Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

DE M oc a 1 TUs to the Reader, Advocates;but ifthere beany controverlies amongH rhem, both parties plaintifte and defendant come to their Alfokins,or chiefJudge,and at one< withoflt any farther appeales ,orpitifoUde/ayes ,theeat{< io heardandended, Our forefathers,as o a worthy Corographer ofours obferves, hadwont o c""'dt•. pa11mlis cruculis at<r<is, with a few golden cro!fes and lines in verfe, make al conveyances,alfurances.And fuch was thecandor and integrity offucceeding ages,that a Deed (as I have oft feene)to convey awholeManor, wastmpltcitecontainedin fometwemy lines, or thereabouts; like that {cede or Sytala L.conica,fo much renowned ofoldin a! comrads,which rTully fo earneftlycommendstoAtticm. PlutArchinhis Lyfonder,Ari- pw••_o.epi/f. Jlotlepolit: Thucidides lib. x. qDiodorm andSuid4tapprove andmagni- adAmcum, fie,for thatLaconicke brevity in this kind. And well they might, for ac- :{'f,;;;;;b.t.;. carding to' T<rwllian, certa(unt paucis, there is much more certainty in 'Lib.Jt .dnim, fewer words. And fo was it ofold throughout: but now many skinnes of parchment will fcarce ferve turne, he that buyes and fells a houfe, mull: h~ve a houfe full ofwritings, there be fo many circumfrances, fo many words, fuch tautological! repetitions ofall particulars( to avoid cavillation they fay ) but we findeby our wofull experience, that to fubtle wits it is a caufe ofmuch more come.~tion and variance, and fcarce any conveyance fo accurately pennedby one,which a~otherwill not find a crack in,orcavill at, ifany one word be mifplaced, arty litdeerror,allis difannulled. That which islawto day;isnoneto morrow,tbat which is found in one mans opinion, is moll faulty to another; that in conclulion,h~re is nothing amongfi us bt!t c·ontention andconfulion, we_bandie one againfi: another.And that\vhtch longlincefP/utarch complatned of themin A- ftib.maf" fia, may beverified in our times. Theft men here a!ftmbled, come not to fa- m"b·"'P.a• &rijicc to their gods) to offer lupiterl~eirftrf!.fruits,ormerriments toBac- ::~~:~::un:,: tbtu; but anyeArly dt{ea(< exa(perAtmg A{ta hath b~oug?t ~he'!' hither, to Ji~, f?.''',:'!<'i~ · make •n end oft httr controverjies and Lawfuits. 'Tts mtdia · l perdn#i-" •.....,...._,_,•• um & ptre~ntit<m,a deflrucrive rout, that feeke oneanothers ruine. Such ';[;,7;;'.':' :;.•! m oft part are our ordinary fuiters, termers, dients, new1lirs every day, ""'"'"' IIac~­ rnillakes,errours, cavils, and at this prefent, as I have heard in fome one Court, I know not howmany thoufand caufes: no perfon free,notidealrnofr good,with filch bitternelle in following,fo many flights,procrafri- morboo •~•JPrnations,delayes,forgery,fuchcofr (for infinite fummes are inconliderat- ~:"' Afiam huo ly fp~nt) violence & malice,! know not by whofe.fault,lawyers,cliems "~:,~f;':/::; !awes,both or all: but as rau1reprehended the 'Corinthians longlince I hie per•;, ant•. may mbre appolitely infer ~ow:There is afault amNngjfyou,&I{peak it'to ~ ~~:;;~:;;;, yourjhame, Is there not a" wife man AmPng(lyou, to judge betweene hu bre- tkm•m fopietlmn? k"' that a br~ther goes to law with abrother. And* Chrifts counfel ~~~T~~;~;.8• concermng Law-futts, was never fo fit to be inculcated, as in this age: Terr '"d <wo •.Agreewiththineadver(aryqutckly,&c. Matth,5.z5. lmn"!, Se~- 1 could repeat .~?any fuch particular grievances, which mull di- ;;:~i':J, ~­ fiurb~ a body polmque; To lhut up all •n briefe, where good govern- p•eached by ment ts, prudent andwife Princes, there all things thrive and profper, ~~~r!i;g;~. · peaceand happmelfe ts mthat Land: wher: it is otherwife, all thiQgs are Pri.k""~'P•in. ugly tobehold, tncult, barbarous, unCIVlll a Paradife is turned to a red"L•~W• 'Id ffi Tl . Ifl d ft h ft ' . byFai<~I(<~- WI erne e. us an among t ere ,ournextnetghborsthel"rench fton.•6u •. G ~ and