Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • M o c R r r us tb the Reader. andGermanes, maybe ~afuflicient witneffe, that in a !horttime by that prudent policy ofthe Romans,was brought from barbarifm;fee but what C.efor reports ofus,and Tacitm ofthofe old Germans, they were once as uncivillas they inVirginia,yet by planting ofColonies and goodlawes, •s•pi.. bona they became from barbarousoudawes, 'to be full of rich and populous ':.""i"J'ffi'' cities,as now they are, and moll: ilouri!hing Kirigdomes. Even fo might ~';u,~~·d;'(f.";. Virginia,and th<?fewild/rifo have been civilizedlongfince, ifthat order manla.si quu had been heretofore taken,which now begins,ofplanting Colonies, &c. ::;,~;:~;;;;-_ I havereadabdifcourfe, printedAnno x6u.Dijcovcringthetruecaufes, llu.hodi<~x- why Ireland w,u never intirely fobdued or brought under obedience to the <ulram,mmdi- Crowneo{EMland, until/ the beginningofhis M aj ejfte; happy reigne. Yet :ijf,::;,:::. ifhis reafons u were throughly [canned by a judicious Politician, I am a- •.!Jmam_ colo, fraid he would not altogether be approved, but that it would rurne to :;~":'"'for· the di!honour of our Nation,tofulfer it to lyelo long wafie. Yea, and if h By his M'i'· fome travellers !hould fee (to come neerer home ) thofe rich united ProJhcs Au'0t'""'Y vinces of Holland, zeland, &c. over againfi us; thofe neat cities and po- ~~;'~,;~Z:i, pulous townes, full ofmofi indufirious artificers,' fo much land recoveBemflu '" red from the Sea, andfo painfully preferved by tho(e artificiall inventi11'114"4·f'g'. ons, fo wonderfully improved,as thato[!Je~Jfer inJl•lla,.d,ut ntiHI huic d Fmm Gaunt par at<t jimileinvemlts m toto erbe, faith Bertim the Geographor, Jl! the oosluC<,from world cannot match it, d fo many navigablechanels from place tO pla,,e,- f'"'%:' ro rhe made bymens hands,&c.and on theother fide fo many thoufand acres of .~;,~iw,Bo- our fens lie drowned,our cities thin,and thofe vile,poore,and ugly to beteruo ,Mercat07, hold in refpect oftheirs,our trades dec;tyed,our frill running rivers fiop- ~~:;:;:::~';,.' ped,and that bcneficiall ufe oftranfportation,wholly neglected,fo many ~·Uf gt01ia, . Havens void of/hips and rownes, fo many_Parkes and Forrefis for plea.' ~:;;'.m,!';;;:·~: fure, barrenHeaths, fo many Villages depopulated, &c. I rhinke fure he "'f,;"Wi!liit .. would finde fome fault . .' , z~;;r,~;i~ ';' _;J f1lay f<r~l\y QUtthatthis ~ation. pfours,dotbbene audire apttd lXfmpri>•-'i. fl,_ teras ,1s amoft noble,amoll iloun!hmg k10gdome, by common confent ruit. C•mdt• ofall e Geographers, Hifiorians, Politicians, 'cis unica velt:t arx, and Brit. d< Nur- which .£!!!.intitu in Livy [aid ofthe inhabitants of Pdopone(m, may be ;;::;:!("~"· we! applied to us,we are teftudinestefta fua inclufi_like fo maoyTortoifes· h r .am bieme in our lhells, fafely defended by the Sea,as awall on all fides; Our Ifiand 1:~;1Jj,.~ hath many fuch honourable Elogiums; And as a learned countrymanof "'"t oc~anum, ours right well bath it, fEver jince the N orm•ns.firft comming intD Eng- (9' Juo tUorum land, this Country bothfor military matters, andallotherofcivility, hath :::::::;::~~- beeneparalleldwith the mojf jlourijhing king domes ofEuro;e ,andour Chriqutimfortu.O ftianworld,a bleffed,a rich country,and one of the for~unateHles:and for ~:~:•;t:,~m- fomerhingsgpreferred before other coumries,for expert Seamen,our la- """il"'""· borious difcoveries,art ofnavigation,trueMerchants,they c;my the bel .Ampbirhe4tro away from all other Nations, eventhePortugaisand Hollanders them- f;:r.:;;,, rcile, [elves; h without ail{eare, faith Boterm, forrowing the Ocean Winter and · good :licc,&c. Summer,&two oftheir C•ptains, with no le{[e valour thenfortune,bavefoi- ~o'::U::f~on lfdroundabout the worlrf. i We have befides many particular bleflings, &c. which our neighbours want, the Gofpel truly preached, Church di[ci- ~;~~:;!~:t';;; pline e~abli!hed,long peace and Cj~ietneffe,freefrom exaCtions, forrainc orx.Bottr. feares,mvafions, domelhcallfedmons, well manured, k fornlied by Art · and