Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. I. sea:. 2. caiife:r o{Melancho~. M em b. z.Subf.1. therwifc,and well prepartd by cookerie ; but generally bad1 and feldome to beufed. · Hare a black meat, melancholy, and hard ofdigellion, it breeds Inct~bru Hire; often e;ttn, and caufeth fearful! Dreames, fo doth all Vtnifon; and is con. ·demned by a Jury of Pbyfitians. c.MizalduJ and fomeothers,!ay ,that Hart is amerry meat,and that it will make one faire,asM arttals Epigram tdbfies to Gcllia;but this is per accidens, becaufe of the good fport.lt makes, merry company, and good difcourfe that is commonly at the eatmg of It, and not otherwife to be underflood. . ; co11iu are of the nature ofi-Iares. c.Magninm. compares them to Beefe, Pig,'and Goat, Reg.fonit. part.3. ctip. I7· yet young Rabbets by all men are approved to be good. ConieS. ., .. ,, 1) llTI~m ~tbfuht t1 ;iatura Ltporum. Bruerinru I. I). ~~;:;;f~~~L k 1/I:JI~dabifis {IICCiNilll{tMJ f1tn/~ ((ljJt; Generally,all fuch meats as are hard of Digeflion,bre~d melancholy,Areum 1ib.7 .cap.5 . reckons up beads and feet, k bowels,brams,entrals,marrow, far,blood,skinnes, and thofe jnward parrs, as Hean,lungs,liver,fpleen, &c . They,arerejdled by J[.ac.lib.2.part.3. Magnintu part 3· cap.17. Brrurinm lib. r,z. SavanarblaRt1b.3z.TTAtl.z. Milke,and all that comes ofmilke,2s Better and Cheefe, Curds,&c. in- M;Ik creafe melancholy (Whey only excepted,which is mo(l whollome:) I fome lPifo;•Lt;m:i,; except Alfes milk. The refl, to [uGh as are found ,is nutritive and good, efpe• . cially for yong children, butbecaufe foone turned to corruption, m not good rccuiio.F!·itui- . fortbofe that have unclean fiomacks;are fubjeCtto head-ach, or have green _ gu~.M'''"""'· wound5,Stone,&c. Of all Cheefes, I take that kind which we call Banbury :;,,~J~;;~;,'~;­ Cheefe to be the bdl,tx vetu.ftit pejimus,the old~r,ll:ronger,a·nd harder, the •/JtflJw:s.r:ap;·· worfl,as Langim difcourfcth i? his E~ifile to MelanUhon,cit~d by M.i'{;l!dtu j ~i~~'~::.~~n Ifoac part 5. Galcn lib.j. de cibu boru fum,&c. · . , · Hmconcr;a. Amongll: Fowle, n Peacocks and Pigeons,allfenny Fowleareforbidden, I'll Melancho;. as Ducks,Geefe,Swannes,Hearnes,Cranes, Coots,Didapper~, Waterhens, l~wle. with all thofe Teales,Curres,Sheldrakes,and peckled Fowls, that come hi, ""'"fttrSpi.. ther in winter out of Scandia~011ufl~vy,Grunland,Frirjland, which half the ~'/a~~~t;~;­ ye2reare covered all over wtth fnow ,. and frozen up. Thol1gh thefe bee ,5,c.;o. et 3 ;. faire in feathers,pleafant in tafle,and have a good out.fide, like Hypocrites, white in plumes,and foft,rheir flelh is hard, black, unwholfome,dangerous, melanc~oly meal; gravant 6· putrefaciant.ftomach,.m, faith Ifoac part 5. de vol. their young ones are more tolerable, but young Pigeons he quite dif, proves. . , Rhajis,and o c.Mitgninm difcommend all fifh, and fay they breed Viftofi- r;noci. ties, flimy nutriment, little and humorousnourifhmcnr. Savanarola ·addes ocap.s&.par.j: cold: moifl,and phlegmatick,Ifaac: and therefore unwholfome for all cold ~nd melancholy complexions. Others make a difference,_rejeoiliog onely :<mongfl frefh.water fi(h, Eeele,Tench.' Lumpray, Crawfilh (which Brigh~ approves,c•p.6.)and fuch as are bred mmuddy and fiandino waters and have a tafle ofmud, as Francifcm BonfiettUJ poetically defines~lib, de aquati. !1hm. · N am pi(cts omnu, qHi flagna, lactiftj, frtqlltntallt Semperplm {i1cci deurioru habent. ' All fifh, that flanding pooles and lakes frequent, Doe ever yee Id bad juyce and nourifhmenr, h Lampreys