Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • "' o e a I Tu s to tbe Reader. 39 Blinde hopes and w1lhes, cllelr mougocs ana atta1res, Whifpers and rumors, and thofeflying cares. . That he could cubiculortom obdufl~U fores reciNdere ,& fccreta cordzumpe. netrare, whichY Cypriandefired,ol'endoores and locks, lhoot bolts, as ;;::.'f.~"::'j;rtJ Luci.tns Gai/U< did with a feather ot h1s taile: or Gyges mv1fible nng, or pojfts in fp<a.. fomerarc perfpe&v~ glalfe, or Otacoujficon, which wc.uld fomulci~ly fil:~!~~;;'; jjecies, thatamanm~ghthcarandfeeallatonce(as 'MarttarzU< Capeua s >Lib.• . .U•ui; Juptter did in a{pear, which he held in his hand, which did prefent unco Pbil~.in fU4 him all that was daily done upon the face of the earth) obferve cuckolds ::.:.m'f,~~';t homes, forgeries of alcumifis,the philofophers fionc,&c. and all thofe flUJtidia~u "'"' works of darkneffe, foolilh vowes, hopes, fears, and wilhes, what a deal ~~=~:r::."'"'' of laughter would it have afforded~ Hee lhould have feene Wmd-mills a o ]uf""'.,. in one mans head, anHornetsnefiin another. Or had heebeen prefent ringar mibi.,... with lcaromeniffU< in L11cian at Jupiters whifpering pbce, • and heard';(.~~;:;;".:; . one pray for raine,another for fair weather 1 one for his wives, another Jupitrr """"' for his fathers death, &c. to a<ke that at Gods hands,which they are abajbed ~,:.:::~~ b,_ 11ny m.tnjl>Otddbe.tr : How would he have been confounded~ Would he, min•m, rurJIIfthinke you,or any manelfe, fay that thelemen were well in their wits~ Jima ~"• <i~t H ~c [ani elft hominM quis {anm juret Orejles? ~[t/U::::!~!t, CanaU the HeUebor in the Anticyr.e curethefe men~ No fure, *an acreof •urem,<onri<efHelleborwi/1 not doe it. '""'·"'f"'4 ,, That which is more to bdamented, they are mad like Seneca's blinde ~:::.~•m;,~' woman, and will not acknowledge, or hfeek for any cureofit. 'If our"""""'· &enr<. leggeorarmeoffen~us, wee covet by all means poffibler.oredreffeit; '!~~:~;:;M .. d and tf welabour of a bod1ly d1feafe, wee fend for aphyfic1an; but for n«b. ••• porejf the dileafes of the mind, we take no notice of them: Lull: harrows us on !"''' HeH•; the onefide, envie,anger, ambition on the other. Wee aretornein pieces,~;/;~"'' • by our paffions,as lo many wilde horfes; one in difpofition, another in h Ecg ;f;t•'llin habite; one is melancholy, another mad;' and which ofus all feeks f()r :;;:1~~~fi= help,dothacknov.ledge hts error, orknowshe1s lick .~ As rhatfiup1d rami. · fellow put out the Candle,becaufe the biting fleas il10uld not finde him; '~.u t1J•Jtt he lhroudes himfelf in an unknown habite, borrowed titles, becaufe no 'l::!.::/~1[,;:4 bodielnoulddifcernehim. Everieman thinks with himfdf Egometvi. Efl••i;,.,,.,. deor mths {anU<, I am well, I am w1fe, and laughes at others.And 'tis a Jijfiru•r.. J• generall fault amongfi them all,that fwhich our forefathers have appro. !~"!."k::.­ ved, diet, apparel, opinions, humors, cufiomes, manners, we deride and d Si"<apur,,,.. reject in our time as abfurd. 0 Id men account Juniors all fools, when :\~'j;jj""' they are meere dizards; and as to failers ""~fi:,"':':!t. -terr.eq11e urbefq"e ruedunt·- f.1'bo~tfle,p they move, the land fian~s fiill, the world hath muchmore wit, they)=~~~·:;,~;;. ~ote themfelves.Turks dendeus,we them; Italians,Frenchmen,accoun- mi "'""I'"'~ tmgt~em light-headed fellows; the French fcoife againe at It..lt.tns,and '};';;;/,:~,~· at thm feverall cuf!omes; Greeks have condemned all the world but <•.lib. u · themfelves of barbarifme, the world as much vilifies them now· wc:ac. bluffee. .,.,. count Germanes heavic dui fellows,explodc; many oftheir falhio~s;rhey ~i':';'.!~;A"':J; as comempnbly thmk of us;Spaniards laugh at all,and all again at them. t•• ,.,.,.,Jt . ltfltt metlicum rt1Juirat vt~ ~grorar.t f!4t,'~~D(catltltulltt ira,&c.l:t 1101 tamtn ~gtDt tftntg•m..!n!:f,':;::::ti "'"(w.Pr~ftnr et tU flultmam pnfiu exprQbr#.Bud.Jt .a.{'ec.lil!. S• f Stnts I'~ flultM b4Hnt juvtnts.B4lti.,tajt. So ·