Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. "3 2. an Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf..13. multitude of men in the world. Now that which few have, all who have 1r- are ready to be proud of. No man is proud of that which is everymans ; no man is proud that he is aman, or proud that he path reafon, becaufe that is common to all men ; but all men are not wife, all men are not learned , all men have not an impsoved wifdotne, reafon, and underPranding ;_ that bath apecu liarity in it, and therefore of that many are proud. Seèondly, 'vVifdome is not only rare, but very ufefull, and (which reacheth this poynt more fully) very o.namentall ; and howapt are we/ to be proud of our ornaments ? A man is not proud of his ordinary Clothes, nor a woman of her every-day, drelfe, but when a man or woman have, their ornaments and Jewells on, their Gay-cloathing and rich apparel on, then they areapt to be proud and lifted up, fo it is in this cafe ; Wifdome is like,Gay- cloathing,it is aJewell, anornament, and therefore man is under a temptation when helhath any thing of wifdome,, efpecially any eminency of wifdome about him, to be lifted up -and defpife others: yea, to arrogate great things tohimfelfe, and toprefume that he can doe no fmall matters withhis braine, or the engine Of his' underflanding. It is a great attainment to be full Ofknowledge, and full ofhumility , high' in parts, and lowly -in ; Left ye fhouldfay,we havefoundout wifdome. god thrufletb hind downe not man ; or as others read , God' hoth coil him do-one 'not man. The Omnipotent loth refs him not man; fairh Mr. Broughton The }vordfigniñes to tofs a man (as it were) in ablanket, That is, to tots him aswe pleat farre enough from his pleafure,or-to tors him in openview. As if they. had fayd, fee how' the omnipotent toffeth this man ;.The Omnipotent tofeth-him not man. There are two references of there words given by Expofiters. Fir , Some expound them as thewords of Elihu. Secondly, Others as the words ofSobs three friends.. Fir1I , Left ye fhouldfay; we have found outwi fdome I ( faith Elihu) fay, Godfhall thrult him down not man. That's the prin- ciple by which I will deale with fob , and fo thrutll him downe from that opinion which.he bath of himCelfe, and humble him, ( that'sthe fence of the words ( dorsal him downe ) according to this interpretation) God lball:doeit and not man. Some of the learned 7