Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parto~.Sect.2, Calljts of Mtlahcboly. · Memh.. 2.Subt: 4 . 8o b Obabfiintn· tWmticl11tcubituintid#in rr.e· lalt~hDiialll. wives death abftaining, b after mariage,became exceeding melancholy ,Rodericus a F~nflc& in a young manfomifalfeGted,Tom.z.cmfult.85 .Tothefeyou [tlay adde,ifyou pleafe, that conceited tale ofa ltw, fo vifited in like fort, and :fa cured,out of Pbggius Fl~rentinus, Inumperate Venus is all outas bad in the other extreame, Galtn lih.6. de tJJorhiJ popular. (<t/.5 .text. z6.reckons up melancholy amongfi thofe difeafes ~;};';;:b~:~ which are 'exa(}er•ttdhy Yenery:fo doth Avicenna z.3.cap.11.0ribafius /~c. citat. J: icinus lih. z. de[&nitate t11endJ, M arjilius cor,natw, M ontaltus cap. z 7· dSuperfi""'" Guianeri11s Trarl.3 .cap.z.r..Magninus c.p.5 .part 3· d gives the reafon,becaufe ;~:. eaufom e it infrigidaw a1>d dries uptbe hody, oen(umes tht {}irits; andwould therefore eE•P""'"'" have.Ofoch .u are cola anddry,t~take heedof, and to avoid it M amortal/ ene. {';,;,t,':;.~,:':e~ mie. Iacchimts in g.Rafis cap.r5 . afcribes the fame caufe, and infianceth in a antabhoefieei, Patient of bis,tbat married a young wife in a hot fummer, rand (o dryedhim." "'"" illilnito fllfe with chamber-w~rk, that he became in foort (}ace fom melancholy, mad : £:;:":;fi,"'"' . be cured him by moifining remedies. The like example I find in L,.tius a .,;,.,t..,b•· Fome Eugubi11its con[ult.n9.of aGentleman of Venice, that upon the fa111e f:{!~~!'b':.i' occafion, was firft melancholy, afterwards mad: Reade in him the ftory at ,.a.,iints large. . ••""'" · Any other evacuation !lopped; will caufe it;as well as thefe above named, zEx «uteri•" be it bile, g ulcer, ilfue, &c, BtrcNle'rdeSaxMili lib. r. c•p.l6. & Gor-'Mius, Uktrt exfiwuo. . 'i"'' verifiethis out1>ftheir experience.They faw one wounded in the head,wha as long as the fore was open, lncida. hAbuitmtf1tis imtrva(la, was well: but wh~n it wasfiopped;.r.diit mel•nch1lia,_ his melancholy 'fie feized oh him agame. . (.~ ... ,·l \\.~ < ·,.,\: ,i ·.)·-.:... . ·' '1·.'t, \ . ., . Anificiall JWacuatioqs ,arelmuch· lik in.. ~lfeel, as hor.lioufes; bathes, h G~~rd.up.1o.· blood.lerti_ng, pu~ging, unfeafonal:lly _and. im11Joderatel~ ufed;, h Bathes dry '!nds~~d','n' toomuch,tfufed mexcelfe,_,be.e they .naturall or arufictall, and offend ex. &a:hsasnoxi· treame hot,or cold; one dnes,theother refrigerates over much.r..Mintanus ?~j;,.mrtd- &Onfi/.137· faith,they over-beat the_iiver.Toh.Struthius, StigmAf.artiJ, lib. 4· ""'""P"'· c•p. 9· co.ntends, • that if 1neflay l911gtr th•nordinary at the Bathe, goe in 101 k si quMioogi•s oft, or 41 un(<.(on•Me times, he putrifits t/,t humours itJ his.body. To this pur• :;::~",;,;~(;~~ pofe writes r..Magninus lih-3- c•P·5. GuiamriNs Tr•ll. 15.c•P·• 1. utterlydif. qH<IIttr,;,.,;,.. allowesall ho~ baths in melancholyadufi.l I faw (fatth he)am•nthAtlaheu. !'"""' "'"'"'' red oftht Gout ,who t1 hefeed ofhis m•lady, camuo the Bathe, and rvd4 infl•ntJ:;:,"'"P~rt- lycuredofhi& dife•(t, but glt Another worfl, And thAt wf14 MaJnelfe. But this 1_Hg; •ltltDfopt. judgement varies as the l.lumordoth,in hot or cold: Baths may be good for ~':;;;{.~.7; · qne Melan~h,oly man,ba~'for another: that which will cure: it in this party, •d•fl•m,q•i"' may ~aufett ma fecond. .. ,, libtrtrrttlll' tk , _· Phlebotomy, many times negleaed, may doe much harme to the h0dy, f::;jp,u,::J:• when'the.re i~ ,a manifeft redundanc.epfbad humors,and mela'ncholy bloods !""" tibw"'"'' and when"-rh.efe humors. heat and boy le, if this be not ufed,in time, thl:· par. "J'11i""' faB~~< .. ties atfeG!ed, {(J inflamed, are in gr~at <!anger to.be mad ; 'but,if i~ be unadvi· 1ht,bowmy. , fedly, irnp.Grt.uoely,infmoderatdyufed, itdothas much .harm byrefrfgera- .,.o~sebcla ting the b\)dy,dullingthe.fpirits,~ndconfu~ing t~em: as I1h•., C11ri1in !Jis !~:;:;,, . 1 o .Chap. wc;ll rtpreh·en.ds,fuch ktnde oflemng blood doth more· hurt thatf •b~iti<puvc- good: • thehumorsrage'!!uchmorethanthey ·did 6efore, and isfofar{rlma- ':.';}::;::;it•- votding me:ancholy,th~t it incre&flthJt,& weakntth the {igh1. • Projjer ~.afetiiiJ l11Telllllgtrllll1iaj11rtirnptt~bll!11d,tspa tlrfUJdiftllrrii7Jl, o Lib.JtjUJrflt~ll Mtlllrtbo/iA.. FrtflNtJIJ{II»l.W/Iil mi/fio unp111t~l!llfl4/. obftrves