Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. I .Sect 2.. Idlmejfo acaufe. Memb.z.Sub(6. meanes to rcdrdfc it, is 10 fer rhem aworke, fo tO bufie their minds; fort he truth is, they are idle. Well they may build callles in the ayre fora time,and footh up themfelvcswith phamalltcall and pleafant humours, but m the ~n.d they will prove as bitter as gaul, they ihal.l be ihll I fay dtfcontent, fufptcious r fearfu!I, jealou<,fad,fretttng :md vexmg of themfdves;fo long as they bee' idle it is impoffible to pkafe them, Otio qui nefcit uti, plm hAbet neg81ii qu•mqui negotium in negotio; as that q Jge!litu could obferve; Hee thc.t knowcs not how to fp end his time, bath more bufineffe, care, griefe,anguiih of minde than he that is moll bu!ie in themiJ£1 ofall his bufineife. Otiofm animm n/;cit qttidvolet; An idle perfon (as he foil owes it)knowes not when he is wdl, what be would havc,orwbither he would goe, quum ilium ventii eft,iUtnc !ubrt, he isryred out with<very thing, difpleafed with!all, weary of his life;nec bene dumi,nu mififl,e, neither at home, nor abroad,erYAt,dr pr"- tervitam vivitur,hc wanders,and lives be!ides himfelfe. In a word, what the mifchivous effcels of lazioeffeand idleneifr are,I doe net find any where more accurately oxpreifed, than in thefe verfes of Philolach(I in the* Comicall Poet, which for thoirelegancy,I will in part infert. Novarum £dium ejfe Arbitrorflmilem eg1 hominem, ~ando hie natm ejl: ei rei argumenta dicam. <£des quandofont ad Amtifim expo!it.e, ,:2!!_ififr laudat fabmm, atque exemplt~m ·expttit,&c. At ubi il!o migrat mqt~am homo indiligenfin&c. Tempt (fa< venit, confringit tetul.u, imhm:%, Putrifacit aiir 1per11mjA!Jri,&c. Diwn ut hominesJimiles effi .ediumarbitmnini, F •bri pam1tesfnnd,.,.entum (uhjlruunt liberorurn, Expoliunt, dscent litera, nee tammt {umptui, Ego autem {ubfabrm•mpotejlate frt~gi fui, P#flquam autem migravi in ingenium flltll111:~ Perdidi operamfabromm iHico,oppido, · ·· Venit ignavia, ea mihi tempejla fuit, · lA dventutft fuo gradinem& imbrem Attulit, Ilia mihivmtttem detnr6avit,&c. A young man is like a fa ire new houfe, the Carpenter leaves it well built, in good repatre,offolidftuffe; but a bad tenant lets it raine in, and for want of reparation fall to decay,&c. Our Parents, Tutors,Friends, fpare no coil: to bnng us up tn our youth,in all manner ofvertuous education; but when wee are ldtto our felves, Id!tndle as a Tempefi drives all vertuous motions out ofour mmdes,& ni~i!ifomu;,ona fudden, by floath and fi1ch bad wayes we come to naughc. Cofen ~e~manto Idkneife,and aconcom.itantcaufe,which goes hand in hand wa~ Jt, IS r mmtafo!Jtudo, too much fohtanneife, by the tellimonyof ~11 PbyfitiJns, Caufc and Symptome both;but as it is here put for a caufe,ir IS etthercoact, enforced, or elfe voluntary. Enfofced folita·rineife is corn. monly feene in Students,Monks,Fryers,Anchorites,rhat by their order and courfe of hfe,mufi abandon all company,fociety ofether men; and btr:!ke themf~Ivesto a privateceii;Otio fi•perjlitiofo flclufi,as BAle and Hof}iniall we! terme It, fuch as are the Carthttjians of our time, that eate no fldh (by their order) •• p Prov. x8.Pi~ grumdtjicietti.- mw. Hcalttontimmimcnon. q Li!J.19.C. 10. •Plat&IIN Pro!. m111r1. r Pifo1MonlaJ.. tus.Mercuritltil, &c.