Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.J.Sect.2·, Caufes of Melancbe!J. Mernb.2.SubC )· 82 b Lib. med.piU· tt :. .cap,I9. l'R!tlllge,qUIUf incaiJdi&rtgiO· nibJU,f--eqrtt11.- ttraccidit ft'.a· ' nia,infi"igiJtJ araem tllTdt. ~L~b.2.. d H~doprricon Cllf,7· "' Ap1diujlivo Ca/VIt1114ximC ftrvet,itaut tfNtejiftlm·Maii per,ttXkftajft. tM11gimesPer[. el>or.zthcafm Prafi. ltitd.lib. t ,cap I 6.V.nttrt: mlllitrts, qu diu{Hbfo/tVIvtuu,~tliqNmtJo me/llncbcUcre evadHTJt. Ortelim and Ztiinger, confirme as much: they are ordinary lo cholerick in their fpceches,rhat fcarcetwowords palfc without railing or chiding incom. mon talk,and often quarrdling in the ir firects . b Gordonius will have evny nJJn take notice of it : N ot< thi< (faith he) that;,. hot cotmtries it is farre more familiM tha" in cold. Although this we have now laid be not contintu lly (o, for as' dco.flat rudy li<ith,under the .tEquator it felfc,is a mofi temperate habitation, wholfomc aire, a Paradife ofpleafure: the leaves ever greene, cooling 01owres. But it holds in fuch as are intemperately hot, as d Johanms .l Mrggcn,f0tmd in Cyprus,others in Malta, 1pulia,and the • Holy land, where at fomc fca fon~ of the yea re is nothing but du!t,their rivers dried up, the aire fcorching hot, and Earth inflamed; i'n fo much, that many Pilgrims going barefoot for,Devotion G1ke , fr0m Ioppa to Jerufalem upon the hot !Jnds, ofren nm mad '; or elfeq uiteoverwhelmed with [and,profimdis 4rrnis, as in many parts of Aftick, Arabia Defrrta, Bafiriana, now Char.f{an, when the \Vefi wind blowes t involuti armis tran(ermtes necantur. • Hercules de Saxonja "Profdfor in Veniu, gives rhiscaufe, why fo many Venetian women nre melancholy, q11od dir< (ub foie degant, they tarry too long in the Sunne. 0'11ontanm <Onftl. zr .amongfi othercaules allignes this; why that Jew his PJt ieQt was mad, quod tam multtlm expofi•it fe ea/cri & ftigori : he expofed himftl ffo much to heat and cold. And f01·thar re:1lon in Venice, there is little fiirring in rhofe brick paved fireets in Summer about noone, they are moll part then afl eep : A~ they are like,wife in the great Mogors C ountries, fNavig.lib.,. ··-and all (lver' the Eajl Jndiu . At Aden ia Ar.bia, as f Lodovictu Vcrtomannm ':!~!~:~;,~~- rtlates in his travels, they keep their mar km in the night, to avoid extre. fmwi< oblli- miry of hea r : and in Ormm, like cattle in a Pafiure, people ohll forrs lye up ,.;.,,q,if.-vi- to the chinne in water all day long. ,g\t Bragajn Portugal; Bt~rgos in Cajlile; i{'/.,;~~~~-·- <.Mefma in Sicily,all over Spain and Italy,rheir !treers aremoil part narrow, ro avoid the Sunne bearpes. The T.urks weare great Turbams ad{ttgandos fo· /i; radios ,to refraCl the Sun beames ; 1md much inconvenience, rhat hot aire g Mtri-oG:J.Ui,. ,oWJ~iantes,e:rp(Jilltii.Ntifoltm ut.mltrbos tZjtctelliA: t Snii'i<bard H1W{i11 in his oblcrvations, ft§LJJ· _, ti'F:lfpp.ocr~et 1-AP.bftri[mfirU : idiifait. of Bantam in ~~va,yeelds to our men, that fojonme there for tr:tfick: where j r is fo hot, u&at they th•t are jick oflhe Pox, lye <D:J:monly bleaching in the S_u;'!''• to dry up their for. rs. Such a complaint I read of thole Ifles of Cape rtrd• rlj- d~grets frollJ the .£qttat6.r,rheydoe m~le ••dire: t one calls them t 9e unbral tbi e!t clime 0~ theWorld,for fluxes,feavers,frenzies,Calemures, v1bich co•pm,o.nly feize .orrSea-faring men that touch at them, and all by w1fon ofaJ10t difiemper~ture of rhe Aire: The hardiefi men are offen.ded with this he,t)i , and Jl:iffdkclownes catir\0t refi!t it, as Conjlanti~e affirmes agricult. lib, 2 .cpp ·45. l'h~ythat are naturally borne in (uch Aire may not" ~ 11d ure j t, as ·Niger recor,d$ of fome parr of <.Me(epotamia, now called Diar. beeha: quib.ufll,\m in loci. f,e'Vilmi .ejlui adeo (ubjdla ejl,ut pleracJrvtnimalia ftr- • JdtmM•gi- . vprefoliJ & ctrli extinguantur, 'tis fo hot there io fome pla'ces, that men of j";:;t,~"~4· ' t_tie' ~ouorry aod qttle al~ killed with ir; and • .Adri_comit~~ ' of Arabia f~lix, f<hfl... • "· i;Jj rp lon of myrrh~, f{i\nkinceo(e, and hot fpicO§ there growing, the aire • ~""'·•;{."~" is (o obnoxious to rhe~v braines, that the very~ inhabitants at fome times ;:.g.;:':!,_.; : ~:1-gnor ~bide,i~, much.lelfe weaklings and {!rangers. t v1matU< Luc.itan111 ":•"':""'"'- ' •~iit. L curat. 45. repc;>usofa young maid, that ·was one Vinoem a CurrifJ:::,'f::::;:.~ . ~r~ paughter1 J o.meB~Ytares ?hge~ that would wailiher haire in the heat iluklit. dfthe day(•pJHly) and foJerJt dry. 10 thefunne, :J~make tt yellow, but 6y . , · . that