Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pim.x.SeCl:.x. .Anatomy ofthe B1dy. Memb.z.Subf. 4 . rl! goe totheftoole. In the midft~f thefegut~ is fituated t~eMe{entrriu'?' or ----M idriffe, compofed ofmany vemes, Arrenes, and much. fat, fervmg ch1efly to fuftainethe guts.All thefe parts ferve the firfi concocnon. Tothe fecond, which is bufied either in refining the good nourilhment, or ,expelling the bad is chiefly belonging to the Liver, like in colour to congealed bloud,the fuopofbloud, fituate in the right Yypocondry? in figure lik~ to an halfc Moone, Generofum membrum, Melantlhon fhles 1t,agenerous parr; 1t ferves to rurne the chyl<H to bloud, for the nourifhmem of the Body. The excrernents ofit are either Cholerick or Watery, which the other fubordinate parts convey. TheGallplacedinthe concave of theLiver,extractsCholertoit ; the spleene, Melancholy; which is fitu:ueon theleft fide, _over againfi the Li. ver, a fpungy matter; that drawes this blacke CholertO!t by afecret venue, ' and feeds upon it, conveying the reft to the bottome ofthe ll:omacke, to fiir up appetite, or elfeto theguts as anexcrement. That watery matter the two Kidnies expurgate, by thofe emulgent veines, and Yretem: The emulgent draw this fuperfluous moifture from the bloud; the two Yretercs convey it to the Bladder, which byreafonofhisiitein thelower belly, is apt tO receive it, having two parts, necke and boteome: the boteome holds the water, the neckeis conftringedwith a mufcle, which as aPorter, keeps the water from running out againft our will. Members ofgeneration 'are common toboth fexes, or peculiar to one; ·which becaufethey are impertinent to my purpofe, I doe voluntarily omit. )liddle Region Next in order is the middle Region,or cheft,which comprehends the vitaU faculties and parts:which(asl have [aid) is feparated from the lower belly, by theDiaphragmaorMldriffe,which is askinne conliftingofmany nerves, membranes; and amongft otherufes it hath, is the infirument of laughing. There is alfo acertaine thinnemembrane,full offinewes,which covereth the whole cheft within, and is called rle11ra, the feat of the difeafe called Plete. rijie, when it is inflamed; Come adde athird skinne,which is termed Mediafti. mu, which divides the cheft into two parts,right and left. Ofthis region the principal! part is theY eart, which is thefeat and fountaine of life, of heat, offpirits,ofpulfeand refpiration; the Sunne ofour Body, the King and foie commander of it: the feat and Organ of all paflions and affections. Frirnum vivem,ultimummorims, it lives firft, and dies !aft in all creatures:Ofa pyramidicall forme,and not much unlike to aPineapple; apart worthy of <I'W !" '/ 'admiration, that can yeeld fuch variety ofaffections, by whofe motion it is t;,ti!{;;;,,:.~ .. dilated or contracted, to fiir and command the humours in the body: As !"'J'""'• •f, in forrow, melancholy;in anger,choler;in joy,to fend the bloud outwardly; ~:.,t~uom,;::~- in forrow, to call it in; moving the humours, as Horfes doe aChariot. This ~·~·;~ •., ,.; Y eart, though it be one foie member, yet it may be divided into two creeks, ~~: ~~'" Right and Ltfr. The right is like the Moon~ in~rea~ng,bigger ~hen the other /ttiunt t3',.. parr,and rece1ves bloud fromYenacava,dlfinbunng fome of1t to the Lungs ~·~'' to nourilh them, the reft to the left fide, to if)gender fpirirs. The left Creekt bath the forme ofa Cone, and iHhe feat oflife, which as a torch doth oyle, drawes bloud unto it,begetting ofit fpirits and fire; and as fire in a torch,fo :Ire fpirits in thebloud, andbythatgreat .Artery called Aorta, it fends vitall fpirits overthe body, and takes aire from the Lungs, by that Arter1 which is cal!ed renofi:; So that both Creekes have theirVelfels ;theRight two · · - · · · Veines>