Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

DE "o c R z Tu s to the Reader. No, I recant, l will not, I care, I fear, I confelfe my t1ult,acknowledgea great offence, ---motos fr«flat componerejluc7us, I haveovedhot my fdfe,I have fpoken fooliflJ!y,ralhly, unodviledly, abfurdly,I haveanatonuz~dmme ownefolly. And now methinkcsupon a fudden I am awaked as lt wereout of adrcame, I have had a ravi~g fit "' phantafticall fit,rangedup and down, in and out,I have infiJ!ted ove~·m~il: kindeofmen, abuled fome, offended others, wronged my felf; and now cAriofl.l.l9· being recovered, and perceiving mineerrour, cry with 0 Orlando, Solvitt St•f·1 8 • me,pardontbatwhichispaft,andiwill makeyou amcndsin that which . is to come; I promifc you amore fober difcourfe in my following T rcatife. p Uttnim ex Ifthrough weaknelfe,folly, pallion, rdifcoment, ignorance,! have f.1id ~:/1~7:~:~~ amilfe,let it be forgotten and forgiven. I acknowledge that of~ Tacittuto lariiare prove- betrue,.Af}er~.foctfl~tlthsntmu ex vero trllxcre) acre'!'jmmemortam rc!tn-- ';;;;;;.u;,;;, quunt, a bitter jell: leaves aftingbehindeit: and as an honourable m~n ob- •p.lib.s. ferves, 'They fiare aSatyrijls wtt, hethetr memorw. I may Juft!y fulpcd qA..Z.•f·. theworft; and though I hope I have wronged no man, yet in Mede,u iJ~,!:~·~~ words I will crave pardon, · EJllyes,now --IUudJam voce cxtremapeto, Vifrount S. Ne ft quanojler dtebim etfudzt do/or, .Alb...,, ' · MAneant in anim• verba, fedmelior tilii Mem•ri~tnojlrifubeat,h~tcir"data , obliterentur-- . And inmy !aft words this I doe defire, :rhatwhat.in pallion I have [aid,or ire, May be forgotten, and a betterminde ,.I. Be had ofus, hereafter as you finde. I earne!Hy requeil: every privateman, as Scaliger did C4rd•n, not to take offence. I will conclude in his lines, Si me cognitum habues, non (olum donaresnobio h110 foceti~~S nojlra•, {edetiamindzgnumduceres, tamhumanum .tnimum, lene tngenittm, vel minimam {uffitiontm deprecari oportere. If • ~o.l Prob.. thou kneweft my* modefty and fimpliciry, thou wouldeft eafily pardon Pufii~wnJ... and forgive what is here amilfe,or by thee mifconceived. Ifhereafter ana- ~ ~i·~r'' tomizing this Curly humor, my hand llip, as an unskilful! premue,I launce 'P':.fo,~ fuijfo too deep, and cutthrough skin and all at una~ares, makeit fmart, or cut oici•,•g• &~. awry, rpardon arude hand,an unskilful! kmfe, ns amoft dtlficult thm~ ro f ~.;::,keep an even tone,a perpetual! tenor, and not fometimes to lalh om; dlflifu'~:,.1;.,.m eile eft Satywnnonjcribere, there be fo many objects to divert, inward ••~it ..,.,.. perturbations tomoleft,and the very belt may fometimes erre; •liquand1 li"· · bm.u dormttAt Hpmerm, 1r IS tmpollible not m[o much to overlhoor: -opere in longo (110 eft obreptrefomnum. But ~hat needs all this~ I hope rherewill no fuch caufeof offence begi- ' Pr•l·f"''· ven ;1fthere be, 'Nemo alifjutdrecognofcat, nosmenttmuromma. l'1'"'• lledeny all (my !aft refuge) recant all, renounce all I have f:tid,ifany man except,and with as much facility excufe, as he can accufe; but I prefume ofthy good favo.ur and gracious acceptance (gentle readcr)Out 10>f an affured hope andconfidence thereof, I will begin.