Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

· Part.J.Sett. 2. Cat{es of Melancholy. Memb. 1.Subf.6. Filii exftnibu< nati, raro Jimt firmi temperamenti, old mens .cluldren are 63 fddomeof a good temperament, asS coltzrm foppofeth, .~onfult. I 77, and therefore moll apt to this dtfeafe; ~nd as f Levmm Lemmm f.mher addes, ;,;:;;;:;},;;f.' old men beget moft part wayward, peevtlh, fad, melancholy fonnes, and Tmico,pttr"ci, feldomemerry. He tlm begets achilde on a ~ull fiomacke, will either have a filiDJfmuproficke childe,or a crazed fomie(ass Cardan thwkes) iiOntradzc?.med.!Jb. I. COn- J!,~:·;:,;::.';~­ tradi{}, I 8. or if the parents be ficke, or have any great paine qf the head; hi/, 11 , 101 • as megrim, headache, (Hieronimm Wotjicu d. oth i_nfia_ncein a ch_ilde of s,ba- g coit~<>[oper I Id 11 1k 1 h rcpletionempef · flian cajlalio's) orifa drunken man getac 11 .e,tt Wl never 1 e y ave a JimcM, tJfit,i . good braine,as Cellicu argues/, I 2.cap. I. Ebrtt gzgmmt Ebrtos,onedrunkard quiwmgigwm0 begetsanother (faith i Pltttarcb.fymp.trb. I ·'!''~fl.;. whofe femence kLem- {t:::r,;f:;;r,JJ! pitu approves/. I ·'-4· Alfarim Cruticu Goi. de q~ti (tt me d. cent .. 3· jot._ 1 82. h D~at.p><fix. MMrobi:u lib. 1. Avicwna lib.J. Fen.2 I.Tratl . I .cap.S .and Arijlnle hirofdf Leovito. {e#.l·.proh.4.foolHh,drunken,or hairc.br'aine womC"n,moll part brirtg forth ~LD~eP~:;,~:.~fc: children like unto themfelves, morofes & langttidos, and fo likewife hee that mif.tem<d<~d• lies with a menftruous woman. lntemperamia veneris, quam in 'nauris pr<e- "ft.lid•m•liefertim infeCbtur l Lemnir1-s, qui uxeres in~unr, nulJa tnenfirui decurfus ratio- ;:~if;.~~~;rJ ne habitii, nee obfcrvaro imerlunio, pr<eeipua caufa ell, noxio, ptrniciofa, fibifilr.ilts. concubirum hunc exitialem ideO, & pdlifetum VOC::lt. * RodtJrictu a Cajlro ~~:;j/~a~:~;ir:e L11citanus, detefiamur ad unum omnes medici, tUirt &quana I una concept i, Good Mofi« infxlic<s plemmque & amemes, deliri, fiolidi, morbofi,impuri, invalldi, ~~~~,m~~~,· tetra lue fordidi, rninime vitales, omnibus bonis corporis at que animi delfi- gi•Onhis• • tuti: ad laborem nati, {i faniores, inquir EujlathtuJ, ut Herwlcs, et alij. •. Demct.mu(. m Jud£i maximc infedantur feed urn hunc, & lmmuodum apud Chrijlianof l•b·~·"~~~b 'ti Concubitum, ut illicitum abhorrent, &apud fuos proliibent; &quod ·chri- ' ~~,_'~~·.;g. 1 ' , jliani toties leprofi, amemes, t"ot morbili, impetigit\es, alphi, pfor:r, cuti~ ]':d. E><k,,s; & faciei decolorationes, ram multi morbi Epidemici, acerbi,& vccrrenofi fine, in hunc immundum concubitum rejiciunr,& crudeles inpignota vocaitt,qui quart a !una proflueme hac menfi ft illuvie concubitum hunc non perhorrtfcunt.Damnavit olim divina Lex~ & morre muldavit hujufmodt homines, Lev.I S.zo. &inde nati, fi qui deformes aut mutili, pater dilapidatus, quod non contineretab• immund<i muliere. Gregorim 1/{agn;u, peterrti <..Aug 11 • flino ~unquid apud • B~itan~to.< hujufmodi concu?itu~ toleraret, ft vere pro- 'hr;~~;.:f: htbmt,vms futs rum mtlcen fcemmas m confuws fms menfiruis,&c. I fpare o Btda.E<et. to .Englilh this whkh I have faid.Anothercaufefomc givc,inordinate Diet, ~f·'!·::·'7· 3S If a man eate Garltck, SJnyo~s, fafi overmuch, fiudy wo hard , be over- ~'fta~jpi;;,., forowfull,dull,heavy,dejeCled mmmde,perplexed mfits thouohts fear full mcbriftt•m &c. their children (\airh' Cardan Jitbti!.ltb. 18.) wiU be mttchfobjeft to mai c7.0ieaffici-.ucr, , nef!e animelancholy; fo~ ifthe ffnrits ofthe brainebe fuflrd, or mifa(ftc?edby :1;,.,f,7fi,;~m, filch m(anes, at fuch a tzme, thctr ch:ldren wtU be/itjled in the braine· they will ""' affiriu., bedHll luav'J·Iimoro dtl(o te. d IIth . r ~ f . '. tales{i{iorum· . '. , us, J" n n,e 11 ctr . tvcs .. JO.me are o opm10n, and tx tri(Jib111 ;,;... mamramerhat paradoxe or probleme, that wtfe men beget commonly firs, "i""""''' fooles;Sutd.,.- gtves mfiance ui Arijlarchus the Grammariat1 duos retJ,111itfi- l"'"nd' n<fc•n· l A ijl l- ' ijl h ' {I l ' ., m,&c. J~s rt . ~re :m Cl' An ~c orum amvos u to.qand which q Era(-mu.s urgeth in "'For. 1 ~9.mer. ·hts Morca,fools beget wife men.Carti.Jubt.I.I>,.oives this caufe 6Jt1oniam./Pi- s,,.,, Chilrittu{apientmn ob jlt~dittm refolvuntur, & in °cert6n~m fertt;;;;: a corde. ~rclrvcrob becau{e their n"turall fpiri rs are rtfolved by 1\udy, and turned into anL r0Zi~:;_;;/~ mall; drawne from the Hearr,ana thofeorher parts tb the braine. 'Lemnitu '!,.;~'"11· ..,., fnbfcribes