Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. An Expolrtion upon the Boob, of j O B: VerC 6. proofenough before the Law, though this be. fpread. The Holy Ghofi hath told us onely.that there was aday, or a certain time, inen the fons of God. In.Gen. 6.' 2. The ofteri. of Seth (who were the viliible to refeitir. p `y Chyfofl. Church at that time) are called the./ons of God. The unauu ous uinegat an- conkilt ofall Expofi tors( I have met with)is,that here the Ions of getos impart God are the good Angels ; fo aïfo they are called, Cap. 38. 7. DeiarLtd. cs of this Bcok. Some it may be will obje& agaitift this Expolìtion that of the Apoflie in Heb. 1.5. To which of the Angelis fáid he Read more ofat any time, Thouart ny Son ? How thendo you interpret here, this?point cap, that the foes of God are the Angels,whenas the Apoltle hathex- where prell, that which of the Angels,6c. h the, whole I anfwer at te.An es.are not t e fan oltle God as the A vcrfc is re.. f P peared, there expreffeth ; they are not thefont of God by eternal generati- on; but they are thefòns ofGod by temporal Creation, for fo he fpeaks there, To which of the Angels raid he, Thou art my Son, this day have 1 begotten thee ? They are not the begotten fins of . Gcd, but they are the createdfops of God. And the Angels are called thefons ofGod in three refpeCts. Firfl, Becaufe oftheir great&and mighty power;therefore Epk. a. 21. they are called; Principalities andPowers ; far above Frite-. cipalities and Powers,andMight andDominions, that is, far above all Angels. They are called thefops ofGod, becaufe they are like God in power and dignity. Thenagain they are called thefans ofGod, becaufe they ferve God as fans, chearfiilly, willingly, readily. They do not obey as llaves,as fcrvants,as the heft of fervants,they obey better then the belt offervants, they obey as children : they go about their work with filial andfan-lice chearfulnefs and delight. Thirdly,they arecalledfons,becaufe of the great priviledge that Goddoth vouchfafe them;he doth life themas his children, as his /Oils, they are his Courtiers, they are near him, always attending him,and continually fee his faec:they have the priviledge of fins Came to prefnt thimfelves before the Lord. Not that the Angels are at any time out of the prefenceofGod, for Chrift isexprefs in that Math. IS. I o. Their Angels do al- ways behold theface of my Father. But they, are then laid to conic