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FAREWEL MONS PREACHED by Mr. Calamy." Dr. Bates.: ' Mr. Brooks. Dr. Manton. Mr. Watfon. Mr. Collins. Mr. Caryl. Mr. Lye. Mr. Beerman. Mr. Cafe. > Mr. Mede.. >Mr. Cradocott. Mr. jenki.n. Dr. Seaman. Mr. Bull. Mr. Baxter. Mr. Yenning. Mr. Pledger. Dr. Jacomb. Mr. Newcomen. Mr. Sclater. Together with, C 17 ' - -' Mr . . Calamies Sermon at the Fun. of Mr. Alb. _His Serm. Decemb. 28. at A/dermanbury. Dr. Hortons Serm. at the Fun. of Mr. Nalton Mr. ,dyes Summary rehearfal at the conclufion of the laft Morning-Exercife at All-hallows Lumber:Peet. And their feveral Prayers prefixed to each Sermon. Reviled and Correded from the many faults offormer Editions, andnow colleCted into one entire Volume, for publick Benefit. LONDON, Printed in the Year, MDCLXIII.

sfrfriMPTTTIMFAT:TTVE:T The Epitile to the E A. D E R chriftianReader, T is very obvious to Obrervation, that there are manygood fober Chriftians, whole long continu- anceunder the' Miniftryof their late Pafirors, their zealous Affection to them, and now Separation from them, hath begotten in their Spirits fuch Averfion and Prejudice towards their prefent Teach- ers,--as that they even nauceat their Minifterial Per- formances as unfavoury (yea unwholefom) food : Of which number, ifthou (Chriftian Reader) be one, (not prefuming to judge anothers mans Conrcience we only fay, That thou haft great caufe to biers God, who in this condition hath not left thee wholly deflitute, but that though thou canfl not (as formerly) draw from the Fountain-head thole pleafaut Waters wherein thy Soul delighted, yet thou haft here a Repofitory, a fmall Ciftern of them preferved for thy ufe and Store : That though Authority bath thought fit to debar there Mini- fters the Pulpit, yet there is this liberty of the Preis, That though dead (inLaw) yet they can thus fpeak, andbe permitted to communicate there their lafl Le- gacies as fo many Teflimonies of their Paftoral Lcve and Care to theirfeveral People ; whole Infirudion in the wayes of Peace and Holiners, wedare avouch to be the chief caufe both of their Preaching and Printing. For the Sermons themfelves, we conceive they need not our Encomium or Apology ; they hlve tor their Pals-port their Authors names, inoft of them known by tnei r

The Epillle to the Reader. their former Writings, wherefoever in the world the Reformed Religion bath a place. 'Tis true, they have this difadvantage, That they come abroad not fent by their own Parents, or polifhed by their laft file for publick View, but as they were ta- ken in Short-hand-Writing from their mouths, were thruft forth into the world by feveral hands, imperfet, fcattered , and by piece-meal, without a due regard had either to the credit of the Authors, or benefit of theReaders. To both which we have in this Colley on endeavored to doall the right that in this cafe they are capable of, by a ferious Review of the whole Work, and amendment of thofe grofs Abfurdities and Errata's, which by the ignorance or negligence of the Publisher or Printer were too frequent in thofe former Editions 5, . and by difpofing it into filch a method,order, and Vo lume, as may make it a Book as much ufeful, as it bath. been, and is &fired Thy CbriflianFriends, L. R. S. N. The

The CONTENTS. R. Calamie'sSermon on 2 Sam. 24. 14. r.Manton's Sermon on Fleb. 12.1. *Mr. Caryl's Sermon onRev. 3. 4. Mr. Cafe's Sermon on Rev. 2. 5. i)( Mr. Jenkin'sForenoon Serm.on Heb. & 1.38. Mr.Jenkin's Afternoon Serm. onExod.3.2,3,4,5 Mr.Baxter's Serm. on C0101.2.6,7 )(Dr. Jacomb' s ForenoonSerm. on John 8. 29. Dr. jacomb's AfternoonSerm. on thefame Text. Dr. Bates's Forenoon Serm.on Heb. 13.20, 21. -I Dr. Bates's Afternoon Serm.on thefarne Text. Mr. Watfon'sfiry serm.on John 13. 34. )k Mr. Watfon's foaii.dlerni.on Ifaiah 3.10, II. 4 . Lye's firfi Serm. onPhilip. 4. I. N. Mr. Lye'sfecondSertn.on the fame Text. Mr. Mede's Serm. on I Cor. I. 3. Mr. Calamie's Serm at the Fun. of Mr. All, on Ifaiah 57.1. Seaman's Serm. on Heb. 13. 20, 21. Mr. Venning's &rm. on Heb. To. 23. -11Mr. Newcomen's Serm on Rev. 3.3. Mr. Brooks's Serm. },Mr. Sem. on Jude v.3. page ; P 13 P 6' p 36 P 52 p64 p 86 I II p120 p 129 P 140 P 159 ../..o./.44`,. p 1E69 . p1&4 A*/ p190 p 208 p 223 P 241 P 256 P. 275 p 292 P 305 Dr,

The Contents. 4 Dr. Horton's Serm. at the, Fon. of Arr. Nakao on 2 Cor. 4. 7. page 335 )( Mr. Beerman's Sermon Alts 20. fromi7th. to the excl. P 350 Mr. Calamie's Sermon preached December 28th. on i Sam. 4. 13. p 365 XMr. Lye's Summary Rehearp at the conclufion of the Lift Morning-Exercire at All-hallows Lumberftreet. P 378 Mr. Cradocot's Serm. anPhil. 4. 9. p 414 y Mr. Bull's Forenoon Serm. on John 14.16. p 434 V Mr. Bull's Afternoon Serm. on Mis20.32. P 447 )1, Mr. Pledges Serm. on Rev. 2.9,10. P 463 X, Mr. Sclater's Serm. onz John 5, I. 6, 2 p 472 M. CalaPnic's

4444,44.4044+44,44+194444,4,44+.4444.444,144-14 I W4-7.n't ++441404-444++++04+1.4444.4444.4444444:44 M r. Calamy's SERMON Preached Auguff 17. 1662. His Prayer. 0 Hmoll Holy, thou ever Meted Lord God, thou filleft Heaven and Earth with thy pretence, we pray thee fill our hearts with the Pretence of thy grace, andlet it appear that thouart in the midli of us, with that powerful aftfiance of thy holySpirit,that we may receive a token of love from thee at this time. It is it fingularfavour that the doors of thy SanCluary are open to us, and thatyet we may meet together in thy Nanse,wepray thee continue it tous, and fan 0'e it to us 5 that every ,Sabbath may act'de to our Satutein Yefus Chrifl. We con- fel} we haveforfeited all our mercies, we haveheardmuch of God, and Chriff, and Heaven with our ears, but there is little of God, Chrift, and Heaven in our hearts. We confers many of us by hearing Sermons, are grown Sermon-proof, we know how tofeofand mockat Sermons, but we know not how to live Sermons. It is a miracle offree grace, thou haft not taken thy Gofpelfrom us ere this time, but thou art a merciful God 5 and though we cannot pleafe thee, yet mercy pleafeth thee ; B and

Mr. Calam/s Prayer. andwehave no argument to bring along with us to beg thy favour, but thymercy in yefus Chrift. Wepray thee, that thou wilt glorify thy Soveraignty , in being gracious to , and pardon our many and great tranfgreffions. Thou makeli life of the malice ofmen for thy glory, thou lidlleft Goliah with his own fword, oh help us to put our trufi in thee, thou that can't kill, andcure by killing. Blefy thefe Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, andfind out yet away tofave pour clown thy bleffings upon the head andheart of our sovereign Charles by thy Grace, King of Great Britain, thou haft done great things for him, let him dogreat thingsfor thee, blefs him in his Royal Confort , in his Royal Relations, in his Corned blefs the Magifirates and minifiers of this Realm 5 Lord forgive us, for we live as if we hadbeen delivered to work wickednefr, we cannot fin at fo cheap a rate as others do, _ we pray thee humble us under our great andgrievousfans; give us repentance unto falvation, and a lively Faith, through the blood of Yells: Cbrift; quicken our graces, for- giveour fins, make alive ourfouls , let us be filch as thou wouldfl have us to be; make us Chriftians, not only by an outward profeffion,but an inward converfation that we may live in Heaven, while we are on Earth , and come to Heaven,when we /hall leave the Earth. To that purpofeblefr thy Word unto us at this time, and give us all grace, to make confcience what we hoar, and ) bowwe hear,and all for jefits Chrifi hisfake, to whomwith thy biePdfelf and Spirit beall glory and honour. Amen. His

3 44444+4444444444444444444444/44044+444443 His SERMON: 2 Sam. 24. 14. And David laidunto Gad, Iam in a greatTrait : let us fall now into the handof the Lord(for his mercies aregreat) and let menot fall in- to the hand ofman. IN which words we have three parts. I. Davids great perplexity and diffrefs;Iam in a greatflrait, 2. Davids Refolution. . x. Affirmative, Let usfallinto the hands of the Lord. 2. Negative, Let me notfall into the hands of man. 3. We have theReafon ofDavids choice, for the mercies of Godare great. The mercies of wicked men are cruel ; therefore let me not fall into the hands of men : but the mercies of God are many and great; therefore let us now fall into thehands ofGod. x. For the firft, that is, Davidds great diftrefs, wherein we muff fpeak, T. To the diftrefs it felf: Then 2. To the perfon thus perplexed : I am in d great firait : David a great man, Davida godlyman. i . In the perplexity it felf we fhall confider. i. The reality of this perplexity. 2. The greatnefs of it. I. For the reality of it : after David had finned in nurnbefing, the people, God fends the Prophet Gad to him, and puts three things to his choice, as you may read in verfe 12. God was deter- mined tomake David fmart for numbering the people, but leaves it toDavids liberty,whether he would have feven years famine,or three moneths to flee before his enemies, or three dayes peflilence.: This was a poling quellion, and David had cattle to be in a great ftrait ; for theie obje&s are not aimable in their own nature, they are ob- jeers to be avoided and declined ; in the firif view of them they Teem to be equally miferable, therefore David had cattle to fay he was in a ftrait. B 2 2. This.

4 Mr. Calamys Sermon 2. This perplexity was not only real, but exceeding great : Iam ina great firait : and there are two things made this fo great. T. The greatness ofthe punifhments propoCed, Famine, Sword, and Nape : thee are the three Befoms with which God fweeps mankind rom offthe Earth : thefe are Gods three iron Whips , by which he chaftifeth finful man : thefe are the three arrows (hot out of the quiver of Gods wrath, for thepunifliment ofman, they are as one calleth them, Tonfiinehominigeneris. In Rev. 6. you (hall read of four Hodes when the four firft Seals were opened,-a white horfe, a red horfe, a black horfe, and a pale horfe : after Chrift had ridden on the white horfe propagating the Gofpel, then follows the red horfe, a type of War, then theblack horfe an Hieroglyphick of Fa- mine : then the palehorfe, theemblem of Peflilence.. NowGod was refolved to ride on one of there horfes, and Davidmuff choofe upon which God fhould ride : this is a great firait : Let me preCent Davids lifting np his eyes to heaven, and fpeaking to God thus: 0 my God, what is this meffage thou haft fent me ? thou offereit me three things : I am in a ftrair, I know which to refute, but which to choofe I know not : the Land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, (hail this Land endure feven years famine, and be turned into a wildernernels, and dif-peopled ? and (hall I, whole hands thou haft taught to fight , and whofe fiugers to war, (hall that hive filbdued all my enemies, flail I in my old age, and all my Captains; fly thi ee moneths before our enemies, and be driven to caves and rocks .to hideour felves ? 0 thou my God, who art my refuge, (hall I and my people be a prey to the peflilence, that walk- eth in darknefs and defiruffion, that walketh at noon-day ? 0my God, I know not what to do, Iam in agreat Trait. 2. The fecond reafon why this 'trait was fo great,was, becaufe of the guilt of fin that lay onDavids fpirit : for Davidknew that this fevere rneffage was the fruit of the fin he committed in numbering the people.. But youwill fay, Why, was it a fin in David to number the people ? Mofes had often numbred the people, three times, and it was not counted fin. Pfephns anfwereth, the fin of David was, becaufe he did not require the half (hekel, which he was to have had from all that were numbred, Exod. 30.12, 13. Others fay he finned in numbering all ages, whereas, he was to number but from twenty years : but thefe are but conjeaural Reafons. I conceive the fin of David was becaufe he did it with- out a lawful call, and for an unlawful end Sine caufa legitima : he finned in. themanner rather then in the matter for there was no caufe.

Preached Auguil 17. 1662. 5 caufe for him to number the people but curiofity, and no end but vain-glory : Go through all the tribes of Ifrael, and number the peon ple., that I may know the number of mypeople, ver. Davids heart was lifted up with pride and creature-confidence : he begins to boaft of the multitude of his people, and to trait in an armof WI : therefore God fends the David, to prick the bladder of of his pride, as if God firould fay, I will teach you to number the people by leffening the number of your people : Now the bur- den ofhis fin did adde much to the burden of this heavy meffage : ver. 13. After David hadnumbered thepeople, his heart fmote him : the nieffage finites him, and his heart finites him, and he laid, Ihave finnedgreat ly in that which Ihave done : now Ibefeech thee take away theiniquity of thy fervant, forIhavedone very foolifhly. If David had been to fuller this great puniihment out of love to God, or for a good confcience, he would not have been fo diffreffed : There are two forts of {traits in Scripture : forme firffered for God and a' good confcience : and there are ftraits fuffered for fin. not. There are halts fuffered for God. and a good. confcience,. Heb. Ir. 36,37. thole Martyrs there were driven to great ftra its : but thefe were 'traits for God and a good Confcience, and thefe {traits were the Saints greateft enlargements; they were lb fweet- ned to them by the confolations and lupportations of Gods Spirit, a prifon was a paradife to them, Heb. to. 34. they look 'joyfully at the fpoiling of their goods, As 5. 41.. they departed from the prerence of the Council, rejoycing that they were counted wor- thy to fufferiliame for his Name. Straits for a good confcience are: greateft enlargements ; therefore St. Paul glorieth in this ftrair, Paul a Prifoner, &c. 2. There are {traits fuffered for fin, and thee are envenomed: by the guilt of fin: fin puts prifon into all our diltreffes and per -. plexities. Now fuch was the firait into which David was now dri- ven: it was a ftrait mired by fin, and that made it fo unwelcome. and uncomfortable : fo that from hence I gather this oblervation. Do&. That fin and iniquity brings Petfans and Nations into marvel- lous labyrinths andperplexities : into true, real, andgreat molerfa-. tions : a man free from fin, is free in the mid/lot' firaits : a man: guilty of fin, is.inafirait in the rnidit of freedom. After Adam had finned in eating of the forbidden fruit, the whole world w4s a prifon to him : Paradife it felt was an hell to him, he knew not where to hide Ifinifelf from' the pretence of God. After that Cain had murthered his brother Abel, he was, brought

:6 Mr. Caiarny's Sermon. brought into fuch a firait, that he was afraid that every one that met him would flay him. Alas poor Cain ! how many was there -then in the World? we read, but his Father and Mother ; yet fuch was his diftrefs, that he cryeth out, everyon that met him would flay him, Gen. 4. 14. Into what a ftrait did fin bring theold world ? the deluge of fin brought a deluge of water to drown them. Into what a &air did fin bring Sob/7z and Gomorrah ? the fire of luft reigning in Sodom and Gomorrah, brought down fire from Heaven to deftroy them. Sin brings external, internal, and eternal firaits upon perfons and Nations. i. Sin brings external ftraits ; fin brings Famine , Sword, and Plague ; fin brings Agues and Fevours, Gout, and Stone, and all manner of Difeafes : yea, fin brings death it fell; which is the wages of fin. Read Levit. 26. and lieut. 23, and youwill fee a black roll of curies, which were the fruit of fin. Sin brought Sion into Babylon; and when the Jews had murthered Chrift , forty years after they were brought into that diftrefs, when the City was befieged by Titus Vefpafian, that they did eat one another, the mo- ther did eat her childe ; that whereas David had a choice which of the threehe would have, either Famine, Plague, or Sword : the poor Jews had all three concatenated together in the liege: fin bringsall manner of external plagues. 2. Sin brought Perfons and Nations into internal ftraits : fin brings foul-plagues, which are worfe then bodily plagues : fin brings hardneis of heart, blindenefs of minde, a fpirit of flum- ber, a reprobate fenfe ; fin brings a fpiritual famine upon a Land ; it brings a famine of the Word, Amos 8. i i. fin caufes God to take away the Golpel from a people : fin brings internal plagues : ,fin awakens Confcience , and fills it fill of perplexities. Into what a limit did fin drive Judas after he had betrayed Chrift ? Into what a ftrait did fin drive Spira ? St. Paul gloried in his tribulati- ons for Cod : but when he fpeaks of his fin, he crieth out, 0 mi- ferabIe man that Iam, who ,/hall deliver me from this body of death? David a valiant man, when he fpeaks of fin, faith, they are too heavy a burden for him to bear : A wounded confcience who can bear ? faith the Wile man. 3. Sin bringeth eternal ftraits : 0 the firait that a wicked man fhall be brought into at the great and dreadful day of judgement, when all the World {hall be on fireabout him ! when he (hall call to the Mountains to hide him, and to the Rocks to cover him, from the wrath of God : then will he cry out with David, I am 0

Preached Augutt 17. 1662. 7 0 Lord, in ct greatfirait. And when the wicked than be condemned to hell, who can exprefs the ftraits they then than be in ? Binde them handand foot, and call them into everlajling darknefs, Matth. 25. When a wicked man fhall be bound with everlafting chains of dark- nefs, then he will cry out, I am in a great ffrait. Confider what Dives faith to Abraham : he defires that Lazarus might but dip the tipof his finger in water, and that he might cool his tongue ; not his whole body, but his tongue t but that would not be granted. It is impoflible thetongue of man fliould let out the great ftraits the damned Puffer in hell, both in regard of the greatnefs and everlaftingnefs of them. This is all I (hall fay for the Explication. Vfe. i. I chiefly aim at the Application : Doth fin bring Nati- ons and Perfons into external,internal,and eternal ftraits? then this fadly reproves thole that choofe to commit fin to avoid perplexity. . There are thoufands in England guilty of this, that to avoid po- verty, will lye, cheat, and cozen ; and to gain an eftate will fell God and a good confcience : and to avoid the lots of eftate and imprifonment will do any thing : they will be lure to be of that Religion which is uppermoft, be it what it will. Now give me leave this morning to fpeak three things to there fort of men, and 0 that my words might prevail with them. i. Confider it is fin onely that makes trouble to deferve the. name of trouble ; for when we filffer for Gods fake, or a good' Confcience, thefe troubles are fo fweetned by the confolations of Heaven, that they are no troubles at all : therefore in Qreen Ma- rie, dayes the Martyrs wrote to their friends out of priloa, If you knew tke comforts we have in prifon, you would wifh to be with us : in prifdnbefore I am in prifon, faith Mr. Sanders. Famous is the ftory of the three Children : they were in a great ftrait when calf into the fiery Furnace ; Bind them hand and foot, and cart them into the Furnace ; but when they were there, they were unbound, Dan. 3.25. faith Nebuchadnezzar, Did not we calf threemen bound into the midi of the fire ? andbe I fee four men loofe walking in themidst of thefire, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. I have often, when three are caft into the fire for a good Conicience, God will make the forth :- Therefore, I fay, 'traits and fufferings for God are not worth thename of ftraits. David was often driven into ftraits, x Sam. 30. 6. he was, fore diftreffed when his Town was burnt, and his Wives and Chil- dren taken Captives by the Amaleliites : I, but that was a dial-Cs of danger, not of fin : therefore he encourageth hirnielf in the Lord %.

8 Preached Auguti 17. 1662. Lordhis God. Jehofaphat was in a great (trait, 2 Chron. 20. 12. We know not what to do, faith he: this was a (trait of danger, not caul- ed by his fin; and God quickly delivered him : but the ftrait that Davidwas in, was carded by his fin, and that made it fo bitter. I am loath to enlarge here: Saint Paul was in a great (trait, Phil. 3.23. but this was a bleffed {trait, an Evangelical (bait, faith Saint Ch. ryroilome, He knew not whether to die for his own fake, or to livefor the C/'urches fake, were bell he was willing to adjournhis going to Heaven for the good ofthe people of God. Nay, Chrift was in a ftrait, Luke 12. I 5. I have a Baptifm to be Baptized withal, and how am I ftraitned till it be accomplifhed ? I am to flied myblood for my Ele& : that is the Baptifm he (peaks of. This was a halt of dear affeaion to the Elea of God : all there were !Affect ftraits : but now a 'trait canted by fin, thee are im- bitered and envenomed by the guilt of fin and ferafe ofGods wrath. It is fin that maketh ftraits deferve the name of ftraits : therefore you are fpirituallymad that commit fin to avoid ftraits. 2. There is moreevil in the leaft fin, then in the greatell outward calamity whatfoever : this the world will not believe : therefore Saint Aullin faith, That a man ought not to tell a lye, though he might Pave allthe world fromHell : for there is more evil in one lye, then there isgood in the Salvation of all the world. I have often told you the ftory ofSaint Aktin : faith he, IfHell were on one fide, and Sin on the other, and Imuff choofe one, Iwould choofe hell rather thenfin : for God is the Author ofhell, but it is blarphenly to fay he is the Author offin. There is a famous itchy of Charles the ninethKingof France, he fent a meffage to the Prince of candy, a zealous Proteftant, gives him three things to choofe, either to go to Mafs, or to be put to death, or to fiiffer banifhment all his life long : faith he, Trimurti Deo juvante nunquain eligo : The firil (Godhelping) Iwill never choofe, Iabhor the Idolatry of the Mars : but for the two other, I leave it to the choice of the King to do as he pleafes : there is more evil in the leaf{ fin, then thegreateii mifery. 3. The third thing I would have you confider, that whofoever -eoeth out ofGods way to avoid danger, (hail certainly meet with greater danger. Balaamwent out of Gods way, Numb. 22. 22. and God fent an Angel with a drawn fword, and he riding upon anAffe, werfe 26. the Angel flood in a narrow place, where was no way to go from the right hand, or from the left : if his Affe had not fallen under him, he had been run through by the Sword of the Angel. Jonah for fear of the KingofNineveh, went out ofGods way, but he met with a mighty tempeff, he Met with a Whale : What do you

Preached Augun 17. 1662. 9 you do when you commit fin ? you make way to becall into the e- ternal prilbnof Hell: you deftroy your precious foul, to lave your pedaling bodies. Vie 2. If fin be the father and mother of all perplexitie and di- ftreiles, then, .1 befeech you, let us above all things in the world, abhor tin : all the curfes of the Bible are all due one!), to a firmer ; and all the curies not named in the Bible : for that is obfervable, Dot. 28.36. every plague that is not written in the Book, (hall light upon him : thereare firange punithments to theworkers of iniquity, Job 31. 3. IS not deflru&ion to the wicked, a (range punifhnient to the workers of iniquity : fin, it bringeth the (inner to littleeafe: little eafe at death, little eafe at the day of Judgement, and little eafe in Hell, tribulation and anguith : the word in the Greek, is eilramonkon, little eafe to every foul that doth iniquity. Oh my beloved, will you promife me to look upon fin, and confider it in all its woful confequents, as the Father, Mother and Womb, out ofwhich come external, eternal, and internal 'traits ? more par- ticularly, there areitwelve fins I elpecially command you to take heed of and avoid. i. Take heed of covetoufnefs : the love of the world will pierce you through with many forrows; the love of rnony is the root of all evil; the love ofthe world drowns men in perdition. 2. Take heed of the fin ofpride : into what woful halt didpride bring Haman ! God croffed him in what he molt defined : God made him hold the ftirrup, while Mordecay rode in Triumph ; and God hanged him on the Gallows which he made for Mordecay. 3. Take heed ofdrunkennefs ; look not on the wine 'when it gives its colour in the cup, &v. drunkenners will bring you into fnares, it will bite like a Serpent, and fling like an Adder, &c. 4. Take heedof Difobedience and Rebellion againft the Com- mandmentsof God it brought Jonah to the threenights and three dayes in the Whalesbelly. 5. Take heed offornication, and adultery, and all uncleannefs ; this brought Sampfon to a woful 'trait : this brought David and So- lomon into great perplexity. 6. Take heedof oppreilion, and all a&s of injuctice : this brought Ahab into great (trait, infomitch that the dogs licked his blood. 7. Take heed ofnnueceffary familiarity with wicked men : this brought jehofaphat into ;a great {trait. 8. Take heedofmifufing the Prophets ofGod : this made God deffroy the children:of Ifradwithout remedy, 2Chron. 36. 15, 16. 9. Take heed of coming prophanely to the Lords Table : this C brought

IQ Mr. Cahimy's Sermon, brought the-Churchof Corinth into a great diftres, inComuch as the Apottie faith, For this eagle many amongyou arelick, andmany weak, and many fallen *ell. o. Take heed of loathiv the Manna ofyour fouls : this brought the children of Ifrael into wadmifery, that God deltroyedall their carkafles in the wilherners fave jollma and Caleb. Take heed of fighting the Golpel : this brought Qheen Marks ferfectition, as many learned and godly men, that fled for Religi- ons take out of the Land, have conlefied their unthankfulnefs for, and unfruitfulneis under the,Golpel in King Edward the fixths time, brought the per fecution in teenMarie, time. ff. Take heed of iofing your firft Love : that makes God threa- ten to take away hisCandleftick. Take heed of prophaning the Chrifian Sabbath, which is much prophaned every where; a day that Chrift by his Hefurre6tion from the dead hath confecrated, to be kept holy to God : Certainly if theJews were fo feverely punifhed from breaking the Sabbath,which was let apart in memory ofthe Creation, furelyGod will feverely, punifh thole that break the Sabbath, let apart in memory ofChrifts R.6rrreEtion. May be fome will fay, I have committed many of thee fins, but am not brought into any ftrait. Remember it was nine moneths after David had'umbered the people, before he was in this ftrait : but as lure as God is in Heaven, fin will bring (traits fooner or later ; though a firmer a hundred years, yet (hail he be accurfed : may be thy profperity makes way for thy damnation : and this is thy greateft diftrefs, that thou goeft on in finne and profperity. Vfe 3. If fin bringeth a Nation into marvellous labyrinths, learn what great cattle we have to fear that God fhould bring this Nati- on into great diftres, becaule of the'great abominations are corn- - mitted in the midft of it : Our King and Soveraign was in great ftrait in the dayes of his banifhment, but God hath deliveredhim : God hath delivered this Nation out of great [traits ; but alas we requite Godevil for good, and inftead ofrepenting ofold fins; we commit new fins. I am told there are newOaths invented, Oaths not fit to be named in any place, much lets here: Certainly, the drunkennefs and adultery, theoppreflion and injuftice, the bribe- ' ry and Sabbath-breaking, the vain and wicked fweal ingand for- fwearing, this Nation is guiltyof; muft of neceility. provoke God, to fay of us as he did ofthem in Jeremiah 15.29. Shall Inot vifitfor thefe things faith the Lord? (hail not My foul be avenged on foci a Nation as this God wilt not onely punith us, but be.avenged on

reached AtigUR 17. 1 catn. 1. 'its. There is no way to avoid a national defolationbut by a natio- nal reformation. Laftly, learn what caufe you of this Congregation and Para, what caufe you have to expe& that God (hould bring you into great ftraits, becaufe of your great unthankfulnefs and unfruitfulneffe under the means ofGrace, you that have fa long enjoyed the Gof; pei; you have had the Gofpel in this place in great abundance ; Do&or Taylor he ferved an Apprentice-lip in this place: Do&or Stoughton terved another Apprenticefhip, and I, through Divine Mercy, have ferved three Apprenticelhips, and half another almaft, among you ; you have had the Spirit of God (even and thirtyyears in the faithful Miniftry of the Word, knocking at the door ofyour hearts, but many of you have heardened your hearts. Are there not fome ofyou, I onely put the queftion, that begin to loath the Manna of your fouls, and to look back towards Egypt again ? Are there not fome of youhave itching ears, and would fain have P-rea- chers that would feed you' with dainty phrafes, and begin not to care for a Minifter that unrips your Confciences, fpeaks to your hearts and fouls, and would forceyou intoheaVen by fright- ing you out ofyour fins ? Are there not fomeofyou, that by often hearing Sermons,are become Sermon proof, that know how to fleep and fcoff away Sermons ? I would be glad to fay there are but few fuch 5 but theLord knoweth there are too too many that by long preaching get little good bypreaching, infomuch that ! have often faid it, and fay it now again, there is hardly any way to iaife the price of the Gofpel-Miniftry, but by the want of it : And that I may not flatter you, you have not profited under the means you have enjoyed; therefore you may juffly expe&God may bring you into a than; and take away the Gofrel from you : God may juftly take away your Minifters by death or other wayes. Have you not wit your firft Love ? Why did God take away the Gofpel from the Church of Egefus, but becaufe they loft their firft Love ? Are you not like the Church ofLaodicea,that are neither hot nor cold ? there- fore God may juftly fpewyou out .of his mouth : what God will do with you, I know not ; a few weeks will determine : God can make a great change in a little time ; we leave all toGad : but in the mean time let me commend one Text of Scripture toyou, Jer. 13. id. Give Glory to the Lordyour God, before he caufedarkqers, and beforeyourfeet (fumble upon the darkMountains, and whileye lookfor light, be turn it into the fhaddow ofdeath, and make it grojs darknefs, Verfe 17. Ellt.ifyou will not hear it, my foulfbaliwel infecret places for your pride, andmine eyesPall weepfore, andrundown with tears,becdu e C2 t

Ohl 1.2 Dr. Manton's Prayer. theLords floc kis carried away captive. Give glory to God by cons fellinc, and repenting of your sins, by humbling your fouls before the Cord,' before darknefs come ; and who knoweth but this may prevent darknels. 4+444444+44444444+44444404444444+++44+4 Dr. Manton's SERMON. . His Prayer. OH Lord God, all that we can do, is nothing of our felves, we can do nothing, oh let us have the gracious affi,tance of thy Spirit at this time, let thy love conjtrainus, fayunto us, thou art our falvation. Do not fay, that we thall fill upthe meafure of our ,iniquities, and there (hall be no hope for us. Oh Lord, we are ajharned that we have waited fo long in thine Ordinances, and have got no more profit to our poor fouls : but we havegiven up our hearts to thepleafures and vani- ties of this world, that are but for a feafon : even thofe that thou hat drawn out after thee, do not walk worthy of thee ( anfwerable to that bleffedhope of future bappinefs ) in the midi of a crooked and perverfe generation. yef;vs Chrijt is to many of us become a /fumbling block ,and a rock, of offence, while our hearts are carried out after the world with fuch firong afire:Wens. Oh when 'hall we carry our felves fo, as thofe thatprofefs themfelves to be feekers of a better life ? we come into thy pretence now for .firength, do thou rnanifejt thy felf to us, thou hail pro- mifed to pour out thy Spirit upon all fiefh, oh let it be unto us according to thy protnife. Oh Lord, our hearts natura:Y are averfe to thee, fo that of our felt es we (halt never be able to doany thing that may be well pleating to thee; but do thou regulate us by thy bleffed Spirit, that we may obferve thy Sta- tutes, and do them, and that thy Commands may not be grievous, to us, that it may not be burdenfotne to us to do the work,of God: 0 Lord when fhall our heartsbe made found in thy Statutes ? we wait upon thee in the ufe of thine Ordinances, that we may have a new fupply from thee, that at length we may come to fee that thouart at work with us tofave our fouls ; 0 kelp us tobe followers of them, who with faith and pati- ence do follow thee, and to do nothing unbecoming_ our holy call ; us not to fwerve from thy Contmandm erits,but let us have a, confiant and earnel Afire after thee. Let the choice of thy mercies came down upon our Soveraign CHARLE S, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, let his heart beguidedby thee, arid let hint aluoayes let thee before his eyes, that under thefhallow of his Government, we may have peacein all

Preached Augurt 17. 1662. 13 allgodliners andhonefly. Blefs him in his Relations, in his Councels ; teach our Senators wifdait ; be with all thy faithful Magifirates and Mi-- niters, let them be a terror to evildoers, and an encouragement to theirs that do well. Be with us in the way of thy worthip,we are here met to- gether to hear andhandle thy holy word, oh do thou command it to light' ppm all our hearts, let it come in the evidence and demonliration of thy Spirit : al for Chril his fake, for whom we blefs thee, to him, with thee, and thy Holy Spirit, bepraife andglory for evermore. +44144444+44+++.4449+4,00+44+441+++.440+ His S ERMO.N. Heb. I 2, I. Wherefore feeingwe are compaffedabout with fogreat a cloud of Witneffes, let us lay afide every weight, and the fin which cloth fo eafily befet us, and let us run with patience the. race that is fet be- fore us* T N the former Chapter, you have a fpiritual Chronicle; or a Cata- logue ofthe Lords Worthies, and all the eminent effefts of their; Faith ; and now the Apoille comes tomake ufe of this Hiftory, that: he had produced through fo many fricceffions of Ages, ofall the ho- ly meta. ofGod that excelled in fa ith.Whereforefeeing we are comp+, fedabout with fogreat a cloud of Witneffes, &c. The Text is wholly Hortatory. In it obfervei z. The prerniffes or principle the Apoftle worketh upon, Teeing we are compaffed, &c. 2. The pra&icalinferewes, which arededuced, from thence, and they are two. I.-One concerning theprivative part.ofour duty,. Letus lay afide every weight, &c. there is fomething external and without, like to clog us in our way toHeaven, ---every weight; and fomethingwithin that will hinder, and trouble us within: thereforehe faith, And the fin which dotb fo early befet La. 2. Here is the poiitivepart, Let us runwith patience the race that is fet before us. There's motion [Run] the manner [with patience] the Rage or way [the race that is fet before us.] My purpole is to give you Come brief thoughts upon this ufeful andpraaical inference ofthe Apoftle,from the Hiftories ofthe faith- ful before recorded. Therefore.I will rum up. the whole.text in this point. Doet. Thepeople of God that have fuch a multitude of examples of holyMen and Women fet .before them, Amid prepare themfelves to run the fpiritual ra.ce.with more patience and chearfulnefs. There:

Dr. .111antozi s Sermon, There are two things in this Do&rine the Encourdgetftent and the Duty. I open both with reipe6t to the circumitances ache Text. Firft, the Encouragement; Amultitude of examples, or as in the Text, Peeing we are compared about with fo great a cloud of Witnefes : Mark, hereare witneffes,agreat cloud of witneSes, and tnele, coolaf- ing us round about. Firft, Here are Witrteffes ; by that term we are to underftand thole; worthy Saints mentioned and reckoned up in the former Cbapter,Abel,Ertoch,Noah,Abrabaln,M-ofes,&c.all the Saints ofGod that have had experience of the goodneis of his providence to them ; and the fulfilling of his promises, they are all called wit- neffes, why? becaule they depofe a teftimony forGod, and (Peak to future generations tobe conftant, as theydid, that they might re- ceive the like reward. This witnefs was partly in theirfaith, and partly in the fruit of their faith. I. They witneftedby their fait11,(7ohn 3.33.) He that bath recei- ved his te(finzony,hath jet to his fealthat God is true. A man that hath foundly digefted the promifes, that expreires his faith by chearful- nels and patience under all difficulties, troubles, delayes,and thole fimdryttials that he meets with, he gives it under hand and Peal, proclaims it to the world that he hath to do with the true God. 2. They witneffed in the fruits of their faith, as they give us an inftance of Gods fidelity towards them that faithfully adhere to, and firmly believe in his promifes ; fo it is faid (Heb. 6. 12.) Be not jloathful, but followers of them who through faith, and patience inherit theprofile: Let faith but let patience awork, do but hold out a little While with God, and you may learn by the example of all thole holy men we kali inherit the promifes, they (hall be made good to a tittle, and not one thing fail of all that theLord hath fpoken ; as thefe holy men were exercifed and teffed to and fro,but it incceed- ed well with them at the laft. Oh ! then let us hearken to thede- pofition of thee worthy Witneffes that are recorded in the Scrip- ture, and with filch an invincible relolution as theirs was, let us hold on our courfe towards true happinefs: If we do not, they that are now propounded as Witneffes to us, will at the day of Judgement be produced as witneffes againft us. And pray alfo let its remember that weare to continue and keep afoot that Teftimony to fucceeding Generations ; for not onely the Prophets and holy men of God, were Gods witneffes, but all Gods people alfo are his witneffes ' 0.) by their faith, patience, diligence, conftancy,and chearfulnefs tinder affiiEtions, they are togive it un- der

reacbeaauguir 17. teb2. t-5 der hand and real to the world, that God is a true and faithful God. But now, ifwe either by our-finfill walking, or by our droop- ing difcouragements, (lit-credit Chrift and his profeflion, then we are witneffes againft him, we deny that Religion which we would feem to profels and cry up, (Tit. 1. i6. Theyprofefs they know God, but in wcrks they deny him : and the more dangerous, becaufe deeds are more deliberate then words,and fo a greater evidence ofwhat we think in our hearts. If we by drooping dilcouragements and finful walking dilcredit Religion, we deny it, and do in offea put the I) e upon C,hrift.Therefore let us remember they were Witneffes,and fo molt we. Secondly, By a figurative fpeech they are called a Cloud, [having a cloud of witneffesi why fo ? I might trouble you with many Conceipts Interpreters have had of thisword Cloud; lay Come, be- cattle of the raifednefs of their fpirits, becaufe Clouds flye aloft : Clouds for the fruitfulnefs of their Do&rine, as Clouds fend down fruitful thowres upon the Earth ; and Clouds , becaufe they cool and cover us from the heat; Co force would glols for our comfort:others with more judgement fay, a Cloud with allufion to the pillar of Cloud which concluaed the Ifraelites to Canaan : yet neither cloth this come up fully to the fcope of the Apofile;for tae Apottle fpeaks not of a Cloud that goes before us, but of a Cloud that complies. us round about, and therefore a cloud ; the realon why 'cis called 10) Is the number and multitudeof thole Witnefles, as a Cloud is made up ofa multitude of vapours gathered together, and condenfed in- to one body ; and Co the expreilion is often ufed, (Ezete., 38. 9.) Thomfhalt be like a cloud to cozier the land, &c. noting the encreafe of the people when God would reflore them, the multitudeof Con- verts : and fo in prophane Authors, Lime hath fuch an expreflion an army of men is called a Cloud : But this is enough to Phew the intent ofthis expreflion, that there are a multitude, a very great number : though the godly comparatively, and with refpea to the wicked are a few, yet confide; edo fn thernfeNes, they are a -great number ; for, if the Martyrs and thofe glorious infiances of he- roick faith, and that under the Gad T.eflament; when Gods inte- reft was more confined toone People, if there were filch a Church then, of fo great a number,what will the whole Church of theOld and New Teffament be when we fhtll meet together in Heaven?We are often diCcouraged with the pa: city of Profeffors, and areapt to thinkour felvesto he left alone, 1 Kings 19. Jo, But let us remem- ber there is a Cloudof witneffes; we are not folitarynow,and certain- ly we (hall not want company when we corn to Heaven,To the innu- merable company Of, &co Again,

fi Dr. Manton's Sermon, Again, it meets with anordinary and ftrong temptation which -Satan filggefts to the hearts of the godly, that they arefingnlar and matchlefs in their affliVions, that none of the people of Odd have ever undergone filch diffieulties as they are expos'd unto ; and this makes them queftion their Fathers affe6tions, and put themfelves out of the number of his children. 1, but all thefe things are accOmpliffied in the Saints of God before you, here is a Cloud of Witneres that have been exercifed and tried to purpofe, ( i Pet. 5. ) They are troubled with a bufie Devil, a naughty world, a corrupt heart, all have had their trial from Gods corre&ing hand ; The fameaffliaions are aceornplifked in you Brethren, that are in the :World. So that we many fellows, our lot is no harder then the Saints of God that have gone before us, for there is a Cloud of Witneres. 3dly. Obferve, The Apoftle calls it a Cloud that campaffes us -roundabout, i. e. We hive inftances for every Tryal, Temptati- on, Ditty that we are put upon: Here we have examples of thole that have fulfilled the Commands of Chrill on this fide with an un- daunted courage; and the examples of thole that have born the C.rofs ofChrifi with an invincible patience : Here we have examples of thofe that have conquered right-hand Temptations, that have delpifed the delights of the World ; there are thole that have conquered left-hand Temptations, at have not Leen broken and affrighted with the tesrors of the World ; all the Saints of God have troden that way ; the fame paths wherein we are towalk after them : We cannot look this way or that way,but we have inftances of Faith, confidence in God, and patience, We are complied a- bout, &c. In fhort, here lyes the encouragement that Chriftians fhould propound to themlelves. I. That there are examples. Chriftians of later times have more to anlwer for their Infidelity, then thofe of former ages ; they that firPc believed the promiles, believedwithout filch a-Cloud of Wit- neffes, or multitudeof examples.;- many have gone before us, that. have broken the Ice, and that found good fuccefs from their own -experience, they have commended God to us, as a true and faithful God; and will not yougo on 1 When Jonathan and his Armour- bearer climbed up the Rocks of the Philiftines, then the people were encouraged to go up after ; So here are Tome that have gone beforeyou, and it hash, fueceeded well with them. 2. Thefe examples are many ; not one or two that might be fup- poled to be fiugularly aflifted, and to have eminent Prerogatives above the refit of their Brethren) but many in every age, a whole cloud of them. '3. There

Preached Auguft 17. 1662. 17 3. There are examples of many rare and excellent men, the belt that ever lived under Heaven: Take (my Brethren) the Prophets for an example, &c. Jam. 5. 1o. 4. They are propounded to us, not for their words ()Tidy, and for their profeflion, but for their deeds, for their bitter fufferings; and theyabundantly manifeft tous,- that there is nothing impoffible in our duty, or any thing fo difficult but may be overcome through Chrifts ftrength enabling its : They all had the fame naturewe have : they were of the likepaflion with us, fiefh and blood as we are, of the fame relations and concernments 5 and then on the other fide, we have the fame Caufe with them, the fame recom- pence of reward to encourage us, the fame God and Saviour to re- compence us ; he fuffered for us as well as for then ; therefore we fhottld follow in their Reps, and hold fall our confidence to the end ; for they have (hewed us, that poverty, reproaches, death it felf, and all thole things that would look harth, and with a gaftly afpe& upon the eyes of the World, are no filch Eziils, but that a Believer may rejoyce in them, and triumph over them. I fay, they have (hewed the blandifhments of the World have not (such a charm, but they may be renounced without any lots of confidera- ble joy and contentment;and that the duties of Chriftianity are not fo hard, but that a little waiting upon God will bring in grace enough to perform them ; therefore faith the ApoftleSeeing we have a Cloud ofWitneres,let us lay afide, &c. And fo I come to the en- couragement, to the Second thing, and that is the duty here prelfed. i Here is the privitive. 2.Thepofitive part of our duty : Here is mortification and vivification ; Mortification, Let us lay afide, &c. Vivification, Let us run with patience, &c. In both the branches he alludes to terms proper to Races : In a Race you know men firip themfelves oftheir clothes, and whatever is burdenfome and heavy, that they may be the more light of foot; and fo the Apoftle bids us lay afide 'every weight ; and they did withal diet themfelves, that they might have no clog fromwithin, i Cor. 9.25. Every man that .firiveth for the malery, is temperate in all things, i. e. They took, care that they did not clog and difpore themfelves for the race they were to run ; but they verily run onely for a corruptible Crown ; we for a Crown that is incorruptible and glorious, to according to this double praecice of Racers, we are to cart afide every weight from without, Vic. So here's a double obje&, laying afide every weight, and of fin : There'sonus extermon, the weight without, that preffes us down and hinders our (peed ; and then there's impediment-um D_ internum

Dr. Mantons Sermon, intermit; there's fin, that whichweakens within ; By reafon of the former we make little fpeed ; by reaCon of the latter we are often interrupted; and therefore we nit& do as they, that they might be fivift and expedite, lay afide every weight, and be more temperate in all things. Herein a Runner in a Race, differs from a Traveller ; a Traveller firengthens himfelf for his Journey as well as he can, his cloaths on, fometimes carries a great burden with him ; but a Run- ner of a Race makes himfelf as light as he can. But tocome more particularly to the words. Firft, (lay afide every weight) By weight is meant thofe things that burden the foul,and make our Heavenly progrels more tedious and curnberfome ; and by weight is meant ( I think) the delights and cares of the world, the multitude offecular bufinefs, all our earth- ly contentments and affairs, fo far as they are aburden to us, hurl- der its in our way to Heaven; thefe muff all be put off, Luke 21.3,4. faith Chrift, Take heed toyour (elves, Leff at any timeyour heartsbe o- vercharged with jurfe.iting and drunkennefs, and cares ofthis life, &c. The heart that is depreit, cannot be fo free for God, and the Offices ofour Heavenly Calling, when we give way to, furfeiting, drunken- nefs, and cares ofthis world. . The heart may be overchargedwith the delights ofthe world; Surfeiting and rrunkennefs mutt not be taken in the grofs notion ;. you mull not think of fpewing, reeling, vomiting, as if to avoid thefe, were a full compliance with Chrifts dire&ion ; the heart may he overchargedwhen the fiotnack_is not there is a dry drunkennefre, and a more refined furfeiting,and that is when the heart grows heavy, unfit for prayer, relithes not the things ofthe fpirit ; when the de- lights ofthe flefh clog,thewheel ; abate that vigour and chearfialnefs that we fhould thew forth in the Worfhip ofGod, and holy a&ions when the delights of the flefh withdraw us from that watchfulnede and diligence that is neceffary, in taking care for our fouls, then, the heart is overcharged ; voluptuous living is a great fin, it choaks the feed of piety fo foon as planted in the heart, fo that they can bring nothing to perfe&ion; it brings a brawn and a deadriels up- on the conscience and affe&ions, there is nothing that hardens the heart fo much, as the foftnefs-ofcarrial pleafure. ( Jude 19. ) fenfual, having not the Spirit : Senfuality quenches our natural bravery and brisknefs of fpirit that becomes a man; much more doth it hinder the filblime operations ofthe Spirit of God. Well then, remem:- ber Chriffians, you are not onely Travellers by the way, but Run- ners in a Race : If wewere to fpeak to you onely under the noti- on of Travellers in a way, this were enough to wean you from the delights

Preached Auguit 17. 1662. 79 delights of the flefh, i Pet. 2. Ir. As &angers and Pilgrims abilaine from flefhly lujis which war againfi the foul. The more you indulge there flefhly lufts, the more you hearten and ftrengthen the great E- nemy of your fouls, and starve the better part ; but you are as Run- ners in a Race: by this Metaphor the duty is more bound upon you, much more should you beat down the body, and keep it in fubje&i- on ; the Apoftle hath a notable word, 'Car. 9.27. I4,eep under my body, and bring it in fubje?ion, &c. I beat down my body ; you mat either keep under pleafures, or pleafiies will keep you under ; for aman is foon brought under the power, dominion, and tyranny of evil Cuftoms, and tome brutifh pleafiire, by indulging the lulls of the flefh, r Cor. 6. 12. Be but alittle addi&ed to any one thing, and you are brought under the power of it : The flefh waxes wanton and imperious, and a flavery growsupon you by degrees : The more you cocker carnal affe6tions, the more they encreafe upon you; and therefore you muff hold the reins hard,exercife a:powerful reftraing. Solomon in his Fenitentials, gives us an account of his own folly," and how fearfully he was corrupted this way, Eccl. 2. 20. Whatfoever mine eyes defined, Ikept notfrom them, Iwithheldnot my heart from any joy, &c. This was that which brought him to filch a lawlefs exceffe, andat length to fall offfrorn God. When we give nature the full fwing, and ufe pleafure with too free a licenfe, the heart is infenfibly cor- capted, and the neceffities of life turned intoDifeafes, and all that you do, 'cis but in c-q-ipliance with your Nits ; your eating and drinking is but a mea,.- :Tering and drink-offering to lulls and carnal appetite. I remember Solomon faith, Prov. 29. 21. He that delicately bringeth up hisfervant from a child, (hall have hint became his Sonat length. i. e. allow a fervant too much liberty, and he will no more know his condition, but grow contemptuous, bold, and troublefome ; fo it is here : We are all the worfe for licenfe ; na- tural defires, unlefs they feel fetters and prudent reftraints. a grow unrully and exceffive : And therefore it is good to abate the liberty of the flefh, that the bodie may be a fervant and not a mailer; when. you deny your felves in nothing, but fatisfy every vain appetite, a cuftorne grows upon the foul, and Inteoperance proves a Trade and an habituated difiemper, fo that you cannot when you would, upon prudent and pious refpeEts refrain and command your deices; and therefore 'tis good fometimes to thwart and vex the flefh, as David poured out the water of Beth/en that he longed for, 2 Sam. 23. 17. not to deny our felves in what we affeec and covet ; luft grows in- to a wanton, and bold, and imperious, and fo prefcribes upon us, andwe are brought under thepower of thefe things, D 2 2. The