Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Dr.jacomb's fore-noon Sermon. ///-. judgements do not feize upon :IS every day, that thou!doll not iweep us a- way, that thou del not rain fire andbrimfione on England, as thou didft en Sodom ; our fins cry aloud to Heaven for vengeance ; God is greatly provo,d every day, and it is a miracle of patience that yet thou haft not deiiroyed us. Godcan pardon the fins of the Nation at once, but we are not fit for pardon ; we do not humble our felves. Oh Lord humbleus, give repentance to Englandfrom thehighejt to the loxell, that we may returnunto thee. We defire to biers thee that oix enemies have not had their wills CVer us ;they faid theywouldpurfue and overtake, and fatisfletheir lulls 5 but God did blow upon them, and theydid fin'? in the mighty waters ; and thouhaft yet preferved thy Church; we pray thee do not lea:e us, nor remove thy Gofpel, whatfoever thou doff. Pour down the bet of thy bier- fings uPon thyfervant andour Soveraign, Charls, by thy Grace, of Eng- land, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King : blefs him with the blef- fing of heavenandearth ; make him a bleffing to all of us ; biers binz in alibis relations ; theLords of theprivy Council, look, on them that have defiredan interei in our prayers. Known to thee are all of them ; know their fouls in this time of adverfity ; make their beds in their ficknefs ; give faith tophern that complain of unbelief ; give thefpirit of prayer ,to tbofe that complain they cannot pray. Be a Counfellor to thofe that want Counfel in their affairs either by Sea or Land, let thy bleffing go with themwhere-ever they go ; fpare the lives of children if it be thy will. Prepare usfor thy good and holy word ; let it be a favour of life unto life,-and let it come with power unto us. Oh let us hear it as thy word; not as the word of apoor man, but as the word (f God; and all for the lord Chrift his fake, for whom we blefs thee : to, whom with thee and the Spirit ofGrace,be given Glory andHonourfor evermore., 444444+44.444+++4,40444.44444.44.444444.44 Dr. acomb's fore-noon S ERMON Joh. 8. 29. Andhe that fent me, is with me ; the Father bath not-left me alone, for I do alwayes thofe things that pleafe,hia.. HeCe are the words of our bleffed Lord and. Saviour jefirs Chrift, they are fpo-ken by him relf, and they are fpoken of himfelf though yet in a fober and rnodeft Cence they are applica'-; cable fo all his members That which Chrift he affirms, is that tfe pretence of God was alwaies with him; and this is firft propounded_ He that fent me is with me ; And then it is amplified, and theFather bath not left me alone : and then thirdliethe realon of this iiiiinex4" ed,far Ialwayes do thole things that pleafe