Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. a. An Expofition upon the $ookof J Q B. -Vert r. But in lob we may learn, on what' thefe muff be founded, whence they come, when we pleafe God in them , they come from the fearof God, that muff be the fpring of uprightnefs andperfehion elf. they arc only Heathen verrues, not Chrifliangraces. God delights in nothing we do, unlefs wedo it in his fear. As oJéph laid to his brethren, when they feared fome hard meafiare from him, 'Ifear God : when this fear of God tyes our hands, it [hews the love ofGod fills our hearts. Not to wrongman, becaufe we fear God, is an argument ofmore thenman. Fearing God, you may obferve, 2. Holy fear contains in it every Grace we receivefrom God, and all the worfhip we tender up to God. Fear is a.comprehenfive word > it is more thena particular grace. When Abraham had offered up his Son Ifaac, that was a work of mighty faith, and the faith ofAbraham is wonderfully commend- ed by it but God fpeaks thus, Now I know than feareft me. Fear containeth faith, and fear containeth love too. 'Thoughperfeei love caf.aant tormenting fear, a John4. i$. yetperfeel love calls in obeyingfear. Hear the conclufionof all, faith the Preacher, Ecclef, 12. 13. Fear God and keep his Commandments., for this k the whole duty ofman, or this is whole man. Fear is all duty, and eve- ry Grace. FearingGod, and efchewing evil. Hence this from theConnexion. 3. Holyfear keeps theheart and life clean. The fear of the Lord is clean, faith David, Pfal. 19. Clean not only in it felt, formally clean, but effeîtivè , it makes clean, and keeps clean the heart and life. Fear is an armed manat the gate, which examines all, and flops every one from entring, that is unfit. It ffands as a Watch-man on the Tower, and it looks e- very way to fee what's coming to the foul ; If evil cone, fear will not admit it. And therefore in Scriptureyou thall have there two often put together, fearing God and efchewing evil. Nay, efchewingevil is not onlyput as an effeft of the fear of God, but iris put into the very definition it felf ofthe fear ofGod, Thefear to depart from evil.