Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr.L.YeSFirfiStrike*, 1,k bloodof our brethren ? The Officers ofChrift fhoulti never be- have thernfelves fo, that they thould give their people occafion to lay, weare brethren toDragons. But ler. 9.4. 'rake ye heed every one ofhis Neighbour, &c. I would commendone Scripture to all my brethren in the Miniflry. a Cor.S. 13. AScripture that I wou'd have writ in Letters of Gold on the lintel! polls of all Mi. nifters Doors. Wherefore ifmeat make my Brother to offend, Iwill eat nofiefb while the World flands lee Imake my brother to offend. Rather then to endanger my Soul, i'leaway with all thefe toys and gew. gaws. 2. From the terms ofdeareft affetkion, dearly beloved, longed for, &c. Take this obfervation, that, It becomes the highett Miniffers much more the lou'eft, to bear a molt tender, vehement, ardent, firong, melting afctlion, towards thatfloekorpeople that Godbath committed to th_ir charge, Thus Paul to the Philippians in the Text, my bre- t Iren, dearly beloved, &e. You (hall find Paul in all his Ep&les, in a thawing frame to his people, melting in love unto them : the Corinthians were fo in his heart, not only to live with him, but if God called him to dye for them lo abundantly did he love them. 2 Cm% 12. 15. That hewould very gladly fl,endand be 'pent for them, carried them in his heart and earnefily longedafter theM all. As for the7befftlonians, a 7heff. 2.8. He, as a Nurfe, tendreth, and nourifheth them as Children : and is fo affeecionately defirous of them, that he is willing to impart to them not only the GofPel, but his gwnfoul, becaufe they were dear to him. Then 1. Is this fo, ought the Pallor fo to love their people? give me leave to befpeak you in the words ofyob, (in rerpea ofthofc hundreds ofMiniflers,that are to be plucked from their people :)) Havepity upon me, have pity upon me, Ohye my Friends, for the handof God hash touched me, yob 19. 21. What will nothing ferve but plucking out.our veryeyes our very heart (being fo mach the objetis of the peoples love.) How fad is it for the Father to be pluc't from the child, the fhepheard from the flock, the nude from the child : this is a Lamentation, and ought to be for a La-, rnentation: that there muff be a parting between David and Joe nathan, who loved one another as their own Souls, this cuts them to their very heart. And this I may faywith refpett to my fell, Iblefs God, I cannot fay as the ofher Husband, a bloody Husband haft thou been to me: but a loving oongregation have you been to me. I know noneofyou have defined my deftru&ion, nor to taint my Bb 2 name