Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

r oo Verf. 8. AnE.xpoftion upon she Bookof J O B. Chap.. I a Pei, r.;4, Phil, z. 5, Paqv, 27 ever may make for the honour ofa man is included in this, that there is none like him. But how (hould we underhand this ofjob, that there was none like to him upon the Earth. We mutt underhand it not only in reference to wickedmen,that there was no meer natural man,no wicked manlike untohim:as if God had faid to Satan,there is none inthe Earth which is thy in heritance,no earthly manlike myfervant job; look over all thy fer- vants,thou halt not fuck an one in the Earth. That's too low. We will take it reference to all the Saints that were then upon the Earth,there. was not flach a upon the Earth, none like unto him ; and then we mutt expound likenefs by a di- 1tinG}ion.There is a double likenefs there; there is a likenefs ofqua- ty, and there is ,a likenefs ofequality. When it is laid here that in the Earth there was none like fob, you mutt not underhand it ofa likenefs of quality, as ifthere were.nomanthat had filch qualities as job had for all the Saints that are in the Earth, have the fame kind of qualities, they are all alike in the main, and in the general ; namely,in the conformity of their nature, to the will ofGod, which is bolinefs,that is the general quality ; and thus all the Saints ,upon the earth are alike:there is notany man can have any other likenefs upon him then this,it is impotiible.I fay in this regard,the meanehand lowelt Saint upon the Earth, is Iike to the higheli and grea tell Saint upon Earth :. yea, not only fo, but the rneanehSaint upon Earth,is like to Jefus atilt in Heaven, in re- gard ofquali,y ; he loath the fame quality,the fame nature, he is madepartaker of the divinenature : And the ApohlePaul exhorts the Philippians, Let this mindhe inyou, which was alfo in Chrift. The meáneh Saint bath the Caine mind and the fame quality in reference to his new nature that is in God Chrift, he is like to God, God begetteth allhisown Children inhis own like- nefs. But in regard of the likenefs of equality, thus job was fuch a man as there was none like him in the Earth; no,man like him in the degrees ofthofe qualities,they werenot equal to him in this or that or the other grace. f obwas a man above.them all.As we know it is with wicked and natural men,all wickedmen upon the earth are as like one to another as can, be ; As face anfwereth toface in 9. water, fq cloth the.heart ofman to man, the heart of one natural man to the other r but yet there are forne wicked men fo wicked, that there isalone like them in the Earth. We have the very fame words