Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

DEMOCJt1TUsJB the Rud~. cedin'!Ji&em themfelves, brhey lhall overfee that no pl'O!ing officer, uhd~r b '<Y'f''"i• . colour ofauthority,lhall io_fult over his inleriours,as f~ maoy wild beafis; $;1::.·~. • opprdfe,domineer,flea, gnnde, ortrample on, be pam~H bn:orrupt, but fu<nmi <kif•-, thatthere be .tqn~htle jm.,Julhce equally done, hvl: asfneods an.d bret~rm ~;;,'~1~':.;: . together;aod which' Se(eflztt1 would have,and fo m~h ddiresm his k1ag-/!i• ,,~c;u~"''' ,J.omc of FrAnce, A dia~nfot14nd fweet harmo117 of'Kingi jl!rinc~s,iNobk~, fiby:.ur~r .- 411JplebeiAnsfo mlltttl.!ly tied•ndinvolvedin love, ru wefle« l;~wes alld·Jfl- ":::;~; ;;~ft};:..,. thority, 1/.6 thAt they nevetdi(dgree, infUlt or incrochonettpon.a?IDiher. If~fty (n, .•. mandefervewellio his office,he lhall be rewarded. · · ~:·fJ!'a"',~· ----qniunimvirtutemampleaitnripfom, J{•·e:'•. ' pra:mi•Jitollils.~ . . ' . . · • . ;~t;:,{f;:- He that inveoti a:ny thmgfor pubhke goodmany Art or Sd~il<±e~ \vnreaa ~., P•'' .,,~. Treatife, d or performes any nobleexploit, at home or abroo~h 'ihall b:e '"''· Gef<l.{.t. accordingly enriched, fhoneured, and preferred. I fa~ with fl.t~imibal. in :.;!:,;;~.1f'lr. JJnniw,Hoftemquiftrm.ent mthz Cartktglnenjis, let htrn be ofwhat CQJl- ter~ti -.lmirdition he will,in all Offices,adions,hethatdeferves bell: ilia!! hftv_<: bbfr, ''!!'""·"'''" . Tilianus in Fhilonill4, outofacharitable minde ,ll(i) doUbt, wifhtill his :;'!".;tf:.~ bookes were gold and. filver, jewels and precious ftones, *to tc'dee!ile "'~"'""".pi captives,fet free ~rifoners,and relieve all poore diHrclfed f?ul~s ~hat wa~- ~!"Jt.':...U: ted meancs; rehgJOuilydone,I deny nor, but to what purpofe f · Suppefe i•A (ciwi• , thiswere fo well done, within' a little after, rho_ugih a: man .had lilt..f!" w"'''""P'"" wealth to befiow, thcrrewould be as ~any more. WherefQt~hvill fu~er t:.~~;.'~. ~ no ~Begg~rs,Rogues,Vagabortds, or1dldperfons at !ill; that c;;annotg~V..e lznuf'!Ji,._ an accompt oftheir lives how they h maimaine-themfc1ves :Jf tlw~"h>e im- •;: "'"'i"ffi! poteot,lam_e,blinde,and·fingle, they 1h3fl be fu_ffiG!cHt1y itlaill~airiod !iif«-{;,,~y:::~. verall hofp1tals,bmlt far that purpofe;1fmamed and mlim1e,, .paft work, wrurereliillll or by inevitable lolfe,or fomefuch like rilisf<>rruM.caftbehiode,by difiri-j;;•;;~·d ':,':,: bunon of• corne,houfe-rcnt free, annual! penfions,ormony, they lhall be toteruuum ,~ relieved, and highly rewarded fonheir good fervicethey have formedy cclknti"' cerdone; ifable, they lhall be enforced to worke. k For I foe no re;tfon (as I he J=:':f0:::'.:4, faid) why anF.picureot idledrone, arichglutton, an ufoter7 jbottld liveatgi4ejfirexpt~ -eafe, and doe nothing, /i'l)t in h•nottr:,inaflmann<r ofple~tfHrtJ, atidoppre!fo::"::::;:;:,~;m. ~thers,when 114 m the mean_tJm~, ~tpoore lobot~rtr, a fmtth,A car;enter,J.ll htif c~l<rrimq,.., .handmaflthatharhJfenr hu ttmem conttflltafllab~"r ,as 4nA!Ji: to MYT'J b1ir '"'" •ol!ol•• dem, taddrhe Con~monillealthgood,andwithot~twhom weW>Mt li'Tie ,jbll/lb~ r;;:f!iffi,.,· left ir~hu old agetoheggt or ftarve, andltlfd 4 miftrable lift, worfo thtnaj,_ * N~Uumvi~ ment. As m all conditions lhall be tied tzytheir taske, fo none lhall be ovet. Jerer "' '"" hio tired,bur hilvenh€ir fettimes ofrecFea.tions and bdl1daies,ind•lgm renio,. ;~;';.;6;:;:,_ feafis and merry meetings, eye!lro rhe mealidft artificer, or hafell: ferva'nt, P'""·""...,,. , once aweek to fing or danGe, (though not aH at oace)or dowhatfoever be ob-;.:;::::: 'ilie~-tdfll_J.si·na~,~~nli1ii fonJJtf~4rfi'li~ octUiltui-bGtU4.jir,mtndtcllfe ptrmittitar, fmmetprl Wimi,Jrtne&"f!R!_tur:. '<t" molu t~ufaJdtbll4'llt~fimdrs ~t~nt#r~f~lihljpitiUt,a~dent, 1fuiadlab01es (unt ineptt.Ofor.l. 1 IJerel!.gep.s:- "'tt4n.Hemmt~J!.d~ rtg.C1Jtn.l.r.t.·3,Gotatd.:Artb.Oritnt.lndtJC!ftt. h Altx.llir .tflt:C.I. ; :c. 1 1-. i Sic tlim·Rml:t.lfaa.c. l'onttJn.~~ ~H opt'itJr~~mji~l.l. 'b.t.§. k lJt'flfAriftat.pol. s .&. 8. Piticf•~ quflmfoli pap~ libtri tthlcr~~uur 4d ltttotet,nol;iltrlm &' J"'7_11~111lr~v_olupt4tib'!' &' k.li~~ir. 1-t,..u.thtt&' iltju.jiiri•.•lfrwlrilirttuijpiam,~tf~tneftltflrq•i »ihit . ~Jf..llt ,lattttJm t .t ~le~dr'ti4ni1Jt~tJdl_ '!f,al,otlf e! Jebczu,quUm rnttrim iUriga-,fater ,IJ{,;i!-'01•, quo rij;P.cart'le m~n pottfl ~ ~lta'ln 4tle8 _rriifi.ra'!l Jucat,utpt)m"f~ jamtntotft fit tjta-csnditio. lirif114 refi·fU~ liatparaftrH..,Jularurilni4AnanUms -v_oluprat_~l!' artifotb~U,gmtrofir- & ottofis ~i#lta.~Y4 proiigit, 41 CD71trti <J!icolU, NThonariiJ,AflrigiJ,fatU,&t.ni• itlprtfP_tct~,ftJ.~orum abufl/' lahorejlortntiJtttatzs jamc pu{tt & ttrumniJ.Mor.Ut?_.l.:t . m InStgWi4ntrM•tio(~, 1lt11JoliJtn~r~wnrflftrttltJttmMJt11H)11Jumop~n J!uertM1tpritt/f: ·dUiJteflu11dtvt{fuhf~"'4t, tlll'tlJ'Oft·exerwt~ , f!1P1.Eibf<lt<>'Deh•.Hij.,. Nui/IIIGen<<t" 611•[111, n< frJ>tlrmiJ purr. -P..iii<-HIOtntr /llntr• . . · I fuill