Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

JO D s "'o c " , Tu s to the Rt4der. l!ile,thou art all for neat compofition,l!rong lines; he defires a line fron, ~ .Ant~>trp.Jol. tifpiece, emifing piCtures,fuch as Hieron: • Natali the Jefuite hathcur .•6<>7. to the Dominicals, to draw on the Readers attention, which thou rejeCtefr; that which one ~dmires, another explodes as moll: abfurd and ridiculous.Iflt be not pomt blank to h1s humour,h1s method,his conceit hM.,..tti<. bsi quid forfm omiflitm, quoduanimc eoneeperiT, ji qu.edic1ro,&e.lf ought be omitted or added, wh1ch he hkes or d!fhkes.' thou an maneipi. ~tm pauc.e lellloms ,anJdlOt,an affe, nullm es, or plagumu, a t-ntler,a trivanr, thou art an idle fellow; or elfe 'tis,a thing ofmeere indufirie, acol. leCtion without wit or invention,a very toy. i l'aciliafie putant omnes qu.e. jamj4fl•,nee de f4lebri5 eogitant,Nbi viajlrata,[o men are valued,their la. itipp..; '· hours vilified by fellows ofno worth themfelves ; as things of nought, - who could not have done as much~ unufquzfque "bundat fenfo foo, everie manabounds in his own fenfe;and whil'fi ea~h particular partie is fo af. feCted,how lhould one pleafe all~ k~iddem,quidnondem? Renuis tuquodjubct iUe. How lhall I hope to expreffe my felf to eachmans humour & I conceit, or to give fatistaC:ion to all~ Some underfbnd too lirtle,fometoomuch, ~i jimiliter in tegen~os lthros_,atq; in·fa!utandos homi~t·s irru.unt,non eo.. gitantes qtMies,(edqutbus -r;eft1busmdutijirJt,as m.A~jlm obferves,not regarding what,but whownte, n orexm habet authoru eelebrzt,u, not valu. ing themetle,but framp that i5 upon it, Cantharum a!Jieiunt, non quid;11 eo. Ifhe benot rich, in great place,polite and brave,a great dollor,or ful fraught with grand titles, though never fo well qualified, he is a dunce~ Spme are too parti~ll,as friends to ovenveen, otherscomewith a prejuaice tO carp,vilifie,detraCt,and fcoffe; (qui demeforfan,quicquideft,omni ~ontemptu eomemptit# judieant) fame as bees for honey, fame as fpiders togatlier poyfon. Whatlhall Idoirahiicafe~ Asadutchhoft, if you come to an Inne in Germany,& diilike your fare,diet,lodging,&c.replies e '£"(m.di•l. inafurly tone,0 aliud ttbi q_u.erP dtverforium,ifr~ulike not this,ger you to another Inne :I refolve,tf you hke not my wnnng,go reade fomthing elfe. I do not much ell:eeme thy cenfure, take thy courfe, 'tis not as thou wilt,nor as I will,but when we havebothdone,thatofPI'linim Smmdeu ~:J:~;;•;~,_toTrajanwill prove true, Every'mans witty lab~~trtakes not, except the ftium ""' fl•· matter,fobJefl,~ecajion,and (ome commendmg favortte happen toit,Iflbe ~"::::~~·;:;:.: taxed,exploded by thee and fome fuch,I ilia! haply be approved & com- '"·""fi'·""'" mended by others, and fo have been (Expertm loqttar) and may truly. mrn.latorf•• fay withqJovim in like cafe (abjit verbo jailantia) hmum quorundam, ~~;~:':,;p. pontifiellm,& virorumnobilium familiaritatem& amieitiam,gratafque rta•Jari<l gratiiH, &multorum •benelaudatorumlat~des{uminde promerttm, as I 14 •i41•14•• have.been honoured by fomeworrhie men, fo have I been vilified by ~?;,,,.,Jii. others,and !hallbe. At the firfr publiiliing of this book; (which r Pro" /lm of Perfim fatyrs )editum librttm continua mirari homines,atqueavide deripere co:perunt, I may in fomefort apply to this my work, The firft, . . fecond,and third editionwere fuddenly gone, eagerly read,and as I have ;.~;j;',!;;: faid, not fo much approved by feme, as fcornfully rejeCted by others. ButitwasDemoeritm hisfortune,Idem admtrationi & * irrifioni ha. ~ifm. 'Twa~ Smmh fate, thatfupetintendcnt of wit, learning, -· · ·- · ---- -- · --·- · · · · judge-