Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap- BookofJ OB, Verf. r9. 175 kill their roots,! yea .root't`etn ùp: `Certainly the fhrength ofthe Lord is as mighty for the defiroying of his enemies, as it isfor the afiding of his own people : if he fotretitnes gives Commitiîon to take away all their comforts-in a day, when their eftates are higheffaid ftrongefl.built; fàrely he will at Iatf give Commillion fur as fpeedy a di patch. againft the ofatcs of his greateft ene- mies. And this may be unto us all, matter ofAdmonition, to prepare for changes, to efteem creatures as they are, perijhing fubftance.: Who ever had a,n.:eftat:e bettergotten,tíetter bottom'd, or better managed,then Job ? yet all wasovert'hrown and fwept away in`a- moment. We cannever alai no muchfroarmGed, nor too little from the creature. Laflly, we may learn from the. fore-going (tory ofthefeafllidi- ons, confidering that Satan was the contriver and Engincexe, who let. al% a worke, That Scion is, mighty both; ixpower and for the effcEling ofhis defgnes, ifGod give dims liberty and leave. You fee he Both not fail nor millèin the lead, he brings every atfliaion upon lob in theperfadion ofit, and he doth not bungle at it, or doe his work by halves: but he is quick and fpeadoyyboth in laying the plot, and executing it. There, is nothing in this ïntè able to farad before him, no creature, no m i an; f.Gbd let him alone. The good Angels canmatch, yeaand:wafter Devils, there is nodoubt of that:but if God flop his Angels,and with-draw his hand,the de- vill would quickly.over = run all the' world..: . e wrefite not with Ephef 6. fief; add blond, but with principalities:axdpower.+e. E ilI fpi ifs aro called powers igct1e abffra,a, :they, have not only a power; they,are not önl4,powcrfilli, Choice called principali£ics,'fuèh as have great out .ority and foveraignty (as it were)o ve r others) but they are called Powers.I It is not an empty title, or a naked name that is given them but they are filled andclothed with ftrength proportionable'. Satan is à mighty Prince commanding in,the_ 1 i nits of wickedmen ( there's his throne) he chi kindle their lulls and inflame their fpirits,fet them on fire from hell, and then caufe them to go on with a rage(in doing mifchiefe) as high as Heaven: a Time. 2..6. He,carr lead men captive at his will, though not againft their own. Will. Yet to mew the efficacy of his adings, he is laid to lead them captive at his will, todo his will, and execute his devilfhips defigries. ; It is admirable what Satan can do upon wicked risen, who