died fo mad; and be. in" cur up. had no water, !Carce bloud, or any moifrure left in them.Tofuch as"are fo affeeted, the feare ofwater begins at r4• dayes after they are bitten, tofomeagaine nottill4o.or 6o.dayes after: commonly faith Hwrnitu· they beginne to rave, flye water, and glalfes, to looke red, and [well in th~ face,about zo, dayes after (1f fome remedy be not taken in the meanetime) to lye awake, to be penfive, fad? to fee frrange vifions, to barke and howle,' • sc~enl(i>M. to fall into a~ woune,and ofrenumes ~ts of.the ~allmg_fickneiie. xSome fay, ~ib.dc Fenenu. little thmgs hkewhelps Will be feene mthe1r urmes. Hany ofthefe fignes ap. peare, they are pafr recovery. Many umes thefe fymptom~s will not appear y Lib. deHy- till fix or [evenmonths after,fa1th YCodronchtf!; and fommmes not till7. or dropbobia. 8. yeares,as Gt~ianeritu; u.asAlbertm;6.or 8.mombsafter,as Galen holds. Baldu; thegreatlawyer died of It: anAujlm Frur, and a woman in Delph, , ob(ervat.lib. that were'- Forreftm patients, weremiferably confumed with it. The com- •o·'l· moncure in the country (for fuch at leafiasdwell neerethefeafide) is to duck them over head and eares in fea water; fome ufc charmes; every good wife can prefcribe medicines. But the befr cure to be had in fuch cafes, is; from the mofrapproved Phyficians; they that will reade ofthem,may confultwith Diofcorides lib. 6. c. 37· Hwrnim,Hildejheim,Capivaccim,Forreftu;, s ckenkitts, and before all others Codronchus an Italian, who hath latcly written two exqmfitc bookes ofthlsfubJeCt. cborm(anlli chorus (anflt Viti, or faint Vitusdance; the lafcivious dance,' Paracelji;s PITi. . callsit,becaufe they that are taken with it, can do nothing but dance till they · ;1:;~~:;,";,,4, be dead,or cured. It is fo called, for that the parties fo troubled were wonf d~ morbuamen- to go to faint Vitus for helpe, andafierthey had danced there a while, they ~~;:,~11 ;:· were b certainly freed. 'Tis frrange to heare how long theywill dance,and in plnrimnmrem what manner, over frooles, formes,tables; even great belliedwomenfometJ•m "mpro- times (and yet never hurttheir childe) will dance fo long that they canfrirre ' 111 ' ' neitherhandnorfoot, butfeemeto be quite dead. One in red clothes they annot abide.Mufick above all things they love,andtherfore theMagifrrares - - - in