Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Augoft r7. 1662. 136, molt fad, when Religion which fhould reftrain and bridle ourpal Sons, is made fuel and infenfitives of them : How far diflant is it from the counfel of the Apoffle, Ran. 14. yo. where he fpeaks con- cerning their leffer differences,One valmesone day aboveanother,another ei.'eents every day alike,whats his counfel?he (*peaks as aperfou that was fill'd with bowels and compaflion : Oh, faith he, let not him that doth not efteem the day judge him that doth : For wepallall `land` before the judgement feat of Chrig,there we appear all upon a le- vel, ftand upon equal ground,and receive our final doom from him: This therefore fhould calm our fpirits. Why may there not be lotto differences in judgement, without divifion in *Elan : for it is as impoffible that all judgements fhould be of the fame extent, as all our faces to be of the fame colour and figure. Therefore confider what an injury it is to our profeffion, how doth it obfcure the glo- ryofGod, and Mire ofour Religion ? Doth not the publick enemy rejoyce over us, I mean the Pa. Pills? do they not warm themlelves at the fparks of our divifions for you know the old MaximofDivide and Reign:Therefore it fbould compofe our fpirits, and quicken us to labour after union. VII /nor- tifi'd lugs are thence, whence all wars and enmities fprings in the world. The Apoffle Patd,when he would compote their differences, he doth not lay down Rules to decide their controverfies, but cor- re&s their Cecret paffions,pride, felf-feeking,revenge, &c« this bein,, the feed ofall diffurbances in the Church : And although thee lug may not be conlpicious and vifible to the eyes ofmen, yet they are certainly the fuel of our diftempers. The fum of all is this; Thole that have the Spirit of God, they cannot but mournand be fenfible ofthele divifions. I know a great Part among us are unconcern'd : Come rejoyce,thofe that are rather buried in the affairs of the woi Id, and incumbred with much bur- refs, or thole that are fteeped in the pleafines of fence, are altoge- ther unaffeEted with thefe things, and ftand as Newters,clif:regar4-- ing all events:But the Saints of God cannot but mourn over them, when our divifions hinder the progreis of the Gofpel, and are fer- viceable to nothing but to the Kingdom of darknefs. 1 herefore beleech you, let what bath been fpo ken quickenyou in your pray- ers to God, topray for the peace ofjeafalent, (that's the leaft effea of our love and defires after peace) and by all endeavours to la- bour to bring backpeace to us, that we may fee that Prophefie ful- filled in Our time, that the Lord (hall be one, and his Name one a-- mongli T2 Di