Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. J.Seet.x. Anatomy nftbe Body. Veines; the left two Arreries, befides tho!e two common anfraCtuous cares, x 9 which fervc rhemboth;rhe one to hold bloud,theorhermre,for feveral vfes. The Lunrrs is athinne fpungy parr, hke an Oxe hoofe, (faith" FerndtH4) the uPbyfiot.t.>.c. 8 Towne-Clarke orCryer ('one termesit) the in!l:rumem of voice, as an •.ufi'"'"'""" . ' d h ne I . h h b . g•. "fulmo Oratorto aK1ng; annexe to~ e!"fearr,Jo e~preue us t oug ts y vmce. v"umfhuThat it is rhe in!l:rumenr ofVOice,ts mamfe!l:,m that no creature can fpeak,or m~mum anne- . h' h h h r L' h I . b fid h . ll f/Jaurcordt, utter any votce, w tc. wanre.r t e1e . 1g rs. . t IS e 1 est em"ru.ment o ""'· Melani/IJ. rdpiration,or breathmg;and ItS office IS to coole the Hcart, by fendmg ayre unro ir, by the veno{all Artery, whic~ veine comes to thelungs by_rha.r atJer.tarteri4, which confifisofmany gn!Hes, membranes, nerves,takmgm aue at the nofe and mouth, and by it likewife'exhales the fumes ofthe Heart. In the upper Region ferving the anill)all faculties, thechiefe Organ is the Braine, which is a foft, marrowilh,and whitefubll:ance,ingendred ofrhe purell: parr offeed and fpirits, included by many skinnes,and feared within the skull or braine pan, and it is the moll: noble Organ under heaven, the dwelling houfeand feat oftheSoule,the habitation ofwifedome,memory,judgement, reafon,and inwhich man is moll: like unto God: and therefore nature hath covered ir with a skull of hard bone, and two skinnes or membranes, whereofrheone is called duramater, or meninx,rhe other piamater. The dura mater is next to the skull, above the other,which includes and prow5ts the: braine. When this is taken away, the pia mater is to befeene, a thinne membrane, the next and immediate coverofthe braine, and nor covering onely, butenrringinroit. TheBr.Uneit felfeisdivided into two parts, the fore and hinderpart ; the fore part is much bigger then the other, which is called the little brainein refpet1ofit. Thi$ fore part hathmany concavities dillinguilhed bycertainevenrricles, which are the receptacles of the Spirits, brought thither by the Arteries from theHeart, and are there refined to a more heauenly nature, to performe the actions ofthe Soule. Ofrhefe ventricles there bethree,Right,Left,andMiddle. The Ri ght.and Left anfwer ro their fire,and beget anim~ll fpirits; if they be any way hurr, fenfe and motion ceaferh. ThefeveDtricles moreover, are held to be the fear of the comwon fen!e. The: Middle vmtricle, is a commora concourfe and cavity of them both; and harh rwo palfages; the one to receive Pituit,., the other extends it felfe ro the fourth creeke: in this they place Imagination and Cogitation, and fo the: threeventriclesoftheforeparc ofrheBraine areufed. The fourth Creeke behinde the head,is common ro the Cerebel or little braine, and marrow of the back.bone,the lea!l:, and moll: folid ofalltherell,which receives the animall fpirits from the.other ventricles, and conveyes them to themarrowin the backe,and is the placewhere they fay thememory is fcated. SUBSBC.5~ Oft he Soule trndher Famltiet, Ccording toY vi rijlotle;· the Soule is defined to be ;.?.,.ix"~' ptr. y ?;Jeanim,f,l/ ficllo& afl~ tnmw corporis Organici, vitamhahentis inpotent1a: the perfecr1~n or firll:acrof:mOrganicall body, having powerzse.ag.rxm: . of hfe, which moll: • Philofophers approve. But many doubts 3. 0 1· 'ro_let.tlJ arife about theEjfin&e,Sf~.bjefl,SMt,Dijlintliov, and fubordinatefaculcic:s of!~~.;;..,. 1 c :l - . . - jt.,