Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

/ Parr.r.Scct. r. Anatomy_ ofthe Sou/e. Memb.2.Subf.g, ( rr 4urtltgigni pariter cum corpore, & unit 27 Crefcere(enttmt<S, pariterque(enefc.eremmttm) . . Avtrrocs and I know not ho.w many Neotencks. Thu queflton ofthe tmmor- H<e qu•fii• tality •~'the s 011le, if diverjly andwonderfully impugnedand difPuted, erpeciAUJ multos f>" 4/Jo .J , ,f:t r. . I I. I !b d . . h nos va,..!, a< amoniJftheltAltanso;'ate,lalt11.w:Co erus t: ltmmort.4~tm4,cap.~.T emirabilireri~ Popes themfelveshavedoubted.of 1t·, LeoDmmus thatEptcureanPope, asP_;'g"4ta; &~ . .* fome record ofhim, caufed thrs qudhon to be drfcu!fed pro and cpn before Col"""' 111L him, and concludedatlaft,asaprophane and atheifticall MBderator, with -that verfeofCornelius Gallus, . · Etreditinnibiluin1 qt~odfoit ante nihil. . It beganne ofnothing;and in nothing it ends. Zeno and his Stoic.fs as* lA' u. • 'Detcclef. jlin quotes him, fuppofed the Soulefolong to contmue, ulltheBody was Jog...p.•6. ·fully putrified,and refolved mto mAtmapnma: but after thatltn fomos evanefcere to be extingui!hed and vani!h; and in themeaneume, whileft thebody wa;confuming, it wandred all abroad,& e longinquo multa annunciare, .and (as that ClAzomeniAn Hermotimus avcrred) fawpretty vifions,and fulfered I know not what. Err•nt txAngues fine corpore & ofsibust~mbr... O~iJ+Mct •. ·Others grant the immortality therof,but they make many fabulous fictions ·in themeane time ofit,after the departure from the body: like Plato's ElijiAn fields, and that T11rkie ParAdifc. Thefoultsofgoodmen they deified; the :bad (faith h Au.ftin) becamedevils, as·they fuppofed; withmany fuch abfurd h B""rum '"" tenems, which he hath con~u:ed. Hierome,Auftin, and other Fathers.of the <.:::,7::~:~ .Church, hold that theSoulers rmmortall, created ofnothmg, and fo rnfufed lemum. · 'into the childe or Iimbrio in his mothers wombe, fix moneths after the icon. i Some f,y ., ception; not as thofe ofbrutes, which are ex traduce, and dying with them, l::r.~:;;o;: vani!h into nothing. To whofedivineTreatifes, and to the Scriptures them· <hen o~ilii [elves, I rejourne all fuch Atheifticall fpirits, as Tullydid AttictiS, doubting ofthis point, to Plato's Ph.tdon. Or if they ddirel?hilofophicall proofes and demonftrations, I referre them to Niphus, Nic. Faventinus tracts of thisfubject. ToFrAn . andiohnFicus indigre/{: fup . 3· de ..dnima, Tholofo. mu,Eugubimu, To.Soto, Canus, Thom4S, Perejius, DAndinus, Coltrlls, to that elaboratetractinZa.o&hius, to Toltts 6o. reafons, and Lefsius a. arguments,to prove tbeimmomlity ofthe foule. GampaneUa li. defcnfo rerum, is large in the fame difcourfe, .4/bertint~stbeSchooleman, IacoP: Na<lantus; Tonz.z. op. handletb it in fourequeftions, Antony Brunus, Aonius Palearius Marinus Marcennus, with many others.This Rea{onah/eSoule, which Aufti; calls a fpirituall fubftance, moving it felfe, is defined by Philofophers to be theftrjfJubjlAnttallA<!ofa NAttlr.!l, HumAne, Organica/1 Body, by which A manlwes,percetves,Andunder.ftands ,freely domg all thmgs,andwitb elc<!ion. Out of which definition we may gather, thatthis Rational/ Soul< includes the powers,and performes the duties ofthe two other; which are contained in it,and.all t~ree faculties m~keone Soule, which is inorganicall ofit felf,althougb it b~rnal~ parr.s, and mco~poreall, ufing t.heir Organs, and working by them.It 1S drvrded mto tw.o c~refe pans, d1ffenng in office oncy, not in effeoce. ~he underftandmg, whrch 1s.the Ratton~ll power appr~hending;the will;, whiCh IS the Rat1onAILpowermovmg: to whrch two, alhhe other RAti~naiJ powers are fubject and reduced. · D~ Su• s •·ci