Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • M o c x 1 Tu s to the l<eader. • ~;Thai- year,betterrewar1 for an houre,then afcholar fora twelve moneths fiudem pingm, d1e; h1m that can pamt Thau ,play on a fiddle, <urle hair,-&c.fooner get inj1are tibram. preferment thena ph1lologer or a poet. r:t!;:_(p~';;~: To fee a fond mother like lE fops ape, hug her childe to death, a fwit- " t"'""'· t•ll wmkeat h1s wiVes honefiy,and tOo perfpKuous 10 all other affa1res; :,f;P·~~ ~tm one fiumble at afiraw, and le~p over a block; rob Peter, and pay F 411!; flutril•~io- fcrape UnJuHfumswJth one hand, purcha!e greatMannors bycorruptum "' '"'. . tion,fraud and cozenagc, and liberally to difiribute tO the poor with the ;~;;~,:.btrvift• other, give a remnant tO pious ufes,&c Penny wife,pound foolilh;Blind Idem Atiftip- men Judge ofcolours; w& men fi!em,fools ulk; ' find f.1ult w1th others, P"~bar~Jemo and doe worfe themfel ves; • denounce that in publike,which he doth in ifmni::.ft~~~~ fecret; and whichA11 eliru Viflorgive5 out ofA"g"ftru,feverelycenfure <i• cujufdam that in a third, of which he is moll guiltiehimfelf. t"Z:;;·tr'· To fee a poore fellow or an hired fervant venture his life for his new pubtrce ;,:J Mafier, that willfcarcegive him his wages at year , end; A nobleman occu/re agar, in a bravado to encounterdeath,and for a [mall flafh ofhonour tO call ai:;~;';,~,:'ti. way himfelf; A worldlingtremble at ~n Executor,and yet not fear helleifiendu viriis fire; To w1fl1 and hope for 1mmonaht1e, defire to be happy,and yet by ~:'b"' rpfive- all means avoyd death, a necelfarie palfage to bring him to it. Ju~':::.' ,,_ To fee a foole-hardy fellow like thofe old Danes ,qt<i deco.ifari malunt ". Ada""" '"1. q11am verberari ,dye rather then be punifhed,in afottifh humour imbrace ';{q~~,IJ;.~';.: death with alacritie, yet u [corn to lament his own fins andmiferies,or hi~ '"''""' ' ' l•tm deartfi friends departures. ~lf:ng:o;t•fl; To fee wife men degraded, fools preferred ; one governeTowns and w pt:.lu:"' Cities, andyetafillywomanover-rules him at home;* Command a ••r~aq; "m- Province, and yet his own fervants or children prefcribe !awes to him, ~:;~ ~==~.~·- asThe~tjloc!es fond1d in Greece; x What/will (laid he) my mother will, folubtia cen;e· and whfit my mother will, my father doth. To fee horfes ride in a Coach, :;;,~;;:· ;•m•- mendraw it; dogges devoure their mallets; rowers build mafons ; chil- ., ,,.;;,.;:~-"'drenrule;old mengoetofchool; women wear the breeches; Y fheepe fi eatu neep,.Je. demolifh towns, devourmen, &c. And in aword, the world turned uounllUamtci£ fid d d · D · 1 • ullt jlerelicear. 1 e o~nw~r . 0 _vzver~t emocntw. . • Otbi Jar te- z To mfill m cvene partiCular, were one ofH erct~l~s labours,there s l() j;~!;;:,~ v;: it many ridiculous inll:ances,as mores_in ~he Sun. ~antt'm eft in rebus_ inafmefi"P''" g ne? And who can fpeakof all~ Cmmne•bm10 d•fCe omnes,takethls for Jomi. a tall:e. ;;~!/;~~~'~.~~ But thefe are obvious to fenfe,triviall and well known, eafie to be dif- ""' '" mea, tr cerned. Howwould Democrit.u have beenmoved,had he feene * the fe- 'f:.~/;;;;",rer. crers of their heartS~ If every man had a window in.his breafi, which y over.~tim Momruwouldhavehadm V11lcans man, or thatwluch Tlelly fomuch pritep""'·'"" wi01tit were written in every mans forehead, ~id qt~ijip~edenpub!icJ, ';;,;J:"::,";,:fentiret, what he thought;orthatit could be effected in an inllanr,which 'flinerdevottnr, Merc11riedid by Charonin Lucian,by touching of hiseyes, to make !urn t:j,~r~ , difcernfeme/ & ftmu/ mmores & fu[ierros. '1- Zkvcrfos Spes homtTJUm C4Ctf4, morbos, votstmqtte Idbores, <variismbuit Etpajsim toto volitantes ~.tthere curt.U. naturajurores. * Vemocrir. ep.pr~J. Hordejerante.r & potantttd~prehmdet,TJoS 'IJomenter,iU~sl!tigantet~ ~nftdiaJ "!o.lienter,fof· fragalltet,wMM mifiemes, in amicorum accll[ationem[ubflribmtesJ hosglmaJtllos ambmone,,uptditate, m~nre <Rptos,trc. Bhnd