Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 32. An Expefitiou upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. at. 119 Secondly ,, He would not becaufe he duranotgive flattering titles, nor accept the perfens.ofmen. The danger and dammage he fhould incurre'by doing,fo, kept him from doing fo, as wel as his owne indifpofition to ir. He il:ould lay himfelfe open and ob- xnoxious to the wrath of God by fuck Peeking the favour of men ; as appeares in'the clofe of the verfe ; Infodoing my Maker would fools take, me, away. Thus you have the parts and purpofe of thefe words'; 1 (hall now give a more diflin& explication and account of them. 'Verf. zs Let me not; Ipray you, . accept any mans perfon ; or, let me not now. -*So that particle is rendred (Tob S. t. ) Call now , if there be 83 adverbial any that will anfwer thee; yet 'tis anAdverb of befeechingor in- feu párticula treating ; and therefore we render wel, Let me not , Ipray you a hortandi, uc which rendring feemes to have in it thefe two things, As if Eli- fodes, ainbs bu had fayd, latinisc,. Fir(l , Expe& not that I should, nor believe that I will doe a- ny fuch thing, as the accepting ofperfons,or the giving of flatter- ing titles. Secondly, Be not offended if I doenot,be not angry with me, if I deale plainly with you ; pray give me leave to use my owne freedome and libertywhen I am (peaking ; for I am refolved to doe it , and not to accept the perfons of men, nor to give them flattering titles. The words may be rendred alfo in a dire& ne- gation, VerilyIwill not accept any mansperfon. But Ishall keep Noñ occpiaín,.. to our reading. ut lit Ltpro ;,262 quæ enal- Let menot, I pray you, accept any mans perfon,.' lade infolens non ef}. Druf The Hebrew is , Let me not lift up any mans perfon ; or (which the Apoflle forbids) Let'me not have any mans perfon an admira- tion ; I will not over reverence any matt, nor give him a refpe& beyond hirnfelfe. The word which we render perfon, is in He- old +la :: brew, face, Lett.not not i'ft up the face.of aman, or wonder at any mans face, as the Septuagint often render this phrafe. And it is ufuall to put the face, or the countenance for the perfon, becaufe the face declares the perfon and (hews who the mans is; and it is elegantly expreffed by the face , becaufe accepting of perfons, importeth a refpe& to others for their outfide, err. rn=confiderati- on:.