Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • u o c R r Tu ' ts.,he Reader. they arecanonicall. David aman after Gods own heart, confeffeth as much of himfelf,Pfa1.37·2I,22· Sofoolijhwtts I and ignorant,l>vaseven 45 abeaft biforcthce.And condemnsallforfools,Pf.93-& 5! ·9·&49-zo. He compares them to beafts,hor(es, an~ mules? tn_whtch ther~ ts no underftanding. ThcapofilePate1 accufethhtmfelfmhkefort, l Cor.n.n. I would yofllvould fo.ff~r a lrttle 1!'] foolifhne[fe, 1 JPe4kfooli[hly1 The.whole · hcad,isjick,[aithEjay ,andthe heartts lmvte,Cap.I ·5 .Andmakeshghter of them then ofo.wn andaffis ,The oxe knows hts owner, &c. reade D1ut. 32 .6.Jer. 4 .Amos 3.r.Ephe[.5 .6.Benotmad,-benot decewed,fo~lijh ·G_alAtiam who bath bewitchedyou? How often ~re they branded wtth th1s Epi;h:cofmadneffe and folly~ Noword fo frequent amongft the fathers ofrheChurchand Divines;youmay feewhat an opinion they h.adpf the world,andhow they valued mens actions. J9 · I know that we think far otherwife, and hold themmoft part wife men that arein authoritie, princes,magifirates, d rich men, they are wife :Juflh.er•limen borne,all Politicians and Statef-menmull: nee~s be ~o,for who dare .::~/,':;6,~: fpeakagamfi them~ And on the other, fo corrupt IS ourJudgement, we rmos"'l'· dleeme wife and honell men fools. Which Democritus well fignifiedin· ~,1f.:'~1,!f:;;. an Epijfle of hts to Htppucrates : 'The Abderttes account, vert,emAdnes, CS' i"""ffi and fo do moll: men living.Shall I tell you thereafon of it~ f Fortune and 1"""'· . rertt<e, WifedomeandFolty, ,Fheir feconds, upona time contended in the A~::·~::~"' olympicks; Everie m1!l thoughttpat forttmeandfolty ~ould have themir.W:amur,pu~ worft, and pitied tneir cafes.Butit fell out ot?erwife. For.tunewas blind ;':.;'iJ:{,;{;:,. and cared not where fhe ftroke, n_or whom,wtthotjt !awes, .(ludabatarum sed P'~'" ,;_. lnftar, &c. Foily rafh.and 'lnconfiderate, eiteemed as littlewhat fhe faid pellatione,.,,. or did. Vertue and Wt{edot.l1e gave~ place, were hilTed 011t, and exploded ft~~:;.1:""" by the common pe?nie;jo!ty & fortune admired, and fo are all th~ir fol- in~it~c. ~~= lowers. everfince: n~v:es and fQo!es commonly fare and dcferv~ bell in ';t:~:':/1:;,.":: worldlmgs eyes &opm10ns. Many good men have no betterfate m theiner foll"'"'" ages: Achifh, I S.am.li.r4.)\eldJJavidfor amad man.h Elifha&the rellfl•ltitia. _· were no orherwife efteemeq.D<(vidwas derided ofthe commonpeople, _h ~:Z:f..;:­ l'ja. 9·7.I ambecbme ammfter te manie. And generally we are accounted }ut" recun.: fools for Chrifi, I Corinth, I4· We fools thoteg/,t his life madn~jft,And his dumflutt<titw; endwithout honour, Wifd. s ·4· Chrift and his Apoftles were cenfured in ? {;f~~~~j,.97: like Corc,John ro.Mark 3•\.A fl .z6.And fo were all ChriftiansiniP!iny's kAug. ep.•78, fime,foerunt & aliiJimitis dementi.e.&c. And called notlongafter,kVe- · {ani.e ftBatores,everfores hom!num, pol!ut! novatores fo.nat~ci,cMt_ts ,maltJict> ver;ejict,Galtl.rt howunctones ,&c. T1s an ordmane thmg With n~,to acco~nt honeft, devout, orrhodoxe, divine, religious, plain-dealing• men, 1d1ots, affes, that cannot or.will not lye and diffemp)e; fhift,flatter; accommo1.reft ad enm locum n&i n•ti funt,makegood bargaines,fup. plant,thnve,patroms mforvtrt; (otenn;s a(cendewdi modos apprehendere, leges,mores,confoe(udmesrcrle obftrvare, candide laudare, fortiter defont/ere, {ententt;u amplec7t, dubware de nflllis, credere omni11, Ac&iJert omma, mhtlrtprehendere,c~.teraque quepromotionem fer~tnt & fomrifate~n,q"" fine ambagefa:lteemredduntbominem,&vtr'i:{apientemapudnos; . . Tharcannot temporize as othermen do,l hand and take bribes &c. but Ill!!!• nifimm. fi r d .l r.. ' '"'R<pt,f6'<· eare ...,o , an~" make a contclence of their doings. But the holy Ghoft C 2 · · that