Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Caujes o(Mel4ri~holj. , Memb. J.Subf,.j • .confiellations,knors,amulers,words,Philters,&c.which generally make the ~7 . . parties affdled,melan~holy; ask Mon&vita difcourfethat la,rge in an Epiflle ;,~r:::;,~}:~ff" of his to v.f cclfius ,gtvtng mftance m a Bohemzan Baro_n that was fo troubled, firam,bodaby a Phi Iter taken. Not that there is any power at all m thofe fpels,charmes, bent ""'m•i1£, charac<ers, 2nd barbarous words; but r~at the Devill cloth ufe fuch meaoes ~;;;i;:;;:r:::,_ to deludr them. Vt fdeles mde magos(fatth * Ltbam:u) m offmo retmeat, tum thoiuumepifl• . in confortirm~ malefa[/orttm vocet. ~b1e· ~~~::;:;:;;. S U il S 1! CT. Jj-• Starres a catift. Signcs ftom Phyfiognomy, r.M_eto· poftopy, Chiromancy. ' cadrroer. mA.1ra rcgrmt l;umincs ,et regilajlra DCJU. n Cl;irom.!ib.). !~.f,t;ni's J. mF qtum:ltm ote- . 'illitlllrajlia?di- ~~~~~==:"';;:::5i1 4tt1T4// caufes, -are either Primary and Vniverfa.~, co;'noa<llii!it . or Secttndary,and more Particular. Pri·1!J.1TJ caufes aji~a ~rgrre,,;:d are.the Heavens, Planets,Srams,&c . by their in flu- ;;;r,;:;:~;,;" eoce (as our Aflrologers hold) producing this and ft<t~mm tibeti f~ch likecffe<'ls. I will ootherdland eo difcuffe bhi_ f,;~=!,~:,:;:I ter, whether Starres be caufcs,or S1gnes; .or roapo- "'"'• 11ihilcffic,.. logize for judicialll\ftmtooy, Ifeither Sextm Em. aoJ,(,n>etowz- . . . . d. / \" b' . p · . f/{ramtdl'lgae . ... • ptrrctu,Ptctu Nrran u a,Stxtus a Htrtllnga) ererrquodinbmti4 m, Erajl:u, Chambers, &<. have fo larrc prevai- [ere.. . led with any m:m, that he will attribute no venue at all to the Heavens,or to ~~~;~;:;~;: Sunne or Moonc, more than he doth to their fignesa! an Inne-keepers poll:, '"'"· cujM ,,,_ ortradefmans {hop, or ge~erally condemne. all: fuch Aflrologica~l Apho. ~1:::!,7:jt:;:' rtfmes approved by expenence: I referre htm to Bellamttu> Ptnvanm,Ma- tia, 0 ,,1,_ raftalhr:u, Goclemus, S• Chrijlopher Hetdon, &c. Jifthou !halt aske me what mc.tana corp.. ~ thinke, I muft anfwer, nam& do{iis hifteerroribu; •,mfatw fiem, they doe ~~;,:~'!;;:de mchoe, but not compel! ;no necefiity at all: m ag;mt non r.ogtmt: and fo gent- v ,o_ c,jtt<- ly incline, that a wife man may refill them;fapirns dominabitur 4fris: they in P/<1.•••·· I b G d I h All h . ( h. , ) • h d. d . . h o Mu11d1Mipc rue us~ m_ o . rues t. en:.. . t IS me~ t m~es JIJ . c In ag~ne ath 'quaftty;-a ab eX. 110rnpnzed 10bnefe, f!!!_,em a me qr.antumm nobu operantt<r ajlra? er c. Wilt ctllmtifli•"' thou know howfarre the Starres Wbrke upoJJ tU? I (ay, they do, but incline and quodam.utifice that fo gently, that if we will bt rrtlcdh)' reafon,they have no po1ver over U:; hut ~o~c;;~;;;;.;~z if wee fo!iotl9 ottronme natrtrt,and be led 6y finfl,thcy doe M mttciJ in tu >M in hrtJte tr~diciuhal~mohe<jls,andwe are no better. So. that~ I hope, I may juflly conclude with~ Caje- ;::,;{;,~';;Atan, Ctelum u vchwtlttm dwtn,e Vtrttttt<, &c. that the hcaven·ts Gods tnUru . q M<dictuliltC ment, by mediation ofwhich he governes and difpofeth thefe elementary ctdipcrit_<onihil ?odies; <:r a great book,whofe !etter~ are the Stat'res,(as one cals it)\vhere- 'tt;,i;:!;f,";- . m are wrmcn many flrange thmgs for fuch as can reade, P or an excellent wtttlhmpoteharpe, ma~c b7 an eminent 1v~rkman, on whici;, he that c,m b:tt play, wi{l1JJAke ~:'c~!?~~;;;:· mofl admtrable~Jmjick~. But to the purpofe. ""·' ,,q: "illq Paractlfiu is ofopinion, that A Phyjitian witho11t the kr,oJV!tdge of StArres i f:;:.~'/:..':!i can netlhtr tt1Jderjfand the c:aufe or cure of any dJ(en(e, e;rher of th··f, Oi' Gout, mDvtt,imtr":. not fo much a; Tootb.ache; c':&ept.f;e (ee the peculiar genitur< and Scheme of d"~toml<ibUJ. :he party ajfe.Jed. And for tillS proper malady, he will hc.vc the principall '/,;;~t~:?·,E~" ,md pnmary caufcoftt proceed from the Heaven, afcnbwg more ro Starres .; c.u; 1,f,'J. then humors, 'ami th,rtthe conjle!latton alone many times, ·prodnceth mclan- •a. TrAen;orbic . . H ehoiJ' an;mJiflm.