Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

6 D s M o c R 1 T u s to the Reader. f Obftrvat. l.• . Or as he did, ofwhom f Eelix Plater !peaks, that thought be bad fome of Ariftophants frogs inhis belly,fiill crying Brccc' ckex,coax,coax,oop,oop, and fortbat caufe fiud.ed pbylick feven years, and travelled over moll gM.Joh.Rous part of Europetoea[ehim[elf: To do my felf good I turned over fuch our Protobib. pbyficians as our librarieswouldalfoord,or my g private friends impart ~~R~pper: and have taken this pains. Andwhy not~ Cardan profelfetb newrit bi; l\1.Gudl7idge book De cpnfolationeafter his fons deatb,to comfort bimfelf;fo did TuUy {;'~ ;u; ..,_writeof the fame fubject with like intenr,after his daughters departure, tlire & Legere if it be his at leafi,or fome impofiors put out in his name,.which Lipjiu. folenr, "~~m probably fufpe~s. Concerning my fdf, I can peradventureaffirme with {;;~~.:~;~ Marim inSaluft, h that which others hear or reade of, I flit and p;•a&lifld geffi,fu• iHi li- my [elf, theyget their knowledge by books, I mineby melancholizing, Ex. :~~~;'§!JI':f<- perto crede Roberro. Something I can fpeak out ofexperience,..rum. ,...,~,,..tp;.r;abilis experientiamedocttit, and with her in the Poet, iJiaud ignara 7'"!~11••; mali miferis fuccurreredifco. I would helrorbersour of a fellow-fee. ; !g;:£;;~. '"'ling, and as that vertuous Lady did of old, · hing a Leper her [elf, beftow k camJ<n,lpfoaUher portion to buildanHofpitallfor Lepers, I will fpend my time and :!;~;·:.":£. knowledge,which arc my greatell forrunes,for rbe commongood ofall. phanf;•fis bo- Yea but you w illinf~r, tllat this lS 1 a&lu~ agere, an unn_ecdfary worke, Jiicium"''" cramben btscoflam ~tpponere, the fame agame and01gamm otberwords. fiJ:::i;p•ft To whatpurpofe ~m N othmgu omitted that m~ty wellbefaid,[o thought Homerum. Lucian in the like theam. How many excellent Pbylicians have written ;';,~J;;£'~;,.iull_ Volumes. and elaborate rraC!s of th~s fubjeft ~ no newes here, that 4quovu ai~ which I have,1s fioln from others, n Drcttfk mtht meapagmafor es .If that poffll·· . . feveredoom of o Syne(t.u betrue,It u a greater offence to.ftealtdeAdmtns ~z·~2~%'pi- labours,tbantheinlotl1es,.,.bat !hall becomeof moll Writers~ I hold um :DTtuorum upmy hand at the bar arnongfi others, and am guiltie of felonie in this ~:~!'~:;;::· ~~· habes conjitentens reum~ I am content to be pr~lfed with the rdt furari. Tlsmolltrue,tenet :n(dnabtle multos fcr~bendt cacoethes, and P there~. P Ecc!. ulr. noendofwritingofbooks, as the Wife-man found ofold,in this 1 fcrib- 'Jbf~~:u~~··- hng age?efpecial!Y wherein ' the number of bODKS n J?ithout n11mber (as periletpariunt a worth1emanfa1th) prejfes be oppre[[ed,and out of :uutcbing bumor,tbat 'D.King pr~- cverieman hatb to !hew bimfelt~ r delirous offame and honour (fcribi- ~~\~~~~'h: mmit~do{!i dom#r-.) he will write no matter what, andfcrapetoge· remend Lord ther it boors not whence.' Bewitchedwith thu dejireoffame, etiam medii& ~;rt."''j.· in 111orbu to tbedifparagement of their health, andfcarce able toholda ,.,:,:;~;~ p~,tbeymuft fay fomtbing, "and get t!temfolves a name, faith Scaliger, •••flentorio- though it be to thedown-foll and mine ofmany otlms. To be counted ::,::z;::;r:;,,_ writers,(criptores utfalutentur, to be thought and held_Polumathes and I."Unt.Bucha· Polyhiftors, apud tmperitumvulgm ob ventof£ nomenartu,to get apaper1 "';;""'· .• kingdome:nu/fa (fequ..jfmfedamplJ. fomil, in this precipitate, ambiti- ;;'!,"f!.~~~~~~- ousage, nunc ut eft f.<culum,inter immaturameruditionem, ambitio{ilm & mor<, &<}•- pr£ceps ('tis x Scaligers cenfure,J and they that are fcarce auditors, vix e~:.;~::"~ auditores,mufib7mafie~sand teache_rs, before they becapab!e. and fie lie"" exift<,.. hearers. They will rulh mto alllearnmg, togatam, armatam, drvme, bu- ~"is~bi f!a- rnane authors, rai<eover all Indexes & Pamphlets for notes, as our mer• P::,.111.r•mam chants dofiran_ge haven5 for traffique,writegreat Tomes, Cum nonjintrt x,Ex.,rit.>SS, 'lltrado'!_ipJti ,Je~loquacims, whe11 as they are not therby better fchol~_rs • ...ut