Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

log Chap. 32.. An Expofition lapon the Book of J o' B. Verf.r7. refolved tofhew his opinion. I (hall not flay upon anyopening of this claufe,only I (hallnote two or three things briefely from it. as conne6ted with the former verle. Therewe had Elite& wait ing,here we have him purpofing to-fpeake. Hence note. They who confider and waite before they.fpeake, fpeake mall pre- valinglyìmoll weightily. . It was long ere Elihu ventured to fpeake, but when - he did, he did it topurpofe and with full effect. Thatwhich comesfrom our owne heart,, is mofl like to rake upon the hearts of others; they fpeake as much from their hearts as with- their tonsues, Whom we fee long waiting before we heare them fpeaking. And therefore, it is not good, nonot for goòd fpeakers, to be ¶peaking before `they have been waiting ; many through haft bring forth untimely births, and unripe fruit ;. Elihu could fay, I' have waited, before he fayd, I willanfwerfor mypart. Secondly, Note. - We ought to obfarve order in fpesi ng, andad our proper part.-- Pwillanfwerfor mypart ( faith Elihu) or my turne is come to anfwet. TheApoflle Paul gives this rule at large '(t Cori 14.. _28, 29, 3o. ) He would have no Interruption , no confufion in Church -meetings, or Church-fpeakings. Thirdly , When he faith, lwillanfwer alfo for' part, I alfö° _willthew mine opinion. Note. He that hath received agift or talent, fhould make ufe of. it and not hide it. . his good to be doing our part,and (hewing our opinion' where we may be ufefull. Some love to-aó other mensparts rather then-, their owne, and to intrude. into Provinces which are not theirs. But whatfoever pur hand findes to doe (as Soloman fpeakes, Eccl: 9. a o. ) that is, whatfoever is, as Elihu here calls it,. our part, that we fhould doewith all our weight; More was given a- bout ufing -our talent and (hewing our opinion at the Tothverle of this Chapter, whether I referre the reader. Eourthly, Elites was here-but an auditor, nota difputant, not aì