Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

7 Parc.t .Setl:.!. Caufes of Melancholy. Memb.t.Subf.6. 6 2 reditary diltalt. x Paracelfiu in <xprdfe words affirmes it lib.de morb.•mcn. ';~Z$'~;t. ·tium To. 4· Tr . I. ~o dorh r Grato in rln Epifile of his to <.MMaviw. So {;ofi,bili;ft, '·' doth Bnmo Sadeluu 111 hts booke de morbo tncttrnb. . 0'Ytomaltm proves cap. liowftwme- u. our of HrppocrnttJ and Plttlarch,that fuch hereditary dtlpofittonsare fre. ; ~';'.:~::t· , l]:'1ent, & k"'" (inquit) fieri r:or ob participat.<m me!anckol!c,rm inlemp<ran. · yEpiJI. 174 _;. ttnm(lpeakmg ofa -pattenr) I thmke he became fo by·parttclpauon ofMelanscoil"<C"'fciw. choly. I>anid Smnertu; lib.r .part. z.cap.9. will have this mebncholy con7:}1';,:::;:,~~; fiitution derived notonely from the far her to the fonne, but ro the whole P"~·ibmb,be- family [ometimes;f2!t.ando*totir familiir herediwivam,zFore(/u; in his medi- '!:.~ca~'/::;.. clnall obfervations,d~u{hat~s this.poinr? with an cxampltofamer~hant his J•deft"' tib. ,,de. Pattent, that had th1s mfirmuy by 1nhcnrance; fo doth Rodencm a Foo(ic., "cu;·a J·um'"'"'"' Tom. I .con[rd.69.by an infiance of a young man rhar was fo aili:cted ex marrt 'f'r.%~~- ,;. melancholica,had amelancholy Moth~r,e':r "!illumdancholico, and b~d diet Jirvat.t 1. together. Lodovicu; Nercatm, a SpantfhPh1litian, Jn that excellent TraCl which he hath lately written of hereditary difeafes 'tuin .2.oprr.lib. 5.reckon; aMagim"G"~· up Lcprolie,as thofe • Gal6ots in Ga(cony, hereditary Lepers, Poxe, Stone Gout, Epileplie, &c. Amongfi the reil, this and Madndfo after a fer rim~ comes to many,which hecals a miraculous thing in nature, anJ fiicks fore. ver to them as an incurable habite. And that which is more to be wondred ~,!;f:J'ft,.~~";. at, it skips in fomefamilies the father,and goes to the [onne,h or takes every opotf,,;1 •ffi- ther, and fommmes every thtrd m almea/ldifcmt, andaoth not aiJVayes produce /lnm,et iU,ifo thi fame,but flme like,and ~ fjmbo/izingdifeafe. Thcfe fccundary caufes hence r;::;:;::;;a;P derived, are commonly fo powerful!, that ~as 'Wolphitu holds) (<pe mut•nt , Diai.P:•fi•· decreta fjderum, they doe often alterthe pnmary caufes, and decrees of the t'7U1"'" Leo· heavens. For rhefe reafons belikerhe Church and common.wealrh,humane·· ~~~~• and divine !awes, have confpired to avoid hereditary difeafes, forbiddiag fuch marriages as are any whitallyed; and as Merwt~s advifeth all families, to take fuch, {i fieri pojit qu£ maxime diftant natura, and to make choice of thofe that are moft differing in complexion from them; if they love their ownc,and re!pea the common good. And fure, I thinke, it hath beeneord &din. dt rtp. eap.de ptriodiJ rtip. dered by Gods efpeciall providence,that in all ages there !hould be(as ufua!. ly there is) once in d 6oo years, a tranfmigration of Nations, to amend and purifietheir blood, as we alter feed upon our Land, and thatthere !hould be as irwere an inundation of thofe Northerne G•at/;es and Vandales, and many fuch like people which came our ofthatConrinmr ofScandia,and SdT• matia (asfomefuppofe) andover.ranneas a deluge, moft parts of E11rope ~ft!,""~~ ~:~. and J {rick ,to alter f?r our.g.ood, ou~ complexions, which were much de· on in 1J voy- faced wtth hereditary mfirmmes, wh1ch by out luft and tntemperancewee · ,g, to Mmg- had comra,Gled. A feund generation of thong and able men were fem a- "'";6'fi''1'· mongfi us,as thofe Northtrne men ufually are,innocuous,free from rior, & :;;.,;~;,;: free from difeafes; to qualifie and make us as thofe poore naked Indians are .,.," "robufl4 generally atthis day; and thole about Bra{ile(as a late' Writer obferves) in ~·;t_~';,~~~~. the H!eof J;Iaragnan, free from all hereditar~ difeafes; or other contagion, fi,.M,di<i••· whereas w1thour hdpe of Phylicke they hve commonly uo yeares or 1·:~.a'';;': more; as in rhe Orchades and many other places. Such are the common j::~'::"'/:; dfeGls of temperance, and intemperance; but I will defcend to particullrs, ~:;;:;'~;;,_ and !hew by what rneancs, and by whom efpecially this infirmity is derived tlia. untous. Filii