Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.SeCl:. z. Cat{es of Melancho{y. Memb.I.Subf. 6. ha ecarnallcopulationwiththeDevill, theyafcri?e all to this redundant , 6r '"' vi 1 1 wht'ch domiueers in them, to k fommferous pottons, and natu- . k 1 so.'"}'"'•'P'«; me ar.c 10 y, . . , (f:. hur· ) 'd "P•~eps,&uarallcaufes ,thc-Devilspoltcy. Non !ddunt ommno att nlftw aut qut fini&c. J'r.guu · · +" · t (de Lamiis lib. 3· ea•. 36.) t;l put•trtr,fol•m •mltAtam habent mfmtum.&c, mtrnm 1 acwn r I b · 1 B · 1 currupta cfl. ,_ rJi they doe no fuch wonders at all, one y t etr rames are eraii<abh,_ ptJ.nta tam; . .t.. ~,e p d Tl tht'nke they arc Witches andcan doe hurt, bM doom. But tbts O- Mrl>m<hokco ze . m "Y ' . I (I' . h J. c pbom ,r. N · · 8 d.' e Er'JIIM Dan eru Scrihanttu, .Seoa tan c.Mtc M ts, ampa... . .a.paJ ;·- pmton o ,n , " ' · ' . J ~ . 1 ., 1 . , """"'· nefla de Senjie rerum fib. 4· cap.9. * Dandtntts the CJUtte, to.z. ae Amma ex- n•Pwamjil,_, ! d n c · n confutes at large. That Wucbes are melancholy,tbey de- ti<reqUOJ;iJo 1111• p o e; tcog a ~ d I d b r I d lad''"' · f!Y not, but not out ofacorrupt pbantafie alone, 10 to e u et tl)he vesan , ~,ihacin others ono produce fuch effcCl:s. . ["!figmatwms . ' -~~ Su·Bs l! eT. 6. Parents a c•ufe by prop•g•tion. nati[Hnt,aflt. tztr.e·bitis~ i114· w:m prrnfus f:z~ l9mn fofltpt-- fHnt. nLib.l .cap 4 : omnf.mag. Hat other inward inbred caufe ef Melancholy, _is Qur temp_erature, in whole or p~rr, 'Lib.""·"· whteh we~ recetve horn our Parents, wbtcb path. P * Ftrnelitu cals Prteter natr1ram, or unnaturalJ, it O~t.:rthriti,i being an hcreditaryclif~afe;. for as hee_ jullifies, :P;:P;~~~" .f2!!_ale paren_tt~mmaxtme patrts {emmobttgertt, ta.; '""f9{fiffiOJIH,., le~ tvAdunt Jimilares ,f}trmatic.erj pttrteS, iJfiDCtmi:r b';'::t:o:bor,m ettam morb1 Pater quum generat tenetttr, cttm flmt- q Epijl.~:fi,,_ ne transfertin Protem;fucb as the temperature; of tu"'"" ,. i;;i;iii;;iiiii;;iii;;ii;;i;i~ the f.1ther is, fucb is the fonnes, and lookewhat '"':"P·";/"" . .difeafe the Jatber had when b~ be~ot him_,fuch. ;;"::~:;,/•· his fonne Wtl! have after htm, Pand ts as we0 tnhtrltour of hu tnfrmtttes, a; fimt,gwrant ofhis lands; / ndwhere the complexion and con.Jiituti•n ef the father is cor- p,.,~"'"P'~ rupt, there (faith q Rogtr Bacon) the cDmp~exion~nd conjlitution ofthe fonnL> ;:;:Pfo~:=t;, ~~ mu{/ needs be corrupt, andfo the corruptimts dertved from the father to the...; ~':.';~;:~­ {onne. No_w thtsdoth nor. fo much appeare tntho compolirton of_the Bo. .r;,.,,,.t.,, dy, ~ccordmg to that ofHtppocrates, r tn habtt, proport1on, fcarres, and other ttfi<dm-v_aiur · limaments; b11tin manners andconditions ofthe Minde: ~~;';!,':;{1[,~· Et patmm in natos ahmnt cum {emine mor(S. Sde11cus had an anchor on his tbigh,fo bad his poflerity,as Troglli records lib.r5·. Lepid11s in Pliny lib.7 .cap. 17. was purblinde, (e was his tonne. That famous family of.AOnobarbi, were knowne of old, and fo furnamed from their red beards, the A11jlrian lip, and thole Indians flat nofes are propaga· ted, the Bavarian cbmne, and goggle eyes amoogll the Iewes, as 'Bllxtor. jus obferves; their voyce, pace, gdlure, lookes,is likewife derived widi all che refi ofrhcirconditionsandinfirmities; fucba morber, fucb a daughter; cbtir very u alftCl:ions Lemniuuontcnds to follow their foed,andthe malice and /Jad ,condttzonsofchtldren are many ttmes w~olly to be impt~tedto their parents; I need not therefore makeanydoubc of Melancholy, but that it is an be. H 3 ' redi'tary [Non tam (in.~ quit Hippocra. uS) gibboset · cicatr~crsorit et corporis bit.. - ~itumagno[cii exiis1 fcdve-. mm incifl'um t,efttu,mortt, »tqrbos,&c. tSynagqg.Jud. u _,jftllw pa~ rtmum in f.etltt tr•nft,mt, tt pr~· tiorumn:.(l/icilt. part7ttibwimpu~ litltdtt,l.4·'·>·dt omdt./WJ.rnit-Kc.,