Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

go Ghap.T. Vcrf4 - 1. Then feafting is finful, when anyover-chargd their eftates, and lavifh out what will,but fervetheir neceifitiesor eonvetri- encies upon (delights land foperfluities y; to {ue,h*,'Fr«/ii^g- is a finne. soumm li - 2. When the rich/e# the rish,a«d never think^potfthe-poor, Tub,14.12^3,.;When thoumaksftadinnerorafupper , callnotthy, friends nor thy brethren, neither thy kjnfmen, nor thy rich neighbours. Obferve here, this is not.anabfolute denial ofealling-brethren , and kinsfolks,andfriends,or rich-,: for brethrenmay*f yea ought tobe called, but' (faith,he). when, thoumhh&Kftofl&til the poor, the maimed,{the lam?jtheblind,; that i$j whenthou rriake-ft a fcalt befare to remember theie vdo not bid thy brethren, or the rich alone, let the poor have aportionwith thee, and berefrefhed at or fromthy fable. When the rich feaft one another, arid let the poor ftarve or pine, this is veryfinful. ; .' ' ■ - ' 5. When there is a ftudied curiofity inhemSnefsinftafiing, when ill things that call bethoughtonmuft be fetched in,ftrange meats and forreign fauces, when there is a luftiug after Quailes, whenmenmuft havemeat for their lufts. Though we may have feafting for .our, delight ,; yet we m u ft not haveflatting for our lufts j Such mak^eiheir behythtirgod, -asthe Apoftk-fpeaksi when there is fomuchArt ufedjasdeftaiQys thenatureof-themeat, this is a finand an errour. I remember Bernard{peaks of histimes, That a mail might be at afijhfeaft, andyetjhouldnotkitowmbe? ■ther hehadeaten,anyfijh a/,no■, all things were prepared with fo muchArt, that the verynature oftWcreature-was loft. Thisisa finful, vanity. " •i ; . . / ,■::raedi n; iun: a. Vyhen there is.intemperance infeaftingfievhatfoeyet the provisionbej when there is excefs,an overchargingofnature, which isfurfeitinganddrunkennefs. As by the former, man overthrows the nature ofmeatsor drinks: Soby this, meat and drink overthrow the nature ofman.: | A main.may feaft himfelfinto abeaft, Und.we ufually.fayoffuchperfons, They aredifguifed. Forfuch feafting the land.moums. fthl l ’ , ! g. Whenfeaftings.arefrequent:1 Feature not for every day, that was the thing taxed in theglutton,4Wtk-i 6 . That hefared ddicioufiyeveryday. . •; ; 6 . Whm,m f>end:itoomuchi ofihe day ft.any tithe, or todmuch timeanydayinfeafting i whenwedinetill night, dndfupallor a great part ofthe night: this ischambering and mntojmefs, thjs