Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

88 Chap. 3 2. An Expoátion upan the Book of J o B. Verf, t 3. Non efl hoc o- learned in1lt much upon this interpretation;whereiheat,/ is Cup- pus ulliáu ho- poled making a great difcovery of his humility, as not daring to minis ut Iobum 5 depet at a fua undertake job himfelfe, but going aboút it in the ftrengch and fèntentia, fed power of God ; As if he had faid, '. isa worke above or toohard divina-planè for man topat fob offfrom thatopinionWherein he isfelled, Yoke virtute opus this is a worlte worthy of God, ncr can it be done byanypower, but eft. Gumtarnen &us humano that which u properlydivine, find feeingGod isgracaouflyp/eafed minflerío uta- to. ufe the mini fiery of man for thebringing about fach worker of tur gratiofè ad Grace ; farrebe itfromme that Ifhould arrogate and aJJùme that perfciendas res to myfelfc which God is pleated to workj'y any word. We may Para- hujufmndi ab,fit lel thisfpeech of Ehhuwith two other places of Scripture, which u m,quod dews will give light to it. Fitit, ( Gen. 42. i6.) A. dfofeph anfaered. fermone Pharoah, Paying, It is not in me, but Godffallgive Pharoah an an- efffeilurus efi. fwer of peace. When Pharoah pro;ofed to him his Dreames of Ian: the feven lane kine, and of the feven thin ears of Corne, fa- feph profelfed it was not in him to exr'ound them, but only in God ; and that God would doe it he was confident ; God fhall give toPharoah an anfwer of peace, I ovine no udfdocie in or of my felfe, enabling me to refolve . this qùe(ion, o: ro open thiS fecret ; If ever I doe it,'ti c God who cloth it, not I ; unlefhe he re- wale the fecret unto me, I cannot revealeit unto thee. Thus al- fo fpake Daniel, (Dan: 2. 27.) When all the wifemenof Baby- \ Ionwere foyld, andgravell'd at the Kings.porofall ,; he fecret srh:ch the King bath demanded cannotthe wife men, the Afirolo- gers, the Magicians, and the South.Payers fbeee Santo the K ng. They cannot doe is ;it is nor putbyway of interrogation, cur not they doe it ? but they cannot, by way of negative ailerrion ; how then can it be done? or who can doe it ? He answers , But there is aGod in heaven thatrevealeth ferrets, andmake: h l`sonnc to the King Nebuchadnezzar whatfkall be in. the latter daps, As if he had faid, As thy Magicianscannot, fo I will not undertake to reveale thefecret, but godboth can andwill, He will finely doe ir, _ yea, he is nowdoing it ; the text fpeakes as of a }repent aa, He malpeth knowneto the King, &c. Thus ( according to the exho - tionbefore us ) E/ hufai h here, Lestyefhouldfay, we have found outwit-dome ; I tell youplainly, I will not undertake him, and I am much allured ye cannot, therefore Let God thrufì himdowns, let God deale with . him, and conquer him, not I, not you, not tan, not any man. IfGodwill ufe me as apoore inftrument to doe ir, I