Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

The INTRODVCT"IO.N: to the Rudyofthe Word, preferreth it in worth above thoufands of gold and filver , and in fweetnefr above the honey andthe honey comb. And whenhe ceafeth to compare, he beginneth to admire, Wonderful are thy.Teftimonier. And well may that be called Won- derful, which proceedeth from the God of Wonders. All Scrip - alira.3,16. tare is given by divine infpiration , or by infpiration from God ; and I_need not flay to thew you the excellency ofany part, when ç, have but pointed at fuck an Original of the whole. As therefore the whole Scripture, ( whether we refped} the majeoy of the Author,the height or purity ofthe matter,the depth or perfpicuityofthe fide , the dignity or variety of occurrences; whether we confider the Art ofcompiling , or the firength ofar- guing) difdains the very mention of comparifon with any other humane Author whatfoever : fo are comparifonsin it felt, as Book with Book,Chapter with Chapter, dangerous. There is not in this great volume ofholy. Counfel,anyone Book or Chap. Verfe orSe ¿ion, of greater power or authority then other. Mefes and Samu- el, the writings ofAmos the Shepheard,and ofIfaiah aDefcendant of the BIood Royal; the writings of the Prophets and Evangelios, the Epifties ofPaul, and this Hitlory ofjob, mutt be received (to ufe the words of the Trent Councel in the fifth Seffion, but to far better purpofe) Pari pietatisaffe he, with thefameholy reverence . andafefiion. They ufe it about Traditions, matching-Traditions with the Scriptures ; but we mayfully match all Scripture to- gether, and fay, all mull be receivedwith the fame devotion and, affection. Yet notwithflanding, as the partsofScripture were pennedby' divers Secretaries, publifhed indivers places, in divers ages,on di- vers occafions, for divers ends ; fo the argument and fubjea mat- ter , the method and manner of compofing.., the texture and the 11ileof writing are Iikewife different.Some parts ofScripture were delivered in Profe, others in Verfe or Numbers : fome parts ofthe Scripture. are Hillorical, (hewing what hathbeen done ; fome are Prophetical , ¡hewing what íhall be done , othersare Dogmatical or Doarinal , íhewing what we muff do, what we mull believe. Again,fomeparts of Scriptureare clear and eafìe, fome are obfcure and very knotty : Some parts of Scripture Phew what God made us ; .others( how fin fpoiled us: Axhird,hów Chrio reftored' us. Some partsofScripture fhew forth asof Mercy, to keep us from ... finking; ,others record as of Judgment, to keep us frompre- ° fuming,,