Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.t.Secl.x. Digrefsiono(Anatomy. Memb.z.Subf.x. nail foule is better able to make rdi!bi:tce ;fo are.they moreor lefl'e affeCled. 13 For that which is but a flea-biting to one, caufetb infufferabletormemto another; &which one by his fingular moderation, and well compofed carriage can happily overcome, a fe~ond IS no whtt able to full~t~e; but upon every [mall occafionof mifconcetved abufe, mJury, gnefe, dtfgrace, loile, crofl'e, rumor &c.(iffolitary,or idle)yeelds fofarreto paflioryhat hiscoriiplexion is altcr~d, his digellion hindred, his fleepe gone_, his fpirits obfcured1 a!Jd hi5 heart hcavie, his Hypocondnes mlfaffeCled;;y)n·de, cruduy, onafuddeno· verrakc him, and he himfelfe overcomewith Mdanc_holy. A11d as it is with a -·"·< _man imprifoncd for debt, ifonce in thega?le, every Creditor will bring his aClion againll him, and there hke.ly hold_hun: Ifanydl(c?memfe,ze upon": patient, in an inllam all other perrurbauons (for-qt<a.da~a porta rutmt)_ will [et upon him, and then like a lame dogge or broken. w~nged goofe he droopes and pines away, and 1S brought at !all to that tllhab1t or m~lady of . melancholy it felfe. So that as the Ph1lofophers mak~x e1ght degrees ofheat x CaJiJum .J. and cold: we mav make 88.of Melancholy ,as the pa~ues affeCled are drvei·fly ::J•;J~~-~'!"' feized with it, or have bcene plunged more or ldfe Into th1s mfemall gulfe, h~una. noofa; or waded deeper im'? it. But all thefe Melancholy fits, howfocver p!eafing at <it£/f¥em. Jirll,or difpleafing,v10lent & ryranmzmg over tbo~e whom they fe1zcon for the rime;yer rhcfe firs I fay ,or men affeC!ed,are bur tmproperly focalled, becaufe rhey coprinue.not, bur tome & go, as by fome objects they are moved. . ThisMrlanchol_v 0~ which we_aretorrear, is an habit, morbHI fonticHI, or yl.ihd. (:h~•tiicm,a Chron•ckeorconrmuared•feafe,a fetled humor,as Y Aurtli~t;tm, z Fu(chi.,t.3; ;md "orhets callit,no: erram,but fixed;and as it was long increafing, fonowfr:·;-;;t-'· · peing <pieafant, or painliill)growne to ari habir,it will hardly be removed. ~;'~: eun.Jot, Sscr. I. MeM n.z. Suassc. r. Digrejion ofAnatomy. Eforei proceed to define theDifeafeof Melttnchotj, what it is~ or ro difcourfc farrher ofir,I hold it nor impertinent ro Jii'ake a briefe Digreflion Of the anatomy of rhe body and faculties of rbe foule; . forrhc·better under-llariding of that which is ro follow; becaufe many hard words will often occurre, as Ny,.che, Hypocondrits, Hemrods &c,ImaJination,Reafon,Hu,.ours,Spirits,Vitali,Naturtt!l, AnimaU,Nwvu: Vetnes, Arteries, chylHI, Pituit11; which of the vulgar will not fo eafily be perceived, wha~ they are, how fired, and to what end they fervc. And befides, it may peradvemtiregive occafion ro fome men, to ·examine more accurately,fearch farther into thismoft excellent f~bjeCl,and rherupon witli . that Royell *Proph. ~tto pratfe God, (for aman u ftarfi•Uy andwondei:fofly • PfaJ.l9-1 $~ made, andcHrioufly wr011ght) that have rime and leifureenough,and are fulli - ciemly informed in all other worldly bufinclfFs, a5 ro make a good oargaint, buy and fell, tokeepe and make choice of a faire Hauke, Hound, t;!orfe, &c. But for fuch matters as concernethe knowledgeof themfelves, they are wholly ignorant and carelelfc, rhey know not what rhlsBody and _ B3 - Sou-k