Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. r. An Expofition upon the Book,of JO B. of that place, forne read it, Deliver mefrommen by thy hand ; and others, Deliver me from men of thy hand: but our Tranllation may very well carry the fence of the Original in it, from men which are thy band, as Nebuchadnezzar that wicked King is call- ed Gods fervant, jerem. 43. r o. Iwill fend and take Nebuchad- nezzar myfervant', God 1peakes of him as a fervant, or as his hand in the thing. So then, Putforth thine band, it may be un- derftood(I fay) either immediatelyor mediately, do-it by thy felf, or do it by inftruments,firike him thy felf,or give me Co niniffion, or give-othersCommiflión to'frike. There is one thing further in -this cxpreffion: Put forth thine hand now. Now. Some read it, Put forth thine banda little.; and fome read it, Ipray theeput forth thy hand. The Original word Partituti ctio_ is tranílated to all thefe fences; we tranflate it, referring to the crantrM. prefent importunity and infiancy of Satan, Put forth thine hand now, let not t his bufinefs fleep, let it not be deferred a minute, a moment,let commithon go out fpeedily to afflict job. Andtouch all that be bath. To touch, notes fometime a heavy and a fore affliction, and fometime a light and a (mall affliction. In the Scripture we find it bothways ufed. Sometime (I fay) to touch, loth fignifie, the greateft and the forefi affliction or punifhment that can be ; and fo job Both exprefs all the aftliótiöns that fell upon him at the !aft (May by touching,job 19.2 r .Have pityupon-me,bavepity upon me Oye myfriends, for the hand of God bath touched me. Whereas jobat that time lay under the forell and heavieft affliction that could be, all his Efiate was gone, and leis body was full ofdifeafes, and his foul was full ofhorror,and all this he mothexprefs by.this, the bandof the Lord bath-touched me. So Pfal. 73.14. To be touched fìgnifìes the greateft affliction, All the daylong(faith Da- vid) have I beenplagued. That which we tranllate plagued, is the fame Original word which we tranllate touch in the Text,All the dzy long' have I been, touched,-that is, I have been touched with theforefi plagues, heavy atllictioris-have 'been laid continually uponme.So that to touch fignifìeth fometimes the greateft or the forefi strokes of trouble. Sometimes again, we íhall find it fignifies only a light aJ}lrc7ion, as Gen. 26. in two place's of that Chapter; at the Verfe Abime- lech charged all his people, Jayina, he that touchetb this man or loss. Veri i r. 127