Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

118 Chap. 3 2. An Expojition upon the Book.,of :J o 's. Verf, ai, jOB. Chap. 3.2. Verf. 21, 22. ¡Let me not, "I prayyou, accept any mans per,ton ther let mc giveflattering titles unto man. For I know not to give flattering titles in fa do- ing, my .Maker wouldfòon take me away. IN thefe two verles Elihas concludes (inwhich he had con- timed long ) the Preface tohis following difcourfe andpro- cedure with job ; Here afro he acquaints us : in what manner he meant toproceed with him about which we may confider two things. , Firfl , His refolvedneffe or the fetledneffe of his purpofe what courfe to take. Secondly, the reafons siich moved, him to ir. The former he expreffeth negatively in the 2rthverle, and that in two points. Firfl , Hewould not accept any mans perfen, Secondly , Hewould not giveflattering titlesuntoman. 400 Thefe two negatives ( as the negative precepts in the Law of God) are to be underllood with their affirmatives. Iwill not accept any mans perfon, is, I will have and give an equall, or nei- ther a morenor leffe(to the beltofmy underflanding)rhen a due regard to every mans perfon.And,Iwill net giveflattering titles; that is, I purpofe tofpeak plainly, I will not complement men, 'but doe mybell to accomplrih the matter. And as he Aires us . howhe will proceed in this 3 ith verfe, fo Secondly, He gives us the reafons of this his intended im- :partiall, plain , and down-right proceeding in the 22d Thefe reafons are two-fold. Firfl, He would not doe otherwife, becaufe he could not with any content to himfelfe. It was againfl the very graine of his fpirit to doe otherwife ; his difpofition lay a quite contrary way, he was a man of another, genius or temper, a man of another mould and make, then to doe fuch low and unworthy things, as accepting the perlonsof, or giving flatteringtitles unto men. He is expreffe in this (v. z z,) I know net to give flattering titles, Second-