Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • .. o c R r Tu s to the Reader. 33 flain in abattel,fcarcc fifteen are recorded in hifiory,& after awhile their names are likewife blotted out,thewhole battel it felf is forgotten. Thofe Gr.tcian Orators,Jim•ma vi ingemi & e!oqreentia,Cet out the renowned overthrows atThermopyl", SAlamtna,Marathro,Mycale, Mantmea, C/Jcron«a Plat.<a: The Romans record their battel at c.mn.u, and Pharfalian fields'but they doe but record, and we fcarce hear of them. And yet this fupp~fed honour,popular applaufe, defireofimmortalityby this means, prideand vain-glory fpurs them onmany ttmes raOJ!y and unadvtfedly, tO make away themfeJves and multitudes ofOthers. vi fexand~r was rorry,becaufethere were no more worlds for !urn toconquer,hers adrnrred by fome for it,animofavox videtrer ,& regi~, 'twas fpoken likea Prince, but as wife d Seneca cenfures him, 'twas vox iniquijsima & flu!tifsima, d Nulli beatio- 'cwas fpoken like abedlam-fool; &that fenrence which the fame' Seneca "'babiu,_ appropriates to his father Ph!lip_ and him, I apply to themall,N on mino. ~~:~t:,;~iJrCJ fuere pefies mortaltum,qr<amrnrendatto,quam canjlagr•tto, qnrbtJt,&c. finr. Brifoni"' they did as much mifchef to mortall men, as fire and water,thofe merci- ~;:L~'t"" ldfe elements when they rage.fWhich is yet more to belarnemed, they 44-ld.;,.'iJ;. per!wade them,this helli01 courfe oflifeis holy,they promif~ heaven to 0 •• 7 '"' de !1-•- fuch as venture their lives bdlofocro,&that by thefebloudy wars,as*Per- ~:,·~/{m~~:­ ftans,Greeks ,and Romans ofold,as modern Turks donow their C6mons~""" lib;, to encourage them to figbt,ut cadant ipfilrciter,Ifthey dy in thefield,they Ju~~~.hu .. go dirdlly to heaven,andfoal be canonizedfor {arnts, (0 diabolical inven- folw be:;.:: cion) p~t in the Chronicles, inperpetuam rei memoriam, to their eternallf:" ::;;, q~~.~ memone:when as mtruth,as g fomehold,Jt were much better(fince wars,/.,;ma~. ·, are the fcourge of God for fin, bywhich he punilheth mortal mens pce- Ve BeneJ.Iilt. viOmes and folly) fuch brutiOJ ftories were fupprdfed,becaufe admorttm :-;;~;.qa•ft injlitutionemnihilhabent,rhey conduce not at all to maners,or good life-tib.J . • But they will have it thus neverthelelfe,&fo they put-a note ofh divinity 1 bB''~"' Amupon the moft trteell and perni<ic~~< plagueofhumane kinde, adore fuch men{.~~~ ?;,;~;P. with grand titles,degrees,fiatues,images, ;honour, applaud and highly hifl Per uJu reward them fort~eirgood fervice, nogreatergloriethen to dye in the<::'£.":~:;._ field. So A.frtcan~~< tS extolled by Enntm; Mars and kHercules,& I know{., aftenfom not how many befides ofoldwere deified,went this way to heaven, that •• '~'""' P•- were indeed bloudy butchers, wicked deftroyers and troublers of the j::}~ ~~"';'"' world,prodigiousmonfiers,hd-hounds,feral plagues,devourers,comon cap.8. · ·'· executioners ofhumanekind,.as Laflantius tr~I}:' proves, and Cyprtan to ~.~:;;~~iftiDMat,~uch as were defperatemwars,and prectpltatly made away them- ma dei fozf,e/14 felves(hkethofe Celtes in Damafcen,with ridiculous valour ut dedecorosiffunt,quib.. boputarent mttro ruenti [e (u6ducere,adifigraceto run away for'arotten wall ~mum pmina-_ d c 1 . . )Ciampumt,t4 now rea y tora onthetrheads)fuchls wilnotru!honafwords p.oint,orperpetua oblifeek to lhunacanons lhot,arebafecowards,& no valiantmen. By which~""' fiprt>en- - means,Madet orbu mutuofonguint,rhe earth wallowes in her own bloud, :,!:~~~ ~=- 's,.vitamor forri & fce!erati infonia belli, and forthat which ifit be "•""- pletiqut. done in privar_e, amaR !hall be rigoroufiy executed,b and ~hi eh;. nole!Je!!f,~;~:;;· ~Jb then murder tt folf, ifthe fowe {ac1be done inpublike in wars, it u called hijl.aak. . . h=-~ mant ~e~n ptfttm, & perniciem divinitatis ntJt.i infl{_niunt. i Et quodJ~lendum,appl:nJfom b.-.be~Jt & oc«jr~ fom v~rt t•lrr. k H~rc_u~t eadem port4 a4. crtlum }:Jt*t, qui matnam generis humani p.memptrdilllt, 3 Ytrg. ~:7~~;,t b Homwdn~m qumu rrrmmtttlnt jingu i~ crimtn tjf, tJ.uum publ ici geritur, 11irtut11DCfttur~ E manhood,