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his H Prayer after Sermon. live one quiet moment in thefe hearts of ours, let us give up ourfelves' and all that we are or can do to the purpofes of thy praife : we bej eech tfee prepare us for ablfed eternity, that we may not be alkamed before thee, nor 4:awed of thee, nor thy ways, in the nzid c of a crooked per- verfe, unclean, idolatrous Generation : Dear Father, we molt humbly pray thee, prepare us for communion with thy felt; affis7 us in the infuing duties of this daylet all the workbe done by thee,let all thepraife redound unto thee : prepare us by hearing,forprayer,by both for praUife,by all, for glory; Lord Jet up thy truth, rijnBabylon, build up Sion, delight yet to dwell in the midti ofus;and do us good,though we are a finful,back-tiding, God provoking Nation: Mayeli thou not fay of us as of old, what could,t thou have donemore for usthen thou half done ? yet how ill have we re- quited thee for all thy benefits. Pour down the rich.el (bowers of thy cboicedi bleffings,upon the headand heart of our DreadSovereign Charles the Second by thy fpecial grace of England, Scotland, France and I re- Iand,King,asfollows in his Royal title,inrich his noble Soul with allthe graces of thy MOJE holy Spirit, the Lord make him as holyas high, that he may as much exceedin goodnefsas ingreatnefs.0Lordgivehim a spi- rit of Wifdom to know go inandout before this great people, andbe able to difcern between friends and flatterers ; 0 that he may be a true friend to thy friends, and areal enemy to thy enemies ; the Lord ma e hirrz the tno:t glorious Infirutnent forpromotion of thepower of Godline s that ever fway'd the Scepter in thefe Lands, that under himwe twey live apeaceable andholy life in allgodliners and honeiy. 0 Lord; 'brefs him in his Royal Confort Vv....teen Katherine ; the Illuilrious James Duke of York ; the Lords of his Majesties mt[ Honourable Privy Council,the God of allgracegive them graces futable to that high andhonourable irnploy- ment thou haft intrulied them with ; do thou rule our Rqers, and teach our Senators wifdoin ; any that are in authority over us, give them to im prove theirpower for thee : blefs the Nurferies of learning, Cambridge andOxford ; Dear Father, blefs all thy faithful Milliners, thou that art the Lordof the Harvell, fendforthLaborours,and keep out bytererS ; preferve thofe that are, that they may be faithful to thee, and to thofe over whom thou hati made them Overfeers, that they may neither be afhamedof thee, nor thy wayes, truths, worthip, however filledand dif-, ownedby men. 0 remember thy antient people the Jews, call in theful- nefs ofthe Gentiles,that we may be all one Sheepfold under thee thegreat Shepherd of ('outs. In mercy leak down upon this great City, blefs the Governor and Government thereof, that thy Sabbath may be more ilrialy obferved, that piety may be more encouraged, andprophanenefs difoura- ged in the tiziit ofus.Elers this great Congregation ,let the be all taught of God, andmore truly find that thou wert fpeaking to the heart, when - that