Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

judgement, • tlti jfupomn doc1m, the beft of Greek and Latine writers,in <Lipfitis JuJi<: Plutar~h' s opinion; That renowned &orrec1orofvt&e, as" F abttu termcs de sen«•. . him 4ndfainfoU omnifciom philofopher,thatwrilfoexcellent/y,md admi. uLib.ro.Ptu- ' Id 1 r 11 · r r H · h . mnumfiudtt, rabiJwe!J,cou not p eate_ a pames, orr,carece~wre: .ow~ evt·multamretum lified by x Caligultt,<..AgeUnu ,Fabtus ,and Ltpjtus htmfelf, hts c!Jref pro-<ognitionem, pugner ~ In eoplertt9r pernitioft, faith the fame Fabitu, manychildifh~:~';ff,~f;~ traCts and fentences he hath, (crmJJ sOaboratm,too neghgent ofteo, & re. &c.nmltain milfe,as .Age/lit~~ ol»ferves, oralio vulgMii & protrit~, di.wes& inept.. ;;£;"::':/.:::. [ententi.r erudilio plebet.-,an homely fhallow wi·tter as bets, In parttbta rani/a. fPinM &fojf~dia ~abet, faith~ Lipjim, an.~.as' in .all his other works~ foe- f;,:;;i~""" fpecially in hts eptfiles, alta tnargut;/S & tneptm occupa!'tur,tntrtcattu ~ lntrodu;,,u ~tticubi,& p•rttm ~ompojitm, Jine copt« rerum hoc fmt, he JUmbles up ma. Sen.. . ny things together immeth6dically, after the Sroicks f.1lhion, parum or- ~Ju~c.Jc Sen., dinavit, mullaJmtmttlavit, &c. If S enec" be thus lafhed,and many fa- ahfo~.;~~:'~:"' mous men that!.could name,what fhalll expeti ~ How !hall I that am:~:';}/~·~­ vix umbr.. '·""" plnlo(opht,hope to pleafe~ No man fo •bfolttte,YErafmus nifi f'...g~",;'::: holds,tofttujie ~/!,except antt9utltt, prefcrtptton, &c.Jeta barrt.. But pori• prd!flripas I hav: p~mred ins,,.,..,, .;:hi< will notal ~aies take place, how !ha~! I 1~JJ~~:~/r'; evade~ Tls the common dop,me of all wmers, I mu.ft (l J:1y) ab•.de tt,I "· r<ligione feek not applaufe; • Nonegovento(.e venorji':ifragM plebu ;agam nonfua.lat•_.,imo: JHm adeoinformiJ,I wouldnotb~•vihfied: - :"J'l,~'fl' .•. --btaudatus Aliunde, tib., 9 • p Non (.tftidttt« ft tibilec1orer,q;. • •&£gtie '"'f.~ I fear goo<! mens cenfures, ancj to their favourable acceptance I fubmit ~:7~?.~~~-::;:" my bbours, ~c&lmgutU Manctptorum . · ., 'llilupewi. ContemnP --:...:l.....s.. l'havOTm:a A h b ,_. f d' Ir I . h fc !'· • jn .A.GeWh.,9; st e annngo a og, .•ecure ycontemnet o e ma Ictousanatcilr-cap.>. rile obloquies, flours, calumnies; of railcrs and'detraetors, I fcorne the b O'IJii.rrifl.•; reft. What therefore I have laid, tro.tcnuiiAie me!i I have.faid. ~'¥.:; •. sat.!; Oneor nvo thmgs yet I was dehrous to have amended 1f I could, concerning the manner ofhandli.ng this my fubjeet, for which I muft apolo.- gize,d<precari,& upon better advicegive the friendly readernoticeri)lf.:. was not mine imentto proftitute my mufe in Englijh, or to divulgeftchl~ {gMinerv.e,but to haveexpofed this more conrradinLAtine,If I could havegot it prinred.Any fcurrile pamphlet is welcome to our mercenaric; Stationers in Epglifh,they print all,-cttduntque libel/os •. Inquoru,. foliis vixjimianudaca&aret; . But inL.ttilletheywillnotdeale; whichisoneofthereafons dNicho!tU d Aiittittu;;t.; Car in his Or~tion ofche paucitieof Englifh writers,gives; thatfo many ftiiautfu~fllil flourifhing WitS are fmothered in ob!ivion,!y dead and buried in this OUr r•g~~4';_ · nation.A~other ~ain faultis,that I liave not revifed the copie,and amen- ,;:.~ •• ~."'' dedthefttle, whtchnowflowes remifly, as it wasfirftconceived; but ($'£onJ.Ex<of my l~a~ure :-vould not permit, F e:i nee quodpotui, nee quod vol11i; I con-: ~~1;. 4eponi; felfeltlsnetther as I would,or asJt fhouldbe; iltg. •.•, ·· <Cumrdego {cripjiffi pudet,quiAplurimarirPI· Me quoque quajuerantjtldi&e tlignA lini. · When I perufe this tratl: which I have writ ~ hmaba1h'd,aAdmuchi holdunlit.· ' . .. :B a