Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Augur( 17. 166'i-. 59 . . are mercy and Truth to them that are in Covenant pith hirn : they are Mercy, becaute they are appointed to do them good : and Truth becatife they (hall certainly do diem good, (Thrift and God, and all is laid out for the good of a godly man. In this world they may go to God, and tell him wherein they are troubled, pa iti'd or afilifted, and they are never more welcOm to him, then when they ask molt from him: if thou ask great things from God, God is well taken with filch requefis, but if thou ask riches and honours, there are the low things of the foot-fool : God is exceedingly taken with thee when thou askeft peace and pardon, peace'of Confciente, pardon of fin, ftrength againft fin, power to overcome thy lulls, to withfland temptations : The people ofGod may have from God all that they want, and all they can regu- larly with. 5thly. There are fetch as have an incomparable dear and near relation to God ; they are his delight, they are fet apart by God as his own, his peculiar people ; though God have a propriety in all, yet he hath a peculiar propriety in, and relation to thee; therefore they are called his Children, his Houle, his Jewels, his Garden : Gods whole Treafure and Portion is his people : as God is his peo- ples portion, fo his people are his portion ; they are thole that he bath been at a great deal of coil to purchafe. - Sixthly, They are filch as have the image of God imprinted up- on them; take notice of this word image, for the image of God ap- pears in holinefs : Now alt images does not reprefent any thing of imperfeaion or deformity, but oflexcellency. If a man takes the Pi &ure of a man, he will not take it of his hack-fide, leg, or hand, or the like, but of his face ; his beautifiillefl part is chiefly aimed at in the Piatne : Wicked men difeover Gods bounty in having wit and wealth; this is not the image of' God ; the image of God is that which is molt excellent in a man, which is Holinels : The power of God is the hand of God ; the wifdom ofGod is the eye of God, the hol hies of God is the face, the beauty of God ; the people of God refemble God in Purity. Feye holy as your heavenly Father is holy, there's the pattern; they have the Divine Nature,2 Pet.14.Where- by are given unto us exceeding great andprecious pronzifes, that by thefe you might be partakers.of the divine nature, having efcaped the corrupti..- on that is in the world through lint, Eph. 4. IS. Having the underiland- ing darkened, being alienated from the life of Cod,through the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindriefs of their heart, Rom. 3.23. For all havefinned,& come jhort of theglory of-God. There is more ofGod in grace, then in a11 the works that ever God did in the worldbetides : 2 there