Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Vert 66 Chap. 1, An Expoftion upon the BookofJ 0B. 5, iug ofthe fecund aû in theText,firít he fent and fanótified them ; and fecondly, he offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all, Now follows the ground or the reafon of this aft of Job, both in fànEtifying them, and in offering Sacrifices for them. For Job Paid, It may be that myfans have finned, and curfed God in their hearts. Holy duties muff be grounded upon Reafon. There mutt be a Reafon why we pray, before we pray; we mull fee caufe for it and great caufe too. To pray out of cuftome and formality, to of- fer fácrifice only becaufe it is a day offacrifice, is not praying nor facrifîcing. Job had a°fpecial Reafon, For Job faid, it may be my fon: have finned. Let us examine theReafon a little ; It may be myfans havefin- «ed. What is it come to an it may bewith Job, that his Ions have finned ? What Ions had Job ? Surely they were more then men, that the Father is but at a que(lion, whether his Ions have finned or no.Solomon after an If concerning tìn,refòlves it into a conclu- fìon, a Kings 8. 46. If(fàith'he) theyfin againft thee (here he makes a fuppofition, but you fie he goes not one Rep from it be- fore he makes a direct affertion j for (faith he) there is no man that finneth not: and yet job puts it with an uncorrected If,or, It may be myfans havefinned. For the opening of this. Without all queftion Job was fully and throughly ftudyed in that point of the univerfal corruption ofman ; his difpeetings (as we !hall feeafterwards in this Book) fuffrcientlyevince it. What is man (faith he) that hefhould be per- felt ? or he that is born ofa woman, that hefhouldbe clean ? Here, by finning then, we are to underftand fomething more then ordi- mary finning. To tin fometime is put for common and daily infir- mities, fuch as do infeparably and inevitably cleave untous, fuch as, confidering the fiate and condition wherein we are, having corruptflefh andbloodabout us, we cannot be freed from. As a man, who in the Morning watheth his hands and goes about his bufinefs and affairs in the world, though he Both not puddle in the mire,or rake among dunghils;yet when he returns home a- gain to dinner,or at night;ifhe wafh, he !irides that he hath con- traded forne uncleannefs, and that his hands are foul : we cannot converfe in an unclean anddirty world with our bodies,but fome uncleannefs will fatten upon thtm.So it is with the foul,the fouls o£