Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

P.arr. ,,seaz, .....-: 9o $Duwe:rdid'thu$, lknow; not,or how he might be affet!ed,buc this would be . J1ern1cimJno:.an1othellman;whadntricare bufinl!fs mightfo really potfeffe him, f.cinnor-eafily guetfe;But chrs.is fliofom ~tit~m, it is farre othenvife with tlu:fe:mdnvae<tordingr!o-it Senu~; -amnid. nobi&•m:rla folitt~do pcrfoadet; this (illitude dndtwth us, f*g'nat cam,.YiP. Jotiali; . 'tis-:a,diftrutlive folitarinotfe. '1\hOfemenart\Dcliils•aiGne;as t!reJaying' is, ' PJU(lJ8 {Olt« a11t Deu;, ar~t Jj) 4 _ •: V/411 :t amaG"aionerisdtHb~ aSainr·tlr>'a Devil!; :#Juts ejus aut langt~e(cit; ""~ 'Eccl·4· ,.., tt/me(cit;-4-nd lof r .. ·(otiirr.thisfenle"w:oe be· to Hiin that is foalone. l'hefo Wretch~s ao .freqlfently'degent'r<ttefrom.me/rjiU\d of fociabJe creatures be. corn~ .hcall'sr~monfttr~linhumane;tJgfy to•behold, <.Mi{4nthropi; they doe .., : even loatH ~o1nfdves~;!no. hate · tlie.company of.men, as fo many TimMs ~i~e~':.~dt r~ · Nehuc'hadhe'Jrs;t by too-1/rrach indulgi~g to thefe. pbfing humours,. and ,;,.jfl, q:::;', rhrough•t!Mr.owne,adault'; So-tha~ wh1ch Mmur14lu conjil. r r . fomenmes """·.,.,.rem- expoftalat<fdwith h!s:metanchcrl¥ patienr,may.be.juftly applyed r0every [OW"'fli:t~ litaty and idl~p~rfon ib.particulaf. i. Nawa dt llltlidetur conrrteri P•ffe·, (~•. ft,j.~;!"'Z. Nmre.m•ri<f..~ ~mplait!'e•fthe:, 'i hat' whereid''{he gave thee- a g60f.Jwhoie- "'"' • D.. " · fome ttmper•tuh; afound.h•dy, ·•n1i GM h11t'h gwen thee fo d11Jllllt and excellent :;;!:';'#pi';~ a>fi»ule; fo ffiloi'j'gDid P'"'li,"And t~fiiable gifts, thotl )haft no~ pnely contemnetl J•· ."'!""''": " and rej~tled,hlit:b•f!~of(upltdthtm, p•Otiti(/ tlm4>ilverthr~wne their tempe.-- ""f!/:1;{'"""'? tuie,tandplifvemihho{t gifts with-riot, idlen2/ft{(olitarine([e, and many sther ~am,;~~;:': wayts, thotN:r;,A_trilitJ/.no G•d ATTikN-llt.ure, AtJ'tnemy to thy ftife and to tht '""m'''~'"·~ ' wotfldruriflllniJAixt~;tbou haft Iotltthy felrc wilfully,cafi away thyfelfe, ~~:;"~~,. i'bluthyftlfe <~tt .tht' tjficitn~ cauft-4('(hint owne mifery, bJWI rejijling (tufl ' rulli/,e·c•gil:tfi•JU,butgivilfgruy'lr'llh 'tbt~~~Pr:?rmvn· · · ·•:!. · · : '"t; . . ...LH. 1: •.J lo ;:· .n~r:nnr'', f ·h!)'l :) Lcu.: ~~gnib1JU ( 1 ;·11:+ ;}o f 11r;i: b,~. 1 ,t~;~ ~. ~ ) b~1~L· !1uS'uBfE;C1lrJ. ~'7~ iq OJ~ '11JI' .tf''fO:>t!O:.~ J:!f. '.) .. -cfi · .r!ln . ' ' ""il , ., ·' .J"'''~l ''}ch51 r """ ., . ,,;t , .! . , , .feting ~~rr·J"Ilr ,ng,~'ltf~1 nr ;;- • v. lltlat I haveformerly.f;!id 0fExercife,I may now repeatoi·Sieep, Nothing beuer'thannoderate UoepC?,nothing \Vorfe than ic,ifit bdn extreaffi!!s, orunfeafonably•ufdl. It is areceived opinion, . ·th.ata melan·cholJman>t<llltiOt fleepe1overmu~h; Somnt« (np,. , PIU!>. 6h mildmnprldejl,as an O'ntly Antidote,· and nothing offends them cap. ,,,F"''''· 'more, or caufeth this malady foonor, _than waking, yet in fome cafes fleep ;:~~'f{f.:_ , may doe more h:trm?'t~an-good;· in that flegmatick,fwinifh, cold,aod fl~gf"'•"'""i#, vi- gtfh m,lallcholy,whll:h •Mll•ntlhonlpeaks ol,tlracthmkes.ol waters,figbmg ~:,;~'J>'"dtbi- moft part,&q:• It duls theSp~ri~s-,i~ overmuch, anPfenfes, 'lils the head full b Lib.•Jdl. '· oj grotfe bum~urs, cauft~~h d!ft!llanons,theumes, great ftoro ot excrements "!·•· M•g"""' 1~ the 5raine;and al~ the: ath~r parts,_ a~- • .fuchfi~ fpeaks_of them, that fleep ~;::=~~ ltke fo manyTDorm1ce>0r If it beufod mthe day ·tlme,\tpoa full ftonuck,c(le .r;;, panib.- body ill compofed t0 it;fl:,or ~fl~r, haid m 'Cats, it'increafodi fen'rfull dreams, mfir~ar. . lwfttbu<,night walking)'crying·out<;& moch uo9!ii'fl:nelfe; fuch flcep prepares ~;:;b:.:',;~',;:'.'· the l:)ody, as 'qne obferves, tl' m•~<iP.~rihru t#{t:.tfts. But as I have faid,wa- """""ib"' P""' king overm11ch, ls b'orh ~Jympt0me;ana ah ordin~ry caufe.ll 'cauftthJri~ejfo f:[.::!':.J ta- <0[1he hrAi~fnnJie~,~ef.tse,'.iuJm•ktJ the.MJy dry[llan~,hard1 and ug~ 'taheho!d, ,..a.,f"i:m,_ 'M d .Lemm~ bath lt•. Th~'remp~ra1•1-oftht Bfalfz~ ·l&' corrupted by 11, .'~' 6»- ~":;J:at:f::m bfli11JIU(J ctzp.t.G.' ctrtbrt~ji.d:Jti;u/fi,f ,phrtMtfi ~i~hrium, c~·ptu ·;nJu:,; ,Pcit,fqUA/iJ~, flrilPfo;,;, , bM11MfU lld11rit, ttmpualf¥1JIMNJ ctrebrf cmilinpit,m•tkm iRibwff. IJi~cctttip~~ IJiltm.cttnlit, tif[tfndfs rtdd1t (JCN/"s, ,al(Jrtm~tit. ·\ ,t l' ;, f11QIIfi