Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Paru .Sech. Caufes of Melanc/;o!J. Memb.l:.Subf. 3· ~~--------~~~--~~~~--- Zanchiru, .·iretitu, &c. Delrio, Springer, "" Nideri:u lth. 5• FornicAr. 5) . Cuiati11s, B.molus, cqnfi~· 6. tom. 1. Bodine d.<moniam. lih.z. cap:&. G~ - :;:/:1;':/.' de!m1m) D,tml;oderius, 6""C . P~tracclfus, Erajlus, Scrzhamus, Camert:ritf!, t,;!.'at. (h.The panics by whom the Devilldcales, may be reduced m_thefe two, fuch as command him in {hew at lea!t, as ConJurers, and Magrcrans,whofe . dete!table and horrid my!teriesare contained in their booke called • .Arha. • Dequ. pt,;;a . teU; · ·d~cm~nc~ · enim ttdvo~Ati pr£jlo {uht, fefh c.~or~ifm_U & co~j~rlltionihus ;;g:;__i~:;f!;qi~~ '"'a.fi cogi pattuntur, 111 mifirum mltgorum genus"' tmptetatc dertneafl1, Or · ' g iuch as art comnund ed ,<~S witches;that deale ex parte implicit~, ot explicit't, . astht, J{ing bath \veil defined; many fubdivifions there are1and many fe- y Reximbu; verall fpecits of Sorcerers, Witches, Inchanters, Charmers,&c. They have ~-~~onol.l ••• beene tolerated heretofore fame of them; and Ma~icke bath beene publikely profc!Ted in former times, in' Salamanca, • Ctacovia, and other z An Un;..,; placrs, though after cenfured by fevera.ll 'Uhiverfir!ts,_ and now gene. ~'Y0~~~:~~~~ rally comradteted, though praCtrfed by fome !ttll, mamtamed and excu- • The ch;,r, • fed, Tanq11am r'I ficreta qrt,e non ni(l viru mag11u & prculiari henejicio de TowocinPcCcelo inflrrn1is communicatr:r (I ufe * Boef.rtt!Sbis words) and fo larre ap- ~'"o:(ordand proved by fome Pnnces, Vt mint auji aggredt zn poltttC!s,znfdcrrs, in cohfi- 1'"''· (eo fine bis fine comm arhitrio; theyconfulttbll with them, and dare indeed doe P.L•mbardi. no(hmg Without rheir ad vile. Nero and J!eliogabalus '· c..Maxemius, and ;,;~'[':..1/f';!' Ittlianus Apoftata, were never fo much addrcted to M~grck of old,as fome lib. of:om moderne Princes and Popes themfelves are now adayes. Erricus King of Sweden,had an~ inchanted Cap, by vertue of which, and fome • Ror.,, 11 ,p;..; m~gicall · murmuror whifpering termeshe could command fpirits, trouble ''""'habebar,_ • the ayre,and make the wind_e !tand which way hee would, infomuth that ;;:,~:::~:,,v~ when there was any greatwmde or !tor_m~,tbe common people were wont ~·tmr•rb"'"•'i, ~o fay, the Kmg now, bad on hts c.~nJurmg Cap. But fui:h examJ?Ies are '~t•mp!Zrttm, mfimt~. That whtch1they can doe, rs as much almo!t as the devrll himfdfe, who is flill ready ro fatisfie their defires, to oblige them the more un- . to him.Th~y can caufe tempells,!tormes, which is familiarly pra6liftd by WitchesinNorwcj, lfland, as I have proved. They can make friends enemies, and enemies friends, by philtcrs; b TtJrpes amores conciliare, enforce li Erafl"'· Iovr, tell any man where his.friends are, about what employed, though in the moll remote places; and if they will, • 1Jri11g their (rvm hearts to them ' .s><ti•igo·io b] night, "P"' aGa.trs hack' flying in the ayre. Sigifmrmd Sheretzoiru,part.I. bir,inotlur!U. "P·9 de f)dJ. reports coofidenrly, that he conferred with fundry fuch, that • sr.-iles•uphadbeen to carried many miles,and that he heardWitches themfdves con- f8crti11habites. fefl'~ as much;hurt,and inftet men and_bea~s,Vi~es, Corne, Cattle, Pbnrs, ~:;;:;;;;;•;.~;_, make Women abowve, not to concerve,- har~en, men and women unapt flmn. 14 , Paura and •nahle? marned and unmartyed, fifty feverall wayes, faith Ebdine tib. 2 • ~;~;;;:,~;,­ cap.7.. flw m the ayre, Kieet when and whete tbe.y will, a' C.rcbgna proves; t;·ibru_fl1/uranand. Lavat. de Jtelf.part. 2. cap. 1 7 . .fleale yo11ng cht!drm DHI of their cradles, r,-,allisfoppo· mtmlterro d:tmonum, and ptet de[&rmcdin their roomu 1vhichwecaO change. fi"•'""1"""' lings,faith * Scheretzius,part. r. cap.6. make men vitt;rious .fortunate elo- 'tf(,~'"l1i"11J'· quelit; and therefore in thole ancient Monomachies and co~bats rbey'were d~;u,., .. Jearchedof old,' they had no Magic~! charmes;they can maked ll:ick frees, fni.;.:,;~::;~ f•;ch as !hall endure a Rapters porm, MusketflJOt, and never be wounded : rum,e~z.e.,. ­ ofwhrch reade more in Boijfirrdtu cap. 6. de c:Magia, the manner ofthe ad- i,,'fi:b.,.lt juration