Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part<~.SeCl:. z. ' Caufes of Melancholy. Memb.J.Subt: 4. cho!y; aU otlm cauftsJet apart. He gives inll:ance in Lunaticke pcrfons, th't are deprived of th-etr wits by theMoones ·motion; and in another place, referres a !I ro the Afcendenr,aod will have the rrue and chtefe cJufe of it to be fought fron1 theSrarres.Neither is it his opinion only,but of many Gale. nijls and Philofophers, though they not fo ll:ifly and peremptorily maintain fLib.deanima as much. Th,is variety of ,Me/ancbo!y.(jmptomes, proceeds from t/;e Starres ,.y.dc J.u, 0,.;;. fairhf Mtlanc1hon: The moll: generous mtlancholy., as that of cAt~grtj/eu' Eav""'"f m comes from the conjunClionof Saturne and Jupiter in Libra: the bad,as tha; J:~~~:~:;;; of Catilinu,from the meeting of Saf.ttrn~and the c.Mo~ in St,rjio. Iovianm ,.r '"'f"'·61ict . Ponta11m in his I o.booke,and i 3· Chap. de rebus ca:lejlibru, difCourfeth to ).L in Cl 6l this pm·pofe at large.Ex atra bile vafii generant11r morbi, &·c. 'many dt((ajis :11fx_~"~\iie procatj from blackccho!er, .rtf itjlMifbehotorcold; And thortgh it he eo/din v.~rl>gene;:antur . its orvne n.ttrtre;yet ;t i& apt to be bcAttd,as water may be made to 6oyle,and burne ;;·~ft;;~;"fa~~. tU bad .vsjire;or mttde cold M Ice : and t benee prDceedJiech variety offymptomes d>,;#fYigidiin (omc mad,(ome foiitary,fomc laugh,fome rage,&c. The caufe of all which in: ~~~:j;;;;;'p't,;~ temperance, he will have chiefly and primarily proceed from the Heavens: doqaii •ptiffir" "[rem thepofition of M,~rs,Sail!rne, and <.Merettry. His Aphorilme$1)ce thefe, fit ,tamrtfi [uap:e x Mercury in any g<niture,if beJballbef011nd in Virgo or Prji:es hi& oppojitt flqne n:!tllrafrifida and that in tl;e Horofcope., irradiated bf tiJofo qrt.artile a{peEis of Sat11r:e o; f,:·,;ffin~:::q;:~ UUars ~the cl;i/de plall be 1?1Adde or me/Jncl;oly.Againe, YHe that }hall have Sa. lrmut ardcat; tr~rnc or M ars,theone~u!minating ,the otbe'r in the 4.hou[e,rohen he (ha/ /;e borne 1~ ;{;;~~';,;: jl!a!! he me!~ncholy,ofwhich he {ball be c11rcd in time,ifc.7..terwry behold them: '"fcat,ctl"' •Ifthe t.Moone bt in conjrmClton oroppojition at the birth time with the Sunne vari""' difiin- Saturm or t.Mars, or jn 4quartile aJPerl with tbem,(e malocte!i !oco,Le()'IJiti•; j;~;:~7;;;~&c. addc:s) many diflafos are jign~fted, efPecidflJ the Head and Braine Ulike to /;ee_, u H11nc ad in- mi(ajfeEledwith pt.rniciotu humours, to be mt.lancholy, lrmatick,ormad,Cardan ~~;~~;a":;;:,_ addes,qr~arta /una naJos ,Eclipfes, Earth-quakes. Garctws and Lcovititu will rimumcoafo"t have the chie'fe Judgement to bee taken from the Lord of the geniture,or <[,~' iJ P'fi'"'' when there is no afpcil betwixt the Moone and Mercttry, and neither behold , ~ '<!J•rie;a/i. the Horo[cope;or Satrerneaod t.Mars{hall be Lord ofthe precedent conjuntli- ' '1"' g nitre- on oroppofirion in S•gitldrJ or Pifces,, of the SNnnt or Moone, fuch perfons :~~;;;,:ii~ ){ are commonly Epilepticke,dote, D<rmoniacall, Mtlancholy: but fee more P'P'"'· barofco- ofrhefe Aphorifmes in the above named Pont•nus. Garc£UJ cap. 2 3. de Jud. ~;~~~;~:';~~' genitttr, Schoner.lib. r.cap.8. which he hath gathered out of' Ptolomy,IJ/b11• <tiam" (;vel bater,and fomeother Arabians, Iun<?ine, Ranzoviru, Lindho11t, Origan, &c. i)'O"diopn·- bmthefemenyou will reject peradventure, as All:ro!ogers, and therefore :t;;t2':J/''. pmiall Judges; Then heare the tell:imony of Phyfitians, Galenijls themvexa;;w, felves. b Cratoconfeffcth the influence ofSrarres to have agreat hand to this X:fi~. ~~:;,!. peculiar difeafe,f6 cloth Ia(on l'ratenjis, Lonicems pr£{at.de Apoplexi!t, Firiiacrl/mi"'• a/tt- nus, Ferne!itts, &c. ' P. Cnemandcr acknowledgeth the Sta,res an univerfall Mmirmu.io, cauk,the particular from parent<,and the ufe of the fix non-naturall things. ':,;,;7,~":;/an· Baptifla Port. mag.l. r.c. IO,II, I 5. will have them caufcs to every particular , o!u"' eri:, a individuii.Inll:allces and examples,roevince the trllth ofthefe Aphorifmes, q.afimabim,Ji are c6moo omongfi thofc All:rologian Treatifes. Cardan in his 37.geniwre, ~1/IDJirradilll'it. · · 11. · b f · h 1· ' .L Hacccnhu· giVe~ JOuaoce m Mat .Eo ognuu, Camera~ or.nata u.centur.7. genit.6, er 7· ratiilltn.uus, Aut LunaticrtJ, aut mtnttc~tptiM. a Pto!otr..eru ctnti!oquW1et ql!(fdripartiro tribuit~m.nium mtlanctolimmn (ymptomata[ydcrumillftumtiil. b Arte Mtdit~. acctdnnt ad has t411[aJ ~tQiftlolJls !jdmmz. Pfurirr.mn 17JCI/Ilill et fliJVOcam injlllfllt i~t c{e{tjiu. Vcfcuria /Jb.4.t11p .15. c Hildtjhmnj}icet.t. detr.tf. · of