Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

fi Dr. Manton's Sermon, Again, it meets with anordinary and ftrong temptation which -Satan filggefts to the hearts of the godly, that they arefingnlar and matchlefs in their affliVions, that none of the people of Odd have ever undergone filch diffieulties as they are expos'd unto ; and this makes them queftion their Fathers affe6tions, and put themfelves out of the number of his children. 1, but all thefe things are accOmpliffied in the Saints of God before you, here is a Cloud of Witneres that have been exercifed and tried to purpofe, ( i Pet. 5. ) They are troubled with a bufie Devil, a naughty world, a corrupt heart, all have had their trial from Gods corre&ing hand ; The fameaffliaions are aceornplifked in you Brethren, that are in the :World. So that we many fellows, our lot is no harder then the Saints of God that have gone before us, for there is a Cloud of Witneres. 3dly. Obferve, The Apoftle calls it a Cloud that campaffes us -roundabout, i. e. We hive inftances for every Tryal, Temptati- on, Ditty that we are put upon: Here we have examples of thole that have fulfilled the Commands of Chrill on this fide with an un- daunted courage; and the examples of thole that have born the C.rofs ofChrifi with an invincible patience : Here we have examples of thofe that have conquered right-hand Temptations, that have delpifed the delights of the World ; there are thole that have conquered left-hand Temptations, at have not Leen broken and affrighted with the tesrors of the World ; all the Saints of God have troden that way ; the fame paths wherein we are towalk after them : We cannot look this way or that way,but we have inftances of Faith, confidence in God, and patience, We are complied a- bout, &c. In fhort, here lyes the encouragement that Chriftians fhould propound to themlelves. I. That there are examples. Chriftians of later times have more to anlwer for their Infidelity, then thofe of former ages ; they that firPc believed the promiles, believedwithout filch a-Cloud of Wit- neffes, or multitudeof examples.;- many have gone before us, that. have broken the Ice, and that found good fuccefs from their own -experience, they have commended God to us, as a true and faithful God; and will not yougo on 1 When Jonathan and his Armour- bearer climbed up the Rocks of the Philiftines, then the people were encouraged to go up after ; So here are Tome that have gone beforeyou, and it hash, fueceeded well with them. 2. Thefe examples are many ; not one or two that might be fup- poled to be fiugularly aflifted, and to have eminent Prerogatives above the refit of their Brethren) but many in every age, a whole cloud of them. '3. There